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New Obama Executive Order Seeks ‘Control’ Over Communications During ‘Crisis’


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Executive Order — Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions


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By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. The Federal Government must have the ability to communicate at all times and under all circumstances to carry out its most critical and time sensitive missions. Survivable, resilient, enduring, and effective communications, both domestic and international, are essential to enable the executive branch to communicate within itself and with: the legislative and judicial branches; State, local, territorial, and tribal governments; private sector entities; and the public, allies, and other nations. Such communications must be possible under all circumstances to ensure national security, effectively manage emergencies, and improve national resilience. The views of all levels of government, the private and nonprofit sectors, and the public must inform the development of national security and emergency preparedness (NS/EP) communications policies, programs, and capabilities.

Sec. 2. Executive Office Responsibilities.

Sec. 2.1. Policy coordination, guidance, dispute resolution, and periodic in-progress reviews for the functions described and assigned herein shall be provided through the interagency process established in Presidential Policy Directive-1 of February 13, 2009 (Organization of the National Security Council System) (PPD-1).

Sec. 2.2. The Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) shall: (a) issue an annual memorandum to the NS/EP Communications Executive Committee (established in section 3 of this order) highlighting national priorities for Executive Committee analyses, studies, research, and development regarding NS/EP communications;

(b ) advise the President on the prioritization of radio spectrum and wired communications that support NS/EP functions; and

© have access to all appropriate information related to the test, exercise, evaluation, and readiness of the capabilities of all existing and planned NS/EP communications systems, networks, and facilities to meet all executive branch NS/EP requirements.

Sec. 2.3. The Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and the Director of OSTP shall make recommendations to the President, informed by the interagency policy process established in PPD-1, with respect to the exercise of authorities assigned to the President under section 706 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (47 U.S.C. 606).

The Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and the Director of OSTP shall also jointly monitor the exercise of these authorities, in the event of any delegation, through the process established in PPD-1 or as the President otherwise may direct.

Sec. 3. The NS/EP Communications Executive Committee.

Sec. 3.1. There is established an NS/EP Communications Executive Committee (Executive Committee) to serve as a forum to address NS/EP communications matters.

Sec. 3.2. The Executive Committee shall be composed of Assistant Secretary-level or equivalent representatives designated by the heads of the Departments of State, Defense, Justice, Commerce, and Homeland Security, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), the General Services Administration, and the Federal Communications Commission, as well as such additional agencies as the Executive Committee may designate. The designees of the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of Defense shall serve as Co-Chairs of the Executive Committee.

Sec. 3.3. The responsibilities of the Executive Committee shall be to: (a) advise and make policy recommendations to the President, through the PPD-1 process, on enhancing the survivability, resilience, and future architecture of NS/EP communications, including what should constitute NS/EP communications requirements;

(b ) develop a long-term strategic vision for NS/EP communications and propose funding requirements and plans to the President and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), through the PPD-1 process, for NS/EP communications initiatives that benefit multiple agencies or other Federal entities;

© coordinate the planning for, and provision of, NS/EP communications for the Federal Government under all hazards;

(d) promote the incorporation of the optimal combination of hardness, redundancy, mobility, connectivity, interoperability, restorability, and security to obtain, to the maximum extent practicable, the survivability of NS/EP communications under all circumstances;

(e) recommend to the President, through the PPD-1 process, the regimes to test, exercise, and evaluate the capabilities of existing and planned communications systems, networks, or facilities to meet all executive branch NS/EP communications requirements, including any recommended remedial actions;

(f) provide quarterly updates to the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and the Director of OSTP, through the Co-Chairs, on the status of Executive Committee activities and develop an annual NS/EP communications strategic agenda utilizing the PPD-1 process;

(g) enable industry input with respect to the responsibilities established in this section; and

(h) develop, approve, and maintain a charter for the Executive Committee.

Sec. 4. Executive Committee Joint Program Office.

Sec. 4.1. The Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish an Executive Committee Joint Program Office (JPO) to provide full-time, expert, and administrative support for the Executive Committee’s performance of its responsibilities under section 3.3 of this order. Staff of the JPO shall include detailees, as needed and appropriate, from agencies represented on the Executive Committee. The Department of Homeland Security shall provide resources to support the JPO. The JPO shall be responsive to the guidance of the Executive Committee.

Sec. 4.2. The responsibilities of the JPO shall include: coordination of programs that support NS/EP missions, priorities, goals, and policy; and, when directed by the Executive Committee, the convening of governmental and nongovernmental groups (consistent with the Federal Advisory Committees Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. App.)), coordination of activities, and development of policies for senior official review and approval.

Sec. 5. Specific Department and Agency Responsibilities.

Sec. 5.1. The Secretary of Defense shall: (a) oversee the development, testing, implementation, and sustainment of NS/EP communications that are directly responsive to the national security needs of the President, Vice President, and senior national leadership, including: communications with or among the President, Vice President, White House staff, heads of state and government, and Nuclear Command and Control leadership; Continuity of Government communications; and communications among the executive, judicial, and legislative branches to support Enduring Constitutional Government;

(b ) incorporate, integrate, and ensure interoperability and the optimal combination of hardness, redundancy, mobility, connectivity, interoperability, restorability, and security to obtain, to the maximum extent practicable, the survivability of NS/EP communications defined in section 5.1(a) of this order under all circumstances, including conditions of crisis or emergency;

© provide to the Executive Committee the technical support necessary to develop and maintain plans adequate to provide for the security and protection of NS/EP communications; and

(d) provide, operate, and maintain communication services and facilities adequate to execute responsibilities consistent with Executive Order 12333 of December 4, 1981, as amended.

Sec. 5.2. The Secretary of Homeland Security shall: (a) oversee the development, testing, implementation, and sustainment of NS/EP communications, including: communications that support Continuity of Government; Federal, State, local, territorial, and tribal emergency preparedness and response communications; non-military executive branch communications systems; critical infrastructure protection networks; and non-military communications networks, particularly with respect to prioritization and restoration;

(b ) incorporate, integrate, and ensure interoperability and the necessary combination of hardness, redundancy, mobility, connectivity, interoperability, restorability, and security to obtain, to the maximum extent practicable, the survivability of NS/EP communications defined in section 5.2(a) of this order under all circumstances, including conditions of crisis or emergency;

© provide to the Executive Committee the technical support necessary to develop and maintain plans adequate to provide for the security and protection of NS/EP communications;

(d) receive, integrate, and disseminate NS/EP communications information to the Federal Government and State, local, territorial, and tribal governments, as appropriate, to establish situational awareness, priority setting recommendations, and a common operating picture for NS/EP communications information;

(e) satisfy priority communications requirements through the use of commercial, Government, and privately owned communications resources, when appropriate;

(f) maintain a joint industry-Government center that is capable of assisting in the initiation, coordination, restoration, and reconstitution of NS/EP communications services or facilities under all conditions of emerging threats, crisis, or emergency;

(g) serve as the Federal lead for the prioritized restoration of communications infrastructure and coordinate the prioritization and restoration of communications, including resolution of any conflicts in or among priorities, in coordination with the Secretary of Defense when activities referenced in section 5.1(a) of this order are impacted, consistent with the National Response Framework. If conflicts in or among priorities cannot be resolved between the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security, they shall be referred for resolution in accordance with section 2.1 of this order; and

(h) within 60 days of the date of this order, in consultation with the Executive Committee where appropriate, develop and submit to the President, through the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, a detailed plan that describes the Department of Homeland

Security’s organization and management structure for its NS/EP communications functions, including the Government Emergency Telecommunications Service, Wireless Priority Service, Telecommunications Service Priority program, Next Generation Network Priority program, the Executive Committee JPO, and relevant supporting entities.

Sec. 5.3. The Secretary of Commerce shall: (a) provide advice and guidance to the Executive Committee on the use of technical standards and metrics to support execution of NS/EP communications;

(b ) identify for the Executive Committee requirements for additional technical standards and metrics to enhance NS/EP communications;

© engage with relevant standards development organizations to develop appropriate technical standards and metrics to enhance NS/EP communications;

(d) develop plans and procedures concerning radio spectrum allocations, assignments, and priorities for use by agencies and executive offices;

(e) develop, maintain, and publish policies, plans, and procedures for the management and use of radio frequency assignments, including the authority to amend, modify, or revoke such assignments, in those parts of the electromagnetic spectrum assigned to the Federal Government; and

(f) administer a system of radio spectrum priorities for those spectrum-dependent telecommunications resources belonging to and operated by the Federal Government and certify or approve such radio spectrum priorities, including the resolution of conflicts in or among such radio spectrum priorities during a crisis or emergency.

Sec. 5.4. The Administrator of General Services shall provide and maintain a common Federal acquisition approach that allows for the efficient centralized purchasing of equipment and services that meet NS/EP communications requirements. Nothing in this section shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect the procurement authorities granted by law to an agency or the head thereof.

Sec. 5.5. With respect to the Intelligence Community, the DNI, after consultation with the heads of affected agencies, may issue such policy directives and guidance as the DNI deems necessary to implement this order. Procedures or other guidance issued by the heads of elements of the Intelligence Community shall be in accordance with such policy directives or guidelines issued by the DNI.

Sec. 5.6. The Federal Communications Commission performs such functions as are required by law, including: (a) with respect to all entities licensed or regulated by the Federal Communications Commission: the extension, discontinuance, or reduction of common carrier facilities or services; the control of common carrier rates, charges, practices, and classifications; the construction, authorization, activation, deactivation, or closing of radio stations, services, and facilities; the assignment of radio frequencies to Federal Communications Commission licensees; the investigation of violations of pertinent law; and the assessment of communications service provider emergency needs and resources; and

(b ) supporting the continuous operation and restoration of critical communications systems and services by assisting the Secretary of Homeland Security with infrastructure damage assessment and restoration, and by providing the Secretary of Homeland Security with information collected by the Federal Communications Commission on communications infrastructure, service outages, and restoration, as appropriate.

Sec. 6. General Agency Responsibilities. All agencies, to the extent consistent with law, shall: (a) determine the scope of their NS/EP communications requirements, and provide information regarding such requirements to the Executive Committee;

(b ) prepare policies, plans, and procedures concerning communications facilities, services, or equipment under their management or operational control to maximize their capability to respond to the NS/EP needs of the Federal Government;

© propose initiatives, where possible, that may benefit multiple agencies or other Federal entities;

(d) administer programs that support broad NS/EP communications goals and policies;

(e) submit reports annually, or as otherwise requested, to the Executive Committee, regarding agency NS/EP communications activities;

(f) devise internal acquisition strategies in support of the centralized acquisition approach provided by the General Services Administration pursuant to section 5.4 of this order; and

(g) provide the Secretary of Homeland Security with timely reporting on NS/EP communications status to inform the common operating picture required under 6 U.S.C. 321(d).

Sec. 7. General Provisions. (a) For the purposes of this order, the word “agency” shall have the meaning set forth in section 6.1(b ) of Executive Order 13526 of December 29, 2009.

(b } Executive Order 12472 of April 3, 1984, as amended, is hereby revoked.

© Executive Order 12382 of September 13, 1982, as amended, is further amended by striking the following language from section 2(e): “in his capacity as Executive Agent for the National Communications System”.

(d) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

  1. the authority granted by law to an agency, or the head thereof; or
  1. the functions of the Director of the OMB relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(e) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(f) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.


SOURCE: Whitehouse.gov


Related video which breaks it down. Watch it or not, it doesn't matter:

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reported. same old flamebait

Use of quotes in title ("Control" and "Crisis") intentionally used to sensationalise an ordinary issue and to inflame

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Yes. In an emergency (terrorist attack, natural disaster, fertilizer plant exploding, etc.) it is necessary for our government to have channels to effectively communicate and coordinate with various and sundry bits of itself and to have proper plans to use them should the need arise. Yes, this means that their calls are more important than watching Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. It should also mean that everyone is not working redundantly or at cross purposes and reduce the level of clusterfuck in a crisis.

In the US, the public airwaves are held in trust by the government on behalf of the American people. The FCC licenses different spectra for various things, but retains ownership.

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reported. same old flamebait

I find that comment very interesting with respect to your views on the man suing Apple because he saw porn on the internet.

Did someone click on the link for you, prop open your eyeballs, and force you to read this post?

Hard to miss on the home pages "Latest Community Activity" sidebar

Hard to miss the intent of the article from its title there, and as noted above, the strategically placed quotes to sensationalise and inflame.

From that alone, i knew who posted it, and almost certainly knew what form the article would take, complete with Alex Jones links

Presenting a fairly common, probably boilerplate executive order as some sort of "threat" is misleading for starters

Its just furthering the points made in my initial and subsequent referrals to moderators, and my long public explanation here: http://www.nsaneforums.com/topic/177621-leaving-nsanedown/page-3#entry605519

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This is one year old and AFAIK this appears to be yet another update of an existing EO 12472 issued by Ronald Reagan in 1984. The language has been updated to include the Internet, which quite obviously wasn’t an issue in 1984.

This particular EO doesn’t really provide any new authority to pull the plug on private communications systems to silence dissent and opposition., nor does it provide the kind of on/off-switch that rightly concerned civil libertarians in 2009.

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Only unpatriotic and treasonous people would not want to help their country during crisis.

"Executive Order -- Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions" is not the same as "New Obama Executive Order Seeks ‘Control’ Over Communications During ‘Crisis’"

You should focus on the truth instead of slanting topic names to spread perfidious propaganda. Why not go with the topic name on the original source article instead of the libellous one?

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Perhaps, since youre so into preserving (or according to most of your topics, reinstating it, because its been eroded by Obama and "The Government") democracy (against the evil Obama and "The Government", and even though youre using Alex Jones twisted logic), you'll respect the majority of views, and stop posting these inflammatory/inaccurate/plain nutty topics.?

Just a request.

Please can we put an end to this and just get on with life

p.s. Funnily enough ill probably get another PM or be sanctioned by a Mod for "mini moderating", even though ive exhaustively tried using the community guidelines procedure on reporting. This is the same community guidelines which Ambrocious's posts regularly breaks 3 parts of. Doesnt seem like any Mod wants to actually Moderate around here (im available), ive been referred to the big man himself instead.

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i still say positing of deliberate half truths, posting known or proven lies, and facts so deliberately twisted and deliberately misinterpreted and deliberately taken out of context and as to make them into something they are not... is still wrong and the fact one person out of million thinks it is ok do so and even less think it is actually true, still does not make it morally correct to such things...just because one can do something does not mean one should... posting of a dissenting view is also ok but lets ALL not get carried away this time around ....one moderator above has an excellent post about this quoted below

You should focus on the truth instead of slanting topic names to spread perfidious propaganda. Why not go with the topic name on the original source article instead of the libellous one?

this is what most are so upset about...there is no basis on truth or even an attempt to do anything other than the use of lies, snake oil selling tactics, smoke and mirrors and sleight of hand and propaganda to advance a very sick person's agenda

report and comment on real news as is done very occasionally... not the stuff you wish to use as a tool to support a false agenda

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After the criticism I was forced to look into details...which I should have done before fully posting. I have found an inconsistency in the story for one big reason...it's being reported in the video as if it was THIS year, but the date says July 6th 2012.


On the side people have been showing me some videos about Alex Jones...some info that makes me doubt what he's all about, or at least in part. I see he posts good stuff most of the time but sometimes he seems to make mistakes in ways that I can't overlook anymore.

To my critics, know this; I'm starting to hear you more often. If I in the end I find out I was wrong, as I said before, I will humbly admit it. I would hate to have to swing the infowar against Alex Jones but since I AM looking for the truth, I'll consider anything that is presented before me as anyone should.

Having said that, I can't frame Alex as some criminal just yet...but this is starting to worry me.

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On the side people have been showing me some videos about Alex Jones...some info that makes me doubt what he's all about, or at least in part.

Could someone please post links to videos mentioned above. Thanx
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On the side people have been showing me some videos about Alex Jones...some info that makes me doubt what he's all about, or at least in part.
Could someone please post links to videos mentioned above. Thanx

Well the videos in question are half baked to be honest with you but still, I take it as a responsibility to find the TRUTH in the matters of things happening. Here is one video of Alex Jones way back in 1999 that someone tried to say was "evidence" but I don't think so:


Now the "conspiracy theory" here is that Bill Hicks IS Alex Jones. This wasn't the evidence that got me wondering however, what got me thinking was an article about Alex Jones being a sort of informational double agent who is being controlled by a Startfor. I personally don't have that proof, but in an article by Alex Jones' critic David Chase Taylor, he states that Alex Jones works for them. Alex Jones HIT PIECE HERE.

I haven't proven anything bad about Alex Jones yet, minus a few human errors in speech and your occasional slip up with dates of events or people's names misspelled. I'm not looking to burn Alex Jones, I'm actually looking at all the evidence, pro and con. If I tout myself to be an investigator of life, I really should look at as much information as I can, and then decide.

Having said that, I think Alex is genuine in what he says but I need to see what he is all about in a very broad manner as well. I'll even listen to idiots and critics if I think it'll get me some place in the right direction of information lol.

In the past some people (no one here at nsane) have introduced me to a man who is supposedly the absolute real deal, William Cooper, whom the cops shot and killed on his front porch on November 5th, 2001 for being the actual person to reveal that 9/11 was an inside job.

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None of that is true....Give infowars a break....They are not worth the energy used to click their chitty link.

And lol Alex Jones again?

Did you actually read the stuff you posted from Whitehouse.gov?

Are you really surprised that the US Government would seek to establish secure lines of communication for itself that is uninterrupted?

There is absolutely nothing it that about taking over all communications. Though they no doubt have a way to break into TV Cable etc in an emergency to broadcast what they need to.

And here is the important part...That explains it.

As part of its mission the executive committee will develop a long-term strategic plan and propose funding initiatives to support the incorporation of the necessary redundancy, mobility, interoperability and restorability of government communications capabilities "under all circumstances."

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Say isn't Inforwars and Alex Jones the one and same claiming that the Oklahoma tornadoes were weather weapons used by the US Government on the People of Oklahoma?

Why aren't you running full page with that newzzzz.....

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Say isn't Inforwars and Alex Jones the one and same claiming that the Oklahoma tornadoes were weather weapons used by the US Government on the People of Oklahoma?

Why aren't you running full page with that newzzzz.....

Actually no. The specific thing you are talking about is a distortion by Rachael Maddow I believe, speaking to her audience as if they were stupid. This was a while back now, a caller called into the show and asked Alex if he thinks it was a weather weapon (the Oklahoma tornado) and he said that they have the ability to modify weather (just ask old farmers, they will tell you this is true now for many years) but he said on record that this was most likely a normal tornado.

Since the 1960's (late 1940's the method was discovered), the government has been able to do things such as "cloud seed". The History Channel even speaks of the possibilities of weather weapons, here is a video clip of that:


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ambro... good logical and constructive thinking on your part to truly question any and all facts .. how many times does someone have to be caught in a bold faced lie before their entire character and "what they are truly about" is rightly put into question... alex does on occasion take actual facts on certain things he says on site but also is very guilty of adding a few "extras" to the text that totally change the context as for the police the military all governments(not just the USA) , your local town council or mayor, in fact even your best friends... that all are not perfect or totally honest at all times nor is is anyone immune or capable of seeing the bullsh**$ from the truth at all times but i also suggest that any true democratic country is by far better at getting more honest people in charge who are truly looking out for the best interests of all in that particular country and do their best to safeguard freedoms than any other country in the world that does not elect leaders(read this as the USA being a great place for this)... true democracy does not have or allow anything but this because the biggest check and balance is THE people....as long as you are not just sitting back and playing games ...good on you ambro..but really if you still think 911 was a false flag op..you need to dig a lot deeper than you have

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Dude there is VIDEO of Alex Jones saying it from his own mouth on Youtube....There is still an article on Infowars stating the same....You might want to check out more searches.

Hey I get it you hate Obama….But chill; he will leave office in Jan 2017. He is not going to be there forever. Part of the whole system is that it is all temporary….You don’t like someone in office get out there and stump for the person you want and go vote for them. If they don’t win, it is okay…they are limited to the term of the office.

Many millions hated that wart on the US’s backside GW Bush…Did they all go out there and make up tons of conspiracies and accuse him of everything evil? Yes some did but most of the rest of us just ignored him as much as possible, got on with our droll daily lives and sat out the 8 years he was there. He did a lot of damage to the US’s reputation and to the economy but hey that’s life and nothing can change the past.

You can take heart from the fact the NeoCons have nobody to stir up the imagination of the population, you will no doubt end up with another Dem to hate in 2017. Perhaps even a Woman. Look forward to all the Conspiracies you can come across when that comes to pass.

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ambro..cloud seeding was done to mitigate hail damage on your local farmers wheat crop... not weaponizing weather

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Dude there is VIDEO of Alex Jones saying it from his own mouth on Youtube....There is still an article on Infowars stating the same....You might want to check out more searches.

Hey I get it you hate Obama….But chill; he will leave office in Jan 2017. He is not going to be there forever. Part of the whole system is that it is all temporary….You don’t like someone in office get out there and stump for the person you want and go vote for them. If they don’t win, it is okay…they are limited to the term of the office.

Many millions hated that wart on the US’s backside GW Bush…Did they all go out there and make up tons of conspiracies and accuse him of everything evil? Yes some did but most of the rest of us just ignored him as much as possible, got on with our droll daily lives and sat out the 8 years he was there. He did a lot of damage to the US’s reputation and to the economy but hey that’s life and nothing can change the past.

You can take heart from the fact the NeoCons have nobody to stir up the imagination of the population, you will no doubt end up with another Dem to hate in 2017. Perhaps even a Woman. Look forward to all the Conspiracies you can come across when that comes to pass.

Post the link(s) to the article(s) you are talking about please, I would like to see Alex Jones saying this.

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Watch the Video here and listen to what he says. You can use Google to find the rest of it. You can find the video on Youtube as well if you prefer that.


On the May 21 edition of The Alex Jones Show, a caller asked Jones whether he was planning to cover how government technology may be behind a recent spate of sinkholes. After laying out how insurance companies use weather modification to avoid having to pay ski resorts for lack of snow, Jones said that "of course there's weather weapon stuff going on -- we had floods in Texas like fifteen years ago, killed thirty-something people in one night. Turned out it was the Air Force."

Following a long tangent, Jones returned to the caller's subject. While he explained that "natural tornadoes" do exist and that he's not sure if a government "weather weapon" was involved in the Oklahoma disaster, Jones warned nonetheless that the government "can create and steer groups of tornadoes."

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and just how logical does that all sound...and if anyone could actually steer a tornado or create floods or cause earthquakes and volcanoes and minus 40 weather to just name a few natural disasters ..WHY would they use on their own people.

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After the criticism I was forced to look into details...which I should have done before fully posting. I have found an inconsistency in the story for one big reason...it's being reported in the video as if it was THIS year, but the date says July 6th 2012.


On the side people have been showing me some videos about Alex Jones...some info that makes me doubt what he's all about, or at least in part. I see he posts good stuff most of the time but sometimes he seems to make mistakes in ways that I can't overlook anymore.

To my critics, know this; I'm starting to hear you more often. If I in the end I find out I was wrong, as I said before, I will humbly admit it. I would hate to have to swing the infowar against Alex Jones but since I AM looking for the truth, I'll consider anything that is presented before me as anyone should.

Having said that, I can't frame Alex as some criminal just yet...but this is starting to worry me.

nobody ever said alex is a criminal(ok..yes they have) hopefully you are also beginning to see he is capable of at best ...purposefully misleading the masses... and that my friend is the same as a lie because the intent in the same as a lie...sort of like when someone tells you after being caught stealing form you and their excuse is ...you never asked if i did it so i never really was obligated or had to tell yo the truth... lies by omission are still lies no matter how one tries to color them or disguise them

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and just how logical does that all sound...and if anyone could actually steer a tornado or create floods or cause earthquakes and volcanoes and minus 40 weather to just name a few natural disasters ..WHY would they use on their own people.

Now that is the real question that people are asking: Why would they do it to their own people. In short, the power structure HATES us. There is still some good men and women in government but a lot of them have been corrupted by corporations since corporations seemingly have more power in many regards than governments. Anytime government gets too big, it starts sucking off the people, draining the economy dry, raising the price of living in all directions. The price of food goes up. The price of gas goes up, the price of homes go up. Abuse rises, crime skyrockets, general good things that make a nation thrive go out the window. This doesn't mean that people can't change anything because the most certainly can but we have to first see the threat to know it is real.

For the most part I don't think they would use any extreme sort of weather modification on their own people unless they had a really good reason, or agenda to seize power.

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Watch the Video here and listen to what he says. You can use Google to find the rest of it. You can find the video on Youtube as well if you prefer that.


On the May 21 edition of The Alex Jones Show, a caller asked Jones whether he was planning to cover how government technology may be behind a recent spate of sinkholes. After laying out how insurance companies use weather modification to avoid having to pay ski resorts for lack of snow, Jones said that "of course there's weather weapon stuff going on -- we had floods in Texas like fifteen years ago, killed thirty-something people in one night. Turned out it was the Air Force."

Following a long tangent, Jones returned to the caller's subject. While he explained that "natural tornadoes" do exist and that he's not sure if a government "weather weapon" was involved in the Oklahoma disaster, Jones warned nonetheless that the government "can create and steer groups of tornadoes."

Alex NEVER said that the government sent that tornado, he said that they have the ability to do so but he NEVER said that as a fact that they did this one. You are hearing what you want to hear. By the way, did you read that little snippet you posted, even it says that Alex wasn't sure if it was a weather weapon or not.

You are acting like it's a crazy concept that governments can do this, yet as I posted yesterday, even the History Channel covered the fact that governments can modify weather and use it as a weapon. http://shop.history.com/thats-impossible-weather-warfare-dvd/detail.php?p=106277



The above video talks about HAARP in part and how it can be used to steer weather, but it doesn't get into the meat and potatoes like this video does, however you need to have an open mind willing to take in information, even though you may not agree with it.


Aired on TruTV December 2, 2009

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