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Ambro if you want exposure to the public with your topics then just agree to have a special section.

They will even give you a frontpage alongside with the other topics as long as it can be separated from the other category of topics.

In the frontpage at the top header portion we have Software News, FileSharing News, Security & Privacy News, Mobile News, Security News and World News. The mod may give you a "Underground News/Freedom of Speech/World News order" after the Word News section.

You still won't buy it? ;)

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I think thats a great idea niGHT. Good thinking.And I would visit that section for sure as I love news that's not mainstream.

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Thanks @OrbingStorm! :D

I also would want to have a section of my own here.

A fapping section dedicated only to me and for the likes of me that bears the title "Easy Corners."

The "Easy Corners" is where all those obscene and sensitive topics gets posted.

I think we need that here too. In this section we can post something like

"I'm single and looking for a cyber gf!",

"I'm in London, suggest a good place to meet pretty ladies."

"DKT27, I have the hots for you - xxxlovexxx" hahaha!

"Do you have an account on this XXX site? Lend it to me please!"

It will be located next after ambro's subsection. So now we have Software News, FileSharing News, Security & Privacy News, Mobile News, Security News, World News, "Underground News/Freedom of Speech/World News order" and "Easy Corners." :thumbsup: :dribble: :hug:

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All I can say to Ambrocious is:

It is a free world (most of the time) and freedom of speech is supposed to be one of the tenets of America that the rest of the worl tries to emulate..

Your decision is yours to make, but allowing some childish wankers to cause you to go is admitting defeat.

Rather stay just to annoy them, and hopefully they will depart.

I have not seen any of your "opponents" ever make a post that makes people think, wonder, or question what they believe to be facts.

Putting up some of the posts you did takes guts, especially when you know that there are some really cynical prats just waiting to jump on you.

Insults are like wine - they only affect you if you take them personally.

My advice if you stay is to put your posts up, and leave it at that.

Don't get into debates or discussion, just do what you always did - place the link, and let people make their own choices.

How they choose to react to your post is irrelevant once you make it.

Whatever you decide to do - I think you did some great stuff!


Free speech works both ways, one is allowed to post material and one is allowed to refute the claims.

Calling someone a "childish wanker" for their beliefs is a very intelligent, mature and well thought out arguement winner ,that needs to be

applauded. :dance2:

I am not an "opponent", i have my own views or are these to be surpressed because they simply refute what you believe to be true. I have yet to come across a claim by AJ that can't be proved inaccurate, please feel free to provide me with one, with which to back up your claims.

Do not agree with AJ you are a "cynical prat", i see i am dealing with a veritable human mountain of intellect with hours of well thoughout reasoning behind that arguement :dance2: , but believe his claims as truth you are enlightened?

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.

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You guys are so fucking rude it's unreal. Ambro, I respect your decision, this forum is no longer moderated.

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Ive resisted trying to weigh in, being the other main participant in what transpired, as what happened yesterday should have ended the entire drama. I ended the day having had my threads locked/deleted and a conversation with the mods on what was happening. I was asked not to further the argument by creating any new topics. I thought i had made my point, and the matter was dealt with.

I thought the other party, Ambrocious, had enough data and feedback from users in general that he might police himself. It was over for me.

Stick with me on this, and pay attention to the ending, im tired of getting flamed over the last day for what took place yesterday, i explained why in odd posts, but its time its said in its entirety so theres not a shred of doubt at my part in things, or my justifications for doing what i did.

For those who were under a rock i'll explain what happened in the past 2 days as background

The day before yesterday i grabbed my morning coffee and sat down to check out my usual websites, amongst them the usuals like ars, slashdot, majorgeeks (for software updates) and nsanedown which not only provides software news but some interesting topics.

So having read the usual front page news, i clicked through the latest community activity sidebar on the left. when i got to topics there were 3 or 4 articles there that had the same overriding conspiracy theory/Alex Jones/Glen Beck aura about them. You learn to recognise, almost without clicking and opening, and purely by the wording of the title, after some decades on the internet across many diverse forums.

I know, and i know from others, that its the last thing they want to see on the home page, if not at all in a forum where that content is at odds with the overall interests of community of users.

In most forums creating topics with such titles are considered inflammatory, and in most cases they are judged flamebait, as the only reason that people post them is not, as they usually claim, to "inform those of us who only get news from mainstream media". Theyre usually created for attention seeking and indoctrination, but mostly its to stage confrontation. People who create these types of posts generally start from a position of this is fact and defend that without ever considering the views of those who post replies. This presents itself as a superiority complex. For those reasons alone i object to them. Having people post topics that take, and against all reason, maintain a narrow view is not what i call healthy for any forum, except perhaps 4chan or its like where people like fighting and putting others down.

My initial and most vehement objection, despite the above paragraph, was that these topics were taking up half the available topics in the latest forum activity sidebar. Its not like they were spread out over a week, its was one after the other. I made a plea to the mods to stop this nonsense. Anyone who can crank out 3 or 4 articles along similar lines has obviously planned to get a reaction, even if they have cut&paste some or all of the articles and of course the obligatory links to Alex Jones videos.

I also objected to Ambrocious's profile info which had amongst other things "The Voice Of Reason" (from memory as theyre now gone) etc. I also objected to Ambrocious's signature with references to Alex Jones. I asked for these to be toned down or removed as i could see this as fitting in overall with the posts in creating a profile identity that in a passive way said to everyone "Im right, youre wrong and im going to tell you the truth". I could see this becoming, as in other forums ive been on, a corrosive element in the forum community. So posting those types of topics with those titles, the profile info and signature, is initially offensive upon viewing to some if not most people.

People do not come here to be preached at.

Id like to be clear that i voiced my objection in at least one of the posts, then i spoke to a mod to have those types of posts moderated and perhaps have the "Voice Of Reason" etc profile info removed.

I havent gotten involved in "this or that shouldnt be in the forum" discussions before this, with the exception the other week of suggesting that users have the size of their signature pics limited as it was getting a bit out of control with some people having signature pics taking up almost half the screen and screwing up the readability of the forum

I'd like to think that my suggestions about the conspiracy type stuff was along the same lines, it was aimed at heading off what i could see, as i have seen elsewhere, some potentially negative things for the forum.

So i made my objections known, and nothing happened.

So yesterday in frustration, and seeing people argue in each of the topics i was objecting to, which is contrary to what most people come here for, i decided to demonstrate my point and hopefully get my point across.

I created 13 topics with zany (and potentially offensive to most right thinking people) titles. In each i simply wrote a few lines stating i had no credible proof to support the topic just as the posts i objected to didnt.

I created 13 as that was the number it took to ensure Ambrocious's posts werent on the front page and also that my ludicruous topics would take up ALL the 8 spots in the topics sidebar.

It was a demonstration of the annoyance that i initially felt, and others i know, felt when arriving on the home page the other day to see the initial topics i complained about.

I also emailed a mod and explained that i would continue to post ludicrous topics until something was done to address one persons ability to post inflammatory or flamebait topics and have them take over or hijack the topics sidebar, which is not only the view we get, but new users get. My argument as stated earlier is that i do not believe that such articles should show as reflectling the nsanedown community as a whole.

Late last night my time, most of my stupid topics were deleted/locked and i felt as though i had demonstrated my point and was prepared to move on.

My last request was that the posts that i initially reported and objected to be removed.

Apparently this was done last night/this morning.

i would like to make clear that, unless i have been attacked personally (such as when i was told by an Alex Jones believer that i wasnt a "real man" because i didnt share his narrow views) my objections and arguments were not meant to be personal attacks, they were against the content of topics. No doubt there were failures in that regard, and where this is the case i do apologise.

But, i will not apologise for opposing what i consider some very obvious patterns of narrow views expressed as topics worthy of general interest/home page space and designed by all the text, profile text and signature as being fact and that presents itself as such as being from the "Voice Of Reason" and in a way that overall suggests the poster as above and beyond, the only one qualified to dispense the truth, or as he sees it or has been conditioned to see it by the personal choices he has made in his venues for gathering news.

Everything about your persona Ambrocious as evidenced by the profile text, signature and topic titles was generated to get a response, this is not something you can argue, because theres simply no other explanation for all those elements being present.

Almost immediately people disagreed with you. My personal belief is that if you werent doing it for the attention or flamebaiting, you might have policed yourself and thought "hey, maybe this isnt the forum to be be posting such things" and given the growing annoyance and you might have decided to put a lid on it. Instead you continued to feed into arguments and thus all but confirmed my suspicions that it was for reaction/attention/flamebaiting.

If you choose to act wounded on that evidence, then youre not being very genuine about your own part in this whole saga.

Having said the above, i do not personally want to be the person that people think wants to run them out of town.

Im not.

Im rarely against the person, but more towards the subject or topic at hand.

I personally wouldnt support the answer to the whole shebang being that Ambrocious should leave, given that the inflammatory profile text and inflammatory signature are gone. If i didnt see one post after another on the same sort of overall NWO/Alex Jones/Glen Beck theme of "youre all being lied to", i would equally be happy.

For those who suggested a separate forum area for such articles, and those who counter that this is against freedom of speech (usually its only against their version of freedom of speech), this is an option exercised by other forums, where those wishing to waste forum space and argue (though i dont know why you would actively want to do this), can do so. but those articles, i will argue until my final logoff from here, should never be accessible on the front page. And heres my next point on the front page, if these articles were stopped from being shown on the front page, would they still be posted? I'd be willing to bet the attraction to post them would decline as the payoff in attention gotten form posting them would also decline.

Being a member of a community means sometimes speaking up and being unpopular. I like to think that when i speak up its usually backed by having many years experience in what im currently talking about.

Its obvious that some people have known Ambrocious for a period of time and that this event and his recent posts that annoyed me and others shouldnt count against him. I dont see it as the full measure of who he is, but we all have to realise when we're annoying people and try and limit doing that in an active manner.

Like i said, i wouldnt feel good about anyone leaving. Id just be happy if i didnt have to confront a raft of topics such as those when i log in each day on the home page.

As it currently stands for me, all the concerns i raised with the mods have been addressed, theres no inflammatory posts, profile text or signature, and im happy for things to move on, for everyone.

Im happy if some people want to paint me as a villain, i wont lose any sleep over it.

Reason for edit: spelling

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The moderating team has the complete right to decide what to do with a particular post/thread. There is something that may not be listed in the rule book of nsane and it's not possible to list all the things there, yet, the moderating team preserves the right to decide regarding the existence of things under controversy in nsane. They may hide/delete the post/thread without any notice. So one must not react on that.

The next thing is about making a complain about a post/thread that one thinks that it may harm nsane's reputation/popularity or whatever that may be, must be drawn attention of the moderating team just by pressing the report button in the bottom-left corner under a post and must not do anything more than that.

Violation of any of those underlined lines will make things critical. That's how I think.

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Rudrax is right, I mod at a few prominent sites and it's just the way it is. Sometimes as a moderator you have to make decisions that others may not agree with but it's the nature of the job. People always seem to take it personally but it's really not like that...unless you're bad at what you do. Like I said mate if I had one piece of advice for you it would be to develop a thicker skin, you'll find life a lot easier that way. All the best. :console:

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A very good post, stylemessiah. I fully agree with this statement:

People do not come here to be preached at.

It's funny how people try to make this about a matter of "free speech". It's not about free speech, it's about posting information/news/articles relevant to the forum. If I'd join an online chess forum and start posting 3-4 articles each day about the upcoming Star Wars Movie I'd expect nothing less than to get warned and eventually banned if I keep up the unwanted behaviour.

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Hi all,


The reason for my earlier rant was at the attack on a personal level for someones opinion.

In my book, getting personal for something that doesn't concern someone, or affect them makes them a fitting target for someone else' abuse.

And. for the record, that is just my opinion, especially when they continually taunt and insult the poster - they deserve a lot worse than being called a wanker.

The stuff (true, conspiracy or otherwise) Ambro puts up is in World News, and obviously is controversial and has certainly created lively debate.

Usually it is not even his own personal opinion, but an opinion sourced elsewhere on the net.

It is NOT put into Software, Mobile, File sharing or elsewhere.

I have said it before, and I say it again:

No one is forcing anyone to read anything on this forum, yet some people constantly read something they have decided is rubbish, and get bent out of shape about it.

Then, they get personal about it and attack the poster.

Then they request the poster to be moved or removed.

If what Ambrocious or anyone else puts up doesn't interest you - simply ignore it.

If I believe that something is true, and you disagree, ignore me - taunting me, insulting me and belittling me will make me more convinced I am right.

NSANE covers many topics I enjoy, it doesn't mean I download every software announced, nor do i get offended by someones view.

I do however, get mightily cheesed off that certain people get personal with another member.

I do not have to believe everything that Abro posts, but I do enjoy viewing them, if only for a different viewpoint to my own.

Whether I agree or not to the content of ANY POST, doesn't give me or anyone else the right to cyber bully the poster!

The exception to the rule is reserved for those who seem to take it upon themselves to assume the role of Moderator or Administrator, and become obnoxious!

If such behavior is deemed acceptable from one member to another, then whatever insults I sling at others doing the same should be considered fair play.

In closing, I can only say WELL DONE to NSANE, if it wasn't for the brilliant and varied articles you guys have, i would have been out of here long ago.

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With ambro's stubborn stand regarding his posts to be reinstated and many members complaints against him,

I thought that we can all give what they are asking for in a very simple way.

Give ambro a section that is dedicated only for his conspiracy theories in our forum but must not reflect/announce/shown/mixed on any frontpage news!

In this way, everyone is happy. ambro is given, actually a promotion, a section in our forum that is only for him and his followers and those who are curious on his posts. If his haters misses him they always can visits him under that category. seeesh! What a love affair!. :wub:

But, on the other side, ambro's opponents, their complaints has been granted favor by removing the conspiracy topics on the frontpage and will never see any of ambro's topic on any other section of the forum and the frontpage except on the conspiracy section subcategory.

Count me for voting in this suggestion as it is my idea. ;)

Neat idea but it resembles a "free speech zone" where I’m allowed to talk about the stuff but at lesser privileges than everyone else. Rights and privileges are universal, I don't require special rights even though it seems like a good idea in one way, it is also a limitation that applies to only me.

I agree with other people who say that if my content is not liked, don’t read it / comment on it. I'm no better than anyone else and so I don't need a special place to hang my hat so to speak. I wouldn't mind an additional forum section for people who want to talk about "out of the box" ideas that anyone can be a part of. It should be noted that placing a stereotype over information that seems like it's false shouldn't be automatically wrapped up as being false until it can be otherwise analyzed and maturely debated. There happens to be a lot of fascinating things out there in the news that never see the light of day in mainstream media, I bring it here because I love nsaneforums. That is why I keep posting it here, this is my treasured community and I hate feeling like a scoundrel for posting stuff.

It was a good idea and I'm not disrespecting it, but I will hold to the same rules and privileges as all the other people here and I too consider you my friend.

so banning dissenting views of YOUR views is not censorship???..or proving you misguided is also not allowed because it hurts your feelings//// how is that fair? several people here including a few moderators have said some very wise options and intelligent things to you. for the benefit of ALL not just the one.. and your response...dig in your heels and whine some more and create more drama... this is real life ambro you cannot stamp your feet and get your way when you are upset... check into it... compromise is a valid opportunity for you and also..when you are doing something totally wrong ...just stopping is even more in tune with what is right and correct to do...the right thing for you do here is somewhere in the middle ground of you actually leaving and either stopping your conspiracy posts or what some have suggested, a separate forum section for conspiracies that is not as you say censorship in any way shape or form..you also CANNOT expect to be allowed only yourself to post so freely anywhere else in the world and not allow any dissenting views... especially when the a huge majority do not agree with and thing you post lies and fabrications....how is that not demanding censorship for all others but yourself... A friend here of yours asked you to compromise on this... and to also see how long you can NOT go any conspiracy sites and to not talk any conspiracies in your daily routine..my guess is you would not last all of 20 minutes unless you happen to be asleep... and your friend here also suggested you talk to your parents or someone about getting help for your out of control addiction

edit spelling and one sentence was missing a few words for proper understanding

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All I can say to Ambrocious is:

It is a free world (most of the time) and freedom of speech is supposed to be one of the tenets of America that the rest of the worl tries to emulate..

Your decision is yours to make, but allowing some childish wankers to cause you to go is admitting defeat.

Rather stay just to annoy them, and hopefully they will depart.

I have not seen any of your "opponents" ever make a post that makes people think, wonder, or question what they believe to be facts.

Putting up some of the posts you did takes guts, especially when you know that there are some really cynical prats just waiting to jump on you.

Insults are like wine - they only affect you if you take them personally.

My advice if you stay is to put your posts up, and leave it at that.

Don't get into debates or discussion, just do what you always did - place the link, and let people make their own choices.

How they choose to react to your post is irrelevant once you make it.

Whatever you decide to do - I think you did some great stuff!


Free speech works both ways, one is allowed to post material and one is allowed to refute the claims.

Calling someone a "childish wanker" for their beliefs is a very intelligent, mature and well thought out arguement winner ,that needs to be

applauded. :dance2:

I am not an "opponent", i have my own views or are these to be surpressed because they simply refute what you believe to be true. I have yet to come across a claim by AJ that can't be proved inaccurate, please feel free to provide me with one, with which to back up your claims.

Do not agree with AJ you are a "cynical prat", i see i am dealing with a veritable human mountain of intellect with hours of well thoughout reasoning behind that arguement :dance2: , but believe his claims as truth you are enlightened?

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.

When I spoke about childish wankers, I was referring those who continually insult Ambrocious at a personal level.

Mombers who refute Abrocious' claims are fine, but no matter how strongly a person feels, there is no need to attack the person behind the message.

Doing so gives me the idea that they want a taste of their own medicine, something i have avoided whilst reading numerous responses to Ambrocious' posts.

I have tried to be a voice of reason to all parties via pm, but some have made "get Ambrocious" a personal crusade, which i believe is wrong.

And no, it was not hours, just a few seconds of anger at what has become of a public forum.

I wasn't even referring to you, I have not seen you taunt, insult or disparage Ambrocious before.

Yet you have swallowed the entire sentence as if it was custom made just for you!

Hmm... go figure.

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Ambrocious is member here since 2005 - when nsane community was born. So, this community may feel more or less a home to him and he should not leave this home just because some new born member objects his actions - he needs to ignore them. He only have to leave when the owner of the home kicks him out and we all know, including him that the owner won't gonna do that. It will be really grateful to have you in this community - please don't leave.

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there have been a lot of suggestions here that would be compromise for all but also satisfactory for all

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may I ask what was the content of the post(s) that were hidden/deleted? Did they contain porn? bad language? did he flame someone? what rules was broken? I am asking not to take sides...I would like to know because I believe strongly in NO censorship. I have not been a member here long but have been comming here as a guest for along time. I have never seen (heard of) anyones posts being hidden/deleted except for obvious spammers and flammers etc. What was so "upsetting" that posts was hidden/deleted? Thank You.

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may I ask what was the content of the post(s) that were hidden/deleted? Did they contain porn? bad language? did he flame someone? what rules was broken? I am asking not to take sides...I would like to know because I believe strongly in NO censorship. I have not been a member here long but have been comming here as a guest for along time. I have never seen (heard of) anyones posts being hidden/deleted except for obvious spammers and flammers etc. What was so "upsetting" that posts was hidden/deleted? Thank You.

a lot of arguing and drama queen stuff taking place...flaming baiting and the like and just plain general rude remarks being bandied about

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There were two post that were hidden.

The post of ambro said that I live underground and it did offend me and my kind a lot.

Stylememe reciprocated his post that I live in his anus and that not only offended me but also insulted my kind.

They both hurt my feelings and discriminated my race.

I do not hate them and I had forgiven them. I was the unfortunate casualty in their senseless war.

Ambro's campaign to expose his alleged so-called hidden truth by offending my kind.

Stylememe's fight for his rage of justice against the falsehood that ambro's and alex jones spreads that they feel the need not only to offend my kind but also had to insults my race to bring a much bigger bang than what ambro did.

These two, ambro and stylememe, had posted something that were racist but I bear no hate to them as they have not evolve much yet.

So, If I was able to compromise and forgive these two lovers, then they should learn to compromise with me.

What I asked them to compromise is to agree to my suggestion above. :P

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There were two post that were hidden.

The post of ambro said that I live underground and it did offend me and my kind a lot.

Stylememe reciprocated his post that I live in his anus and that not only offended me but also insulted my kind.

They both hurt my feelings and discriminated my race.

I do not hate them and I had forgiven them. I was the unfortunate casualty in their senseless war.

Ambro's campaign to expose his alleged so-called hidden truth by offending my kind.

Stylememe's fight for his rage of justice against the falsehood that ambro's and alex jones spreads that they feel the need not only to offend my kind but also had to insults my race to bring a much bigger bang than what ambro did.

These two, ambro and stylememe, had posted something that were racist but I bear no hate to them as they have not evolve much yet.

So, If I was able to compromise and forgive these two lovers, then they should learn to compromise with me.

What I asked them to compromise is to agree to my suggestion above. :P


Hang on a second, i didnt say anything racist and neither did Ambrocious as far as im aware

It has only just occurred to me that you may be referring to the topics that mentioned the world "Aliens" in them and that this has led to a miscommunication/misunderstanding/language barrier scenario

If this is what offended you then you need to understand that in the context of the topics, and in english generally, the word "alien" by itself refers to creatures from outer space, not any racial group here on earth. It certainly was never used by me or Ambrocious in any other context.

I think you perhaps didnt understand the context?

I for one would never post a racist comment, and i mean never

If youve misunderstood then theres been a language issue, im sorry that it wasnt addressed sooner, but i wasnt reading every flame against me :)

In general:

Can we move on please, all this, these 4 pages and (counting) just go to prove my point for me, that the posts i complained about were designed to be divisive.....and give an attention high to one person, and those who rushed in to protest alongside him.

It does nothing to further nsanedown as a community.


Time to lock this thread too maybe?

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Like nIGHT said, a conspiracy theory section, in the forum, would be a good idea.

And even if new topic don't appear in the main nsane page, everyone can still easy check them in the forum.

BUT, the only way this can work is...

if Ambrocious is OK with the idea, and

if some people write less aggressively in these topic.

Sometime, it feel like war...

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I'm not the preacher type. I hate giving lectures as I am not a mentor by nature.

But I'll try my best explaining in a summarize form.

Generally, aliens means to you literally as something not native here in your planet.

Remember when the True God, not referring to the wannabes here, cast the NEITHER-HOT-NOR-COLD-ANGELS to your planet?

Can you not consider them as aliens by your human definition?

Do you really believe that, beside from the animals, reptiles, avians, amphibians, viruses and bacteria, your alone in this planet?

Your smarter than that. Oh yeah! I may pass as a wacko too! I am a wacko. I do not exist and I am a weather balloon. :P

Don't you think IF they are here living in your planet they would not get offended by those posts? ;)

I am not going to argue with you regarding that matter as that is not my agenda here.

Do not worry, I am cool and had forgiven you of your trespasses against my kind. B)

Do not take the racist comment seriously, (for) I didn't.


No more racist issue here. I and stylememe resolve the issue via pm. ;)

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ok there was a lot of drama created here on this post and the bottom line it is because one member thinks he should be able to post WHATEVER he wants. yes, he can do that but he also is now demanding no dissenting opinions allowed because... 1> it hurts his feelings...and 2> he is telling the truth and nobody should be allowed to say otherwise because he is right and they are all so wrong they need to be censored for good of the world...and 3> if he doesn't get his way he will take his ball and go elsewhere..the fact that he lurked here claiming he was waiting to find out how to delete his membership is further proof he was just having one of his temper tantrums when he does not get his way..if he really wanted to quit he simply had to just quit showing up here... and again i repeat the fact that although i don't want him to leave i do want him to act like a grown up and take others into consideration when he does whatever it is he does and not get mad when if others disagree with his views and pout about the fact that no-one should be allowed to question him.... he is doing nothing more here than trying to manipulate the site into giving him a free hand to post propaganda as real news and to also force the site to not allow anyone to speak out or have a dissenting point of view... in short he can do as he pleases and all others have to allow it to save his hurt feelings

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I'm not the preacher type. I hate giving lectures as I am not a mentor by nature.

But I'll try my best explaining in a summarize form.

Generally, aliens means to you literally as something not native here in your planet.

Remember when the True God, not referring to the wannabes here, cast the NEITHER-HOT-NOR-COLD-ANGELS to your planet?

Can you not consider them as aliens by your human definition?

Do you really believe that, beside from the animals, reptiles, avians, amphibians, viruses and bacteria, your alone in this planet?

Your smarter than that. Oh yeah! I may pass as a wacko too! I am a wacko. I do not exist and I am a weather balloon. :P

Don't you think IF they are here living in your planet they would not get offended by those posts? ;)

I am not going to argue with you regarding that matter as that is not my agenda here.

Do not worry, I am cool and had forgiven you of your trespasses against my kind. B)

Do not take the racist comment seriously, (for) I didn't.


No more racist issue here. I and stylememe resolve the issue via pm. ;)

Out of EXTREME curiosity, this is way off topic of course, are you saying that you ARE an alien from outer space or are you being humorous? I assume that you are being funny because as of yet...I haven't spoken to actual "aliens" from out of this world. I don't mean to offend you in any way and no, I'm not racist, if you came to earth and you were multicolored that would be fine with me so long as you weren't here for malicious reasons of course lol.


I do not discredit the fact that you have been alive for a long time and you are wise in understanding of the world but I say this to you regarding me; you have misjudged what I am doing as flaimbaiting. This is NOT my point here. What I am trying to do is to get people to think outside of the box, to see things in more than one way, yet IM narrow minded here. I respect your opinion about me but you are wrong about why I post information.

Your post tells me a lot about you, that you have seen similar things transpire in other forums and such, but this is nsaneforums, where the members are a tad bit more mature and "family like". When I post articles it holds actual value to me and they contain links to actual stories, videos, interviews, or examples that DO NOT originates from infowars.com or Alex Jones singularly. Many people of multiple professions come onto the Alex Jones show with information that has been suppressed and or covered up, sometimes the information is so controversial that unless you take it at face value, part of your built in defense mechanism will be triggered and you will be prone to take offence because you misinterpreted the nature of the information.

None of the information I post is meant to be satirical, conspiracy theories, misleading or flame baiting at all. I make mistakes occasionally and when I do, I attempt to rectify what I have done wrong. Over and over again I find myself defending the information I post, "Did you watch the video, click the link, listen to what is being said," and such. People often see titles upon articles and based on THAT, they decided that the whole article is rubbish. I ask you to examine the evidence without an eye of scrutiny, much like a private investigator would. You cannot be prejudice to information when investigating a crime scene, nor can you take sides, nor can your own personal feelings dictate an outcome or likely conclusion unless you want to indirectly "tamper" with what is evident. The same goes for information which you oppose.

I think you are attempting to see things in a logical and straight forward way but I say this to you; not everything that happens on Earth is as logical and straightforward as we would like it to be. Many times I have ran across information in the past that I too once would not read because of its title or concept was beyond what I believed. If you find what I write to be fabricated, then enjoy a fine piece of fiction! As I said before, I do not write these things here in defiance to the community but rather as a way of expanding people’s minds beyond what they are, raising consciousness so to speak. I love nsanedown, it's a secondary family to me! This DOES NOT mean that people are stupid, far from it! It means that people can learn from things that they are not normally accustomed to seeing, not that they will always be believed.

I'm not asking for a captive and brain dead audience that hangs on every word I post here, I'm asking people to stop and read the articles, view the videos, see the links; do they go to an actual place of credibility? Condemning something that you don't fully understand is likened to a blind man who walks into an art museum and declares everything there to be complete crap. You assume you know me but I'm asking you, please reconsider what you think you know about me and even the likes of Alex Jones. My motives are not to deceive but instead to inform on issues and world events that are less known, which I find to be rare and treasured.

I will always try to be as thorough as I possibly can to show people things that they may have never even known. I see a lot of thankful people here who like what I post, not that they always believe it or take it to heart, but because it's news that is engaging and riveting. It's alternative news that gets people to "think" not just "hear". I see mainstream media as an outlet for propaganda and indoctrination for people who would rather be lead, not be leaders. A revolution of thought does not idly stand unchallenged.

@ Everyone else

I didn't intend to make this into a huge drama stage of sorts. Thank you for putting up with me and to anyone who likes or even somewhat enjoys reading the stuff I write, thank you. To anyone with opposing views, you are entitled to those views as well but I simply ask you that if you are going to criticize me for the content I post, at least refute THAT, not the validity of my sanity. A lot of insane news is out there, it doesn't make it false always, just really REALLY fascinating. I enjoy posting information that is less read and heard of because of that simple fact alone. If you want more of the same, I don't have that, that is around everyone all day in great abundances. Be good investigators of what I post, that alone will eliminate about 80 percent of all attacks against me.

*editing for spelling and grammer.

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Opinion is not News Reporting. Slanting facts or leading people one direction or the other is not News Reporting. When that is the content, it is either propaganda or something with an agenda.

News Reporting is never editorial disguised as News. Legitimate News Agencies present only known, provable facts and allow the reader/viewer to make their own conclusion. Anything else from a legitimate source is labeled as Editorial content, meaning it is opinion, not fact.

For an example take a look at PBS news sometime. They present only known provable facts as News. When it is discussed, they have in experts with differing opinions to discuss the item and it is clearly known that the segment with discussion is not News but opinions, allowing the viewer to make his on decision based on what is presented. Even there they do not give ONE person to present the opinion but more than one expert with opposing views.

All the alternate reality sites with so called news have to be taken with a grain of salt. You have to check to see what their interest in the subject is. Nothing reported by any site or person with a personal agenda can be accepted without questioning the reason they are saying it.

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Hey Ambrocious!!! Take it Cool Bro :rolleyes: I have been using Nsane since 2005 as non Register & 2013 as Register. I have no problems with U or any1 on this Forum. Believe me when I say, at my work I get :shit: from people every day, for my believes & opinions. The universe is stranger than fiction :)

So I say, F :moon: ckit, LIVE IS LIVE & F :moon: CK THE PEOPLE, WE ARE THE PEOPLE :rolleyes:

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