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Former President and Commander-In-Chief: America Is No Longer a Democracy


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And Says Snowden’s Revelations are “Helpful”

One of Germany’s biggest newspapers – Spiegel – reports:

Many other high-level U.S. officials have also warned that the U.S. is no longer a democracy.

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter … in the wake of the NSA spying scandal criticized the American political system. “America has no functioning democracy,” Carter said Tuesday at a meeting of the “Atlantic Bridge” in Atlanta.

Carter also said that the moral authority of of the U.S. has sharply declined due to excessive restriction of civil rights.

And – like many other top American officials – Carter also said that Edward Snowden’s revelations do not harm our national security, but are “useful”.

Source: Washington Blog

Related Source: International Business Times

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That presumes that a nation that had institutionalized racism and genocide for most of its past had "moral authority" in the first place. Supporting dictators, indefinite detention, torture, preemptive war, and eroding civil liberties at home is not surprising.

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America never was a democracy. it is a representative Republic, so says the Constitution.

Quite true, but it does hold a democracy of sorts where the people are suppose to be able to vote for what they want. A strict democracy is dangerous but a Constitutional Republic is usually much better if the morally right people are in charge of representing the Nation.

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Federal laws are never up for vote.....Only Congress writes them so no you don't get to vote for what you want. You do not even directly vote for the President, you vote for a electoral college representative that casts a vote for you for the President. That representative is not bound by your choice either.

You only get to vote directly for representatives for the House of Representatives and the Senate nothing else as far as the US government goes. And the Senate was only changed by Amendment to the Constitution in 1913 to allow you to vote for them. Prior to that your Senator was chosen for you by the State Government.

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Federal laws are never up for vote.....Only Congress writes them so no you don't get to vote for what you want. You do not even directly vote for the President, you vote for a electoral college representative that casts a vote for you for the President. That representative is not bound by your choice either.

You only get to vote directly for representatives for the House of Representatives and the Senate nothing else as far as the US government goes. And the Senate was only changed by Amendment to the Constitution in 1913 to allow you to vote for them. Prior to that your Senator was chosen for you by the State Government.

Good points. The illusion of the USA being a democracy is simply that, an illusion. If the people (who give their power to the government to hold sovereignty) withdraw their consent to be mistreated by standing up in mass, have an awakening, and peacefully protest, we can incorporate a more free and structured government that respects human rights globally and end the continued and prolonged injustice that these wars we have been spear heading for so very long.

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There is not need to change the current form of Government. There is only a need to limit corporations and take money out of the process. Corporations are not individuals and should have no rights.

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fyi even in carters adminastration the goverment was doing the same thing it does today on the same scale i know my grandpa handeled all that info

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democracy as opposed to the democracies in russia?? really ambro...now there is democratically elected dictator for lack of any other words to describe putin..enr when he was not in charge it was apparent he was ruling form the back rooms...you have no idea what you're saying half the time and the other time you are spouting dogma and rhetoric ... nor do have any idea how lucky you are to be living in the land of the free and home of the brave... go spend some time with the few world 2 vets in your local home town before they are no longer around and unable to show and tell you what is truly important in this world...funny thing is you have yet to say that ANY one in charge in the usa federal government was NOT a minion of the NWO...

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OMG the ultimate proof that disasters and weather have been weaponized... and thought it was all a lie ..


edit..so i admit it this should be posted in jokes but it the on the same level of real and truthful "proof" that is supplied from alex j and his web site

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OMG the ultimate proof that disasters and weather have been weaponized... and thought it was all a lie ..


edit..so i admit it this should be posted in jokes but it the on the same level of real and truthful "proof" that is supplied from alex j and his web site

He may have carried the story but he didn't author it. There are multiple sources, as well as related sources. You poke fun at me for posting History Channel and TruTV videos, that's fine. I remember growing up as a kid, back in the day when the History Channel published only known facts, the stuff everybody already sort of knew. Now days they are waving it in your face trying to show you slightly innocently that this stuff is going on. It's not always true, in fact I'm sure some of it is propaganda too, not referring to that sharknado thing.

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democracy as opposed to the democracies in russia?? really ambro...now there is democratically elected dictator for lack of any other words to describe putin..enr when he was not in charge it was apparent he was ruling form the back rooms...you have no idea what you're saying half the time and the other time you are spouting dogma and rhetoric ... nor do have any idea how lucky you are to be living in the land of the free and home of the brave... go spend some time with the few world 2 vets in your local home town before they are no longer around and unable to show and tell you what is truly important in this world...funny thing is you have yet to say that ANY one in charge in the usa federal government was NOT a minion of the NWO...

We share opposing view points based on data we choose to hear and take in VS data we choose to exclude from our consciousness. If you predetermine what reality already is without continual personal evaluation of life's circumstances, with no room for higher understanding because you can't fathom, you perform a sort of intellectual censorship. Prejudice against info because of the character of a person, stereotype, judging a book by it's cover and NOT it's detailed contents. You need to wake up and I say that with no hostile emotions towards you. I want you and millions of others like you to see the bigger picture. There is nearly unlimited proof in many various ways but you can't be made to believe, that must be a willing conscious effort to want to know.

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you cherry pick your PROOF and totally ignore everything else that does not fit into your big bad USA government is out to kill us all off theory... even after you evidence is proven wrong you still hold onto it as the truth, refuse to accept your facts as wrong and call everyone liers or misguided and hoodwinked by the NWO...then quietly move onto the NEXT big false flag or whatever else your gullible minds conjures up next..or should i say alex tells you to do

edit...please take your own advice...the last line of your last post....There is nearly unlimited proof in many various ways but you can't be made to believe, that must be a willing conscious effort to want to know. you willing only WANT to believe only your conspiracies and nothing is allowed to get in the way of that belief..that much is evident by your belligerent attitude and your total refusal to look any facts that oppose your view..well correction you look at them but totally discount them at lies..you hold not shred of objectivity whatsoever..anyone can see that on your posts and the way to talk to anyone with an opposing view to yours..you are wrong and so very terribly wrong it is mentally unhealthy

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you cherry pick your PROOF and totally ignore everything else that does not fit into your big bad USA government is out to kill us all off theory... even after you evidence is proven wrong you still hold onto it as the truth, refuse to accept your facts as wrong and call everyone liers or misguided and hoodwinked by the NWO...then quietly move onto the NEXT big false flag or whatever else your gullible minds conjures up next..or should i say alex tells you to do

edit...please take your own advice...the last line of your last post....There is nearly unlimited proof in many various ways but you can't be made to believe, that must be a willing conscious effort to want to know. you willing only WANT to believe only your conspiracies and nothing is allowed to get in the way of that belief..that much is evident by your belligerent attitude and your total refusal to look any facts that oppose your view..well correction you look at them but totally discount them at lies..you hold not shred of objectivity whatsoever..anyone can see that on your posts and the way to talk to anyone with an opposing view to yours..you are wrong and so very terribly wrong it is mentally unhealthy

I try not to engage in mental censorship. I already explained that not all of the people in government are bad, but you make it sound like I said otherwise. I pick information that you don't agree with because you have been taught to not agree with it, I'm trying to break your conditioning. You say I have been proven wrong but I never have been, all I hear is more insults against what I have discovered versus what you mentally won't think about. I will correct myself and I have corrected myself before when I get some stuff wrong but you act like that isn't true.

My mind is not gullible but on one hand it is more open to hear the things that I know are being suppressed. People deserve to know how they are being affected because those methods that affect you are not well known very often by people and so they can't understand how they are being affected.

Why not ask me specific questions about things? Before you assume you know me, ask me some questions without being so heated up.

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After reading and watching it all, I believe all of ambro's post, especially the video!
Who wouldn't want to believe it? It is a video of true people and if that is not convincing he will show 100 more videos just to prove its trueness.
I believe you that there is really a NEW WORLD ORDER and it is under cobra administration.
The U.S. president Obama is not really the real U.S. president Obama
The one we saw on tv and news is the impostor that looks like obama using nanomites to look just like obama
G.I JOE is true and under a real name called expendables and it is now showing in part 2.
Believe it before its too late and watch it in HD 1080p. ;)

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that makes total sense..(nonsense) but by the yard stick some use to discern reality from fantasy to make lies and innuendo real proof of concept it can be be taken it must be real...and you even have video proof too

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that makes total sense..(nonsense) but by the yard stick some use to discern reality from fantasy to make lies and innuendo real proof of concept it can be be taken it must be real...and you even have video proof too

Besides insulting me and my sanity, what evidence have you posted? Who do you look up to? Who do you trust? Have you ever experienced anything out of the ordinary in your life?

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unfortunately ambro...you have posted zero evidence...Just debunked conspiracy theories....If you actually ever find any EVIDENCE....Let us know....In the meantime you will convince none.

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unfortunately ambro...you have posted zero evidence...Just debunked conspiracy theories....If you actually ever find any EVIDENCE....Let us know....In the meantime you will convince none.

Have you ever personally watched the videos or read the full articles or asked questions?

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unfortunately ambro...you have posted zero evidence...Just debunked conspiracy theories....If you actually ever find any EVIDENCE....Let us know....In the meantime you will convince none.

Have you ever personally watched the videos or read the full articles or asked questions?

I have personally started all your video PROOFS but once it was 20 seconds( some i actually viewed completely but could not stop laughing at the audacity..even 12 hours later..you have posted NO repeat no proof ambro..any tom dick or harry can post (read this as totally fabricate)a conspiracy on line as long as it contains the new world order or USA government or false flag or any of the numerous "buzz words" you continually fall for and if you picked up on it you are are on autopilot to believe it 110% ... back to your videos... all of them and it is evident, are chalk full of old lies rehashed as new lies or new lies put forward and not a single one of them has ever or will ever hold up to any scrutiny or even half assed scrutiny

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