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I'm not the preacher type. I hate giving lectures as I am not a mentor by nature.

But I'll try my best explaining in a summarize form.

Generally, aliens means to you literally as something not native here in your planet.

Remember when the True God, not referring to the wannabes here, cast the NEITHER-HOT-NOR-COLD-ANGELS to your planet?

Can you not consider them as aliens by your human definition?

Do you really believe that, beside from the animals, reptiles, avians, amphibians, viruses and bacteria, your alone in this planet?

Your smarter than that. Oh yeah! I may pass as a wacko too! I am a wacko. I do not exist and I am a weather balloon. :P

Don't you think IF they are here living in your planet they would not get offended by those posts? ;)

I am not going to argue with you regarding that matter as that is not my agenda here.

Do not worry, I am cool and had forgiven you of your trespasses against my kind. B)

Do not take the racist comment seriously, (for) I didn't.


No more racist issue here. I and stylememe resolve the issue via pm. ;)

Out of EXTREME curiosity, this is way off topic of course, are you saying that you ARE an alien from outer space or are you being humorous? I assume that you are being funny because as of yet...I haven't spoken to actual "aliens" from out of this world.


I do not discredit the fact that you have been alive for a long time and you are wise in understanding of the world but I say this to you regarding me; you have misjudged what I am doing as flaimbaiting. This is NOT my point here. What I am trying to do is to get people to think outside of the box, to see things in more than one way, yet IM narrow minded here. I respect your opinion about me but you are wrong about why I post information.

Your post tells me a lot about you, that you have seen similar things transpire in other forums and such, but this is nsaneforums, where the members are a tad bit more mature and "family like". When I post articles it holds actual value to me and they contain links to actual stories, videos, interviews, or examples that DO NOT originates from infowars.com or Alex Jones singularly. Many people of multiple professions come onto the Alex Jones show with information that has been suppressed and or covered up, sometimes the information is so controversial that unless you take it at face value, part of your built in defense mechanism will be triggered and you will be prone to take offence because you misinterpreted the nature of the information.

None of the information I post is meant to be satirical, conspiracy theories, misleading or flame baiting at all. I make mistakes occasionally and when I do, I attempt to rectify what I have done wrong. Over and over again I find myself defending the information I post, "Did you watch the video, click the link, listen to what is being said," and such. People often see titles upon articles and based on THAT, they decided that the whole article is rubbish. I ask you to examine the evidence without an eye of scrutiny, much like a private investigator would. You cannot be prejudice to information when investigating a crime scene, nor can you take sides, nor can your own personal feelings dictate an outcome or likely conclusion unless you want to indirectly "tamper" with what is evident. The same goes for information which you oppose.

I think you are attempting to see things in a logical and straight forward way but I say this to you; not everything that happens on Earth is as logical and straightforward as we would like it to be. Many times I have ran across information in the past that I too once would not read because of its title or concept was beyond what I believed. If you find what I write to be fabricated, then enjoy a fine piece of fiction! As I said before, I do not write these things here in defiance to the community but rather as a way of expanding people’s minds beyond what they are, raising consciousness so to speak. I love nsanedown, it's a secondary family to me! This DOES NOT mean that people are stupid, far from it! It means that people can learn from things that they are not normally accustomed to seeing, not that they will always be believed.

I'm not asking for a captive and brain dead audience that hangs on every word I post here, I'm asking people to stop and read the articles, view the videos, see the links; do they go to an actual place of credibility? Condemning something that you don't fully understand is likened to a blind man who walks into an art museum and declares everything there to be complete crap. You assume you know me but I'm asking you, please reconsider what you think you know about me and even the likes of Alex Jones. My motives are not to deceive but instead to inform on issues and world events that are less known, which I find to be rare and treasured.

I will always try to be as thorough as I possibly can to show people things that they may have never even known. I see a lot of thankful people here who like what I post, not that they always believe it or take it to heart, but because it's news that is engaging and riveting. It's alternative news that gets people to "think" not just "hear". I see mainstream media as an outlet for propaganda and indoctrination for people who would rather be lead, not be leaders. A revolution of thought does not idly stand unchallenged.

@ Everyone else

I didn't intend to make this into a huge drama stage of sorts. Thank you for putting up with me and to anyone who likes or even somewhat enjoys reading the stuff I write, thank you. To anyone with opposing views, you are entitled to those views as well but I simply ask you that if you are going to criticize me for the content I post, at least refute THAT, not the validity of my sanity. A lot of insane news is out there, it doesn't make it false always, just really REALLY fascinating. I enjoy posting information that is less read and heard of because of that simple fact alone. If you want more of the same, I don't have that, that is around everyone all day in great abundances. Be good investigators of what I post, that alone will eliminate about 80 percent of all attacks against me.

*editing for spelling and grammer.

Youre still passing yourself off as a purveyor of truth, and each further comment from you veils a snide remark at me and those that dont agree with your views.

"I see mainstream media as an outlet for propaganda and indoctrination for people who would rather be lead, not be leaders"

Most people think you have that completely ass backwards. Its your choice, feel free to think that way, theres no argument from me on that, but most people have no interest in having your views rammed down their throats when they come here, please, again, do you still not see this?

If you want to be a leader and spread what you see as the truth, fine, start your own forum.

We're mostly all here to not be led or indoctrinated but to discuss technology and software....

If your average whacky post was even within the realms of being believable then NO ONE would have had any issue with them.

I maintain that you purposely flamebait, because you have received enough complaints and feedback, yet you continue to bring out the "im only trying to inform people" line

This says to me that you still havent gotten the point and wont change. How many chances to defuse the situation do you want? because theres yet another 4 pages where people have voiced their opinions, given ideas on compromising, felt sympathy for you, and even i have suggested you stay but ramp the crap down.....

But i am really now convinced its probably a waste of time on behalf of everyone in the previous 4 pages

We do not come here to be preached to by anyone, simple as that, regardless of their views, or to have the forum hijacked by one person trying to impose their beliefs.

How can you NOT get that?

Or is it a case of another attention getting exercise?

This has really gone on far too long already.....please drop the fucking im the saviour, youre all uninformed minions bullshit and come and whinge about windows 8/adobe cloud software etc like the rest of us.

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Opinion is not News Reporting. Slanting facts or leading people one direction or the other is not News Reporting. When that is the content, it is either propaganda or something with an agenda.

News Reporting is never editorial disguised as News. Legitimate News Agencies present only known, provable facts and allow the reader/viewer to make their own conclusion. Anything else from a legitimate source is labeled as Editorial content, meaning it is opinion, not fact.

For an example take a look at PBS news sometime. They present only known provable facts as News. When it is discussed, they have in experts with differing opinions to discuss the item and it is clearly known that the segment with discussion is not News but opinions, allowing the viewer to make his on decision based on what is presented. Even there they do not give ONE person to present the opinion but more than one expert with opposing views.

All the alternate reality sites with so called news have to be taken with a grain of salt. You have to check to see what their interest in the subject is. Nothing reported by any site or person with a personal agenda can be accepted without questioning the reason they are saying it.

I hear ya. When I was in College in the speach class that I took, they said the the best professional speaker will not take sides but will examine the evidense and give a non-partisan conclusion to the topic. There are different variations of speech however, one of them being informitive. One other form of speech giving is persuasive. One other speech form is more of a biographical speech where you simply narrorate a persons doings or events as they occured without personal opinions, simple facts.

Now I understand how society has been taught and I understand what I have learned since then. The basics of presenting information is the same but I do so in a manner that doesn't just inform but also generally helps people to see things in ways that they normally would not have seen them. My agenda is similar to anyone who wants people to know this information: to enlighten and prosper the people threw revelation of a falsified system of corruption and how we can ward against the structure around us and live healthy lives not being victims. People don't always see it that way and everyone has the right to thier opinions.

The reason I present ideas in such a radicle way that would seem to lead in one direction is because mainstream media does no justice to the people who know that most of what they say is bull crap. This isn't just news either, it's a rovolution of thought and a growth of the mind. So in a way, I suppose it's not just news, it's so much more than that. It is information that is untainted by the control of corporate governments; not restricted from saying the things that enlighten and inform the people. Alex Jones is not the best speaker in the world, sometimes he annoys ME. The information he covers is really fascinating and it supports a world wide revolution of knowledge and mental growth. What you don't understand can offend you. Try to understand it, you don't have to agree.

News Reporting is never editorial disguised as News. Legitimate News Agencies present only known, provable facts and allow the reader/viewer to make their own conclusion. Anything else from a legitimate source is labeled as Editorial content, meaning it is opinion, not fact.

Is that why when mainstream media attacks the likes of Alex Jones they make sure to tell you its conspiracy theories, because what they say is fact? They tell you it's a farce; you don't have to conclude anything on your own since they just told you what to believe. When people who have a certain degree of expertise over situations speak on the Alex Jones show, for example Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs, they present information that they are familiar with. Joe Biggs was also seen on Fox news regarding the mysterious death of his close friend and Rolling Stone editor Michael Hastings. Joe Biggs was given the ability to say what he really needed to say on the Alex Jones interview however on Fox, they limited his time and made him feel uncomfortable about even speaking. When mainstream media attempts to derail people from saying things that they want to say under pressure of being seen as crazy, is this not a form of censorship and a persuasion to NOT say certain things on the part of Fox news? Examine the evidence below, tell me what you think:

Fox News


Im just trying to offer two examples on why I am not just making stuff up. Any person who looks at this as an example would see that the first interview from Fox made Joe Biggs unconfortable to speak his mind, what he really thought because he knew that millions of people would be seeing it under the ey of scrutiny. On the other hand, the Alex Jones interview he was allowed to speak his mind and say what he really wanted to say.

Mainstream media is controlled media. It is not completely credible. THATS why I take IT with a grain of salt. They DO have an agenda, it is to lie and continue to make people feel small and stupid. It is to make people feel that they and ONLY they have real news or other information to talk about that is real. I think that Alex Jones, however rough around the edges he is, presents compition and that's probably why they are attacking him with such backwards veracity now.

Alex Jones is one of the few real investigative journalist alive today, and boy does he have balls of steel.

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We clearly don't want anyone on the forum to upset or to leave. We are supposed to be a happy internet family.

Ambrocious i hope you do reconsider.

This topic has for some reason become a mud slinging contest and for that reason we need to close it. We may re-open it in the future.

I urge everyone to read our forum rules. Warnings will be issued to those that can't follow them.

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