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well as i said lies need to be exposed....my point has been made i do not wish for him to leave..if you think I was playing GOD what did ambro do when he posted dozens if not hundreds of posts about 911 to the boston bombings to all the school and theater shootings and all the rest ALL being done by the government of the USA...oh he had "proof" too don't you know... my football team is on tv right now so good luck... argue your point with someone else now... talk about baiting people...wow

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Yeah... you're 'GOD' fighting evil and doing good deeds... bleh!

Don't be so conceited... and as I said, let him be.

You're the one who took the bait first... and I'm the one poking my nose in a useless fight...

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Ambrocious, you clearly have a good heart but some of the things you post in the "news" section is (to be blunt) just bat-shit crazy. We don't want you to leave, however, constantly posting conspiracy theories can irritate people.

Just please, tone down the conspiracy theory posts and I don't think anyone would have an issue with you. You're a good person, it's just the content of your posts that can irritate people.

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Go get a life you whiners!! I dont like some of his posts but I get over it and move on.

And I find him much less irritating then "potatohead"

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I would never understand how 10% of a human brain is not enough to understand that Alex Jones and others like him are just feeding lies to people who can't think for themselves. It's true the sheep are the ones who hang on to the every word of their fanatical leader because they cannot conceive truth beyond their own false beliefs.

I meet paranoid conspiracy theorists in real life and I tell you they never stop to think that the so called omnipotent "powers that be" is a fictional entity just like the Easter bunny. They contradict themselves all the time and refuse to see it, under no circumstances will they ever admit that their argument is flawed and self contradictory so instead they deflect and change the subject.

So I always ask paranoid people if the Illuminati and NWO are so deeply rooted into every organisation and so powerful then how come clowns like Alex Jones still has the freedom to "reveal the truth and expose the conspiracies"? So the omnipotent NWO could assassinate reporters and other "revealers of truth" but they can't seem to come up with a plan to take down a fat target like Alex?

Wait till someone attempts to answer that question and let the nonsensical, baseless, fact-less, discussion continue. I should make a Youtube video proving 2+2=5, I am an Engineer in real life and a man of science so I could definitely qualify myself to be an expert on new world mathematics. If you guys don't believe it I might as well make 100 other videos proving the same lie to be more convincing. If you start every "proof" based on a lie then you can always continue to prove the lie to be true.

It is sad when people cannot see the way they contradict themselves, sheep calling themselves free thinkers. Alex Jones exploits the very freedom he claims does not exist so that he could run an entire enterprise in the land of the free. FYI the sheep is the one being led by the shepherd, the free thinker stands alone.

Ever seen a crowd of "believers" hanging on to every word Benny Hinn has to say? He is a man of god, or so he claims. I bet people wonder how can this man be godly when he exploits money from people for religious comfort, seems contradictory because God never asks for money in the Bible? Different lies, same concept. I have lived long enough to see the truth, not a single delusional conspiracy has ever come to pass, not one, when the deadline passes and everything remains the same they just keep quiet and come up with the next lie.

As for Ambrocious wanting to leave, leaving this forum does not require anything special, just don't log on and your account will eventually get pruned.

You should know that personally I don't want you to leave, I prefer that you stay so that you can eventually see the truth and stop wasting your life following your shepherd and start seeking the appropriate help to treat with any pre-existing mental conditions. You are addicted to the lies and delusions and this Alex Jones is causing more harm to your mind. And NO, I am not trying to insult you, I am being real, there are many different types of Delusional Disorders and entire health facilities dedicated to treating them. The first step is talking with your parents and letting them know what's been going on in your life.

How much you want to bet there is a nut case out there who is "predicting" worldly demise at the 2021 planetary alignment? These things are just random and sometimes coincidental, no reason to believe in lies and conspiracy theories, and Tupac is dead.

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Ambro, you are one of the first people here that I made friends with.

I even told you a little part of my life and my struggle.

You have a good heart and a good soul.

There are topics that I liked that you posts but most of it were way overboard.

As I have understand, the members of this nsane community does not want you to leave but rather just tone down your conspiracies theories posts.

Do you remember, I had even defended you in one of the topics where some guy had insulted you personally.

I, too, often times does not agree with the topic of your posts but I never attack you in any way.

I get this impression to you that you somehow been too attached with those conspiracies theory.

Well, to give you something, I had been almost been a part of a conspiracy.

I had to do my part, "with DEEDS", to stop that conspiracy from going further as it does not limit to my country only.

It almost destroyed my life but not one posts here I had made that I made a big deal about it.

That is how you deal with it! Not recognition needed for being a patriot and saving the world from entering into a new war.

But not because I had been through with this I will believe all conspiracy theory that is shown on me as I even had barely proof for my own and for what I did to stop that!

Conspiracy were designed not to have evidence, remember that ambro.

But you can never see these "conspiracy" if you just believe what alex jones said to you.

Go out and look for systems that makes you say, "WTF! is going on here. Something is definitely wrong!"

But I hope you will not do that too! For you are just looking for trouble for yourself and you're going to get killed if you have that attitude!

Leave those things to other people who can way handle those things better.

What the members of this community asked you only is to tone down your conspiracy post.


Basically, this is a software community. We may sometimes discuss other topics BUT PLEASE POST ONLY THOSE THAT REALLY REALLY MAKES SENSE TO THE REST OF US.

You reported first the Boston bombing first here but don't just jump on the conspiracy thing just like that instantly!

Report what only can be treated as truthful and plain as possible without prejudice to that conspiracy theory of alex jones.


We are your friends here. We want Ambro as a friend and not as an ALEX JONES' MINION.


Just enjoy life without those conspiracy theories and be a friend to us.

Discuss life, make friends, give some jokes, help other members and please go out in real world too so you can meet a girl/boy that will love you.


To summarize this f*cking long post:


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Yeah... you're 'GOD' fighting evil and doing good deeds... bleh!

Don't be so conceited... and as I said, let him be.

You're the one who took the bait first... and I'm the one poking my nose in a useless fight...

Well, what can I say, I certainly agree to your post masterupc. Most post I read that ends in flamming were usually one or more members play godlike persona and insistently impose their logic to other members here. I do not have any issues with dmog and stylememe and I do not hate them.

But guys please, for the betterment of our community, respect other members opinion as well; Much better, block their post in your settings.


And, please do not start your post with insults and hateful remarks.

You hate the world that much? Why are you putting it out here?

Be a man to take sh1ts in life as sh1ts happened a lot, but do not put it out on other people just to have your own justice;

That is not right and not fair!

Just remember this, we do not know how life has been to you in real life, we want to be your friend and we will not hurt you.

Remember kindergarten? Be nice first and be friendly and the rest is easy.

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couple of really good posts above... said from the heart by the above posters and they all have a common theme...they all wish ambro no ill will and to get some help... i hope he takes that theme to heart and does something positive instead of taking it all as an insult and a slap or a kick to his dignity...

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All I can say to Ambrocious is:

It is a free world (most of the time) and freedom of speech is supposed to be one of the tenets of America that the rest of the world tries to emulate..

Your decision is yours to make, but allowing some childish wankers to cause you to go is admitting defeat.

Rather stay just to annoy them, and hopefully they will depart.

I have not seen any of your "opponents" ever make a post that makes people think, wonder, or question what they believe to be facts.

Putting up some of the posts you did takes guts, especially when you know that there are some really cynical prats just waiting to jump on you.

Insults are like wine - they only affect you if you take them personally. (Hint Hint to other nasties)

My advice if you stay is to put your posts up, and leave it at that.

Don't get into debates or discussion, just do what you always did - place the link, and let people make their own choices.

How they choose to react to your post is irrelevant once you make it.

Whatever you decide to do - I think you did some great stuff!

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Another attention seeking immature person.

If you dont want to me a member anymore, JUST DONT SIGN IN!?!?!?!!

The ONLY reason you have created this topic is because you like the attention and you want to see the comments from people asking you not to leave etc.

Stop acting like a bitch and just go away if you dont want to be on here.

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@Ambro: Read this from below to top:


Again, I repeat, we do not censor anything.

Lite is very busy at the moment, hence, the threads in question have been hidden for review, have patience.

@Others: Please calm down, no use fighting / arguing over things.

I saw that post by Lite but then I pulled up my notifications tab and it stated that they had been deleted which made me think, "Well which is it, deleted or pending for review". I didn't receive an explanation as to what I did wrong, granted one of those posts I openly asked to be deleted so that doesn't bother me (I couldn't confirm its validity as it lacked proper links and other crucial evidence, the snowden UFO post). What bothers me is that usually, when content is taken down it is because there was a violation of the rules some way. I would simply like to know, what rules did I break?

To everyone else who wants me to stay, I thank you for your patients with me as I understand that not everyone can put up with some of the things that I post and we are not robots so none of us share exact views. I post what I post because I feel like mainstream media has dropped the ball and that we are in an age where deception is being crammed down everyone’s throats so forcibly, many people have almost no chance of knowing the truth because they have been passively manipulated in slick ways that people don't often understand. I just want people to live well and healthy lives, not being victims of lies being prominently projected at everyone’s psyche.

In the past when my articles were moved, I received a notification which explained why. When these got deleted with no explanation, I took that as outright disrespect because as of yet, I STILL haven't received any explanation as to why they are gone. If they are all pending review then I applaud that because this means that all of my articles are going to be examined with a fine toothed comb...so to speak. That makes me sort of glad in one way because at least they ARE being read and not just made fun of. But still, I was offended to see them just deleted with no explanation. I feel as though I’m under trial or something, kind of creeps me out.

I suppose my final decision if I stay or leave depends on if my articles are reinstated (not counting the Snowden UFO one, I could care less about that). I am an emotional person, which is not a crime by any means. I am a very passionate person too, especially when defending the right things. So you might all understand why I feel so strongly to leave after all of this. For now, I'll wait and see what the verdict is.

Order in the court.

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again... jumping to a conclusion before all the facts are in...

i second the motion...order in the court

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I saw that post by Lite but then I pulled up my notifications tab and it stated that they had been deleted which made me think, "Well which is it, deleted or pending for review". I didn't receive an explanation as to what I did wrong, granted one of those posts I openly asked to be deleted so that doesn't bother me (I couldn't confirm its validity as it lacked proper links and other crucial evidence, the snowden UFO post). What bothers me is that usually, when content is taken down it is because there was a violation of the rules some way. I would simply like to know, what rules did I break?

To everyone else who wants me to stay, I thank you for your patients with me as I understand that not everyone can put up with some of the things that I post and we are not robots so none of us share exact views. I post what I post because I feel like mainstream media has dropped the ball and that we are in an age where deception is being crammed down everyone’s throats so forcibly, many people have almost no chance of knowing the truth because they have been passively manipulated in slick ways that people don't often understand. I just want people to live well and healthy lives, not being victims of lies being prominently projected at everyone’s psyche.

In the past when my articles were moved, I received a notification which explained why. When these got deleted with no explanation, I took that as outright disrespect because as of yet, I STILL haven't received any explanation as to why they are gone. If they are all pending review then I applaud that because this means that all of my articles are going to be examined with a fine toothed comb...so to speak. That makes me sort of glad in one way because at least they ARE being read and not just made fun of. But still, I was offended to see them just deleted with no explanation. I feel as though I’m under trial or something, kind of creeps me out.

I suppose my final decision if I stay of leave depends on if my articles are reinstated (not counting the Snowden UFO one, I could care less about that). I am an emotional person, which is not a crime by any means. I am a very passionate person too, especially when defending the right things. So you might all understand why I feel so strongly to leave after all of this. For now, I'll wait and see what the verdict is.

Order in the court.

As I said, Lite is very busy, he'll look into things when he gets time.

We generally hide threads from public view when thread in question requires lot of moderation or has got too heated, your thread is no different.

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Having said that, I truly will miss nsaneforums as I have been around since way back in the day when nsanedown was known as nsaneproductions. Since then I would like to think that I have grown very attached to the community and many people here as well. I will not tolerate censorship and I realize that the staff may have felt that I violated something but I strongly disagree, on top of this, I did not as of yet receive any message as to what rules I have broken.

I remember nsaneproductions. I lurked there a long time before becoming a member and I remember why this is nsanedown. While I have not agreed with many of your posts, I would not wish you censored or feel that you need to leave.

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With ambro's stubborn stand regarding his posts to be reinstated and many members complaints against him,

I thought that we can all give what they are asking for in a very simple way.

Give ambro a section that is dedicated only for his conspiracy theories in our forum but must not reflect/announce/shown/mixed on any frontpage news!

In this way, everyone is happy. ambro is given, actually a promotion, a section in our forum that is only for him and his followers and those who are curious on his posts. If his haters misses him they can always visits him under that category. seeesh! What a love affair!. :wub:

But, on the other side, ambro's opponents, their complaints has been granted favor by removing the conspiracy topics on the frontpage and will never see any of ambro's topic on any other section of the forum and the frontpage except on the conspiracy section subcategory.

Count me for voting in this suggestion as it is my idea. ;)

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Impressed with the high level of IQ in this discussion !

nsaners are a bright lot !


I have said this before also -

" We are not an Internet Censor and neither a Corporal Governance trying to control people or the flow of info ."

This being said , had we been a Censoring lot , this thread would have never made it to the general public's view . ;)

Understand , as Dkt already said , when anything requires attention or has been reported , the issue is discussed among staff and only then a Valid and Acceptable decision is taken .

Nothing is hushed or ignored or censored .

As such your threads have just been hidden by Lite as he will be looking into them when free . But , the discussion is still on ..........

In the mean time dont act in a fit of discernment , read through and see what members have to say about you or your topics and just improvise .

Coz , you started a thread in this regard , so , listen to what members have to say . And just hold on and hang on .

You'hv already been doing so for so long !

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@Ambro take my suggestion. It will do you no harm. If you consider yourself a sane person and not addicted to conspiracy theories then try not to go to any conspiracy website/tv, may it be in written form or video format, for six (6) months. Try to always mingle with real people in real life in real world and do not talk any conspiracy theories but only where they have been and what they plan to do so you can maybe have some nice outing/travel for yourself. Maybe then we can say you might not be suffering from a delusional disorder. Can you do this? So I can defend you if they attack you as suffering from a delusional disorder. ;)

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With ambro's stubborn stand regarding his posts to be reinstated and many members complaints against him,

I thought that we can all give what they are asking for in a very simple way.

Give ambro a section that is dedicated only for his conspiracy theories in our forum but must not reflect/announce/shown/mixed on any frontpage news!

In this way, everyone is happy. ambro is given, actually a promotion, a section in our forum that is only for him and his followers and those who are curious on his posts. If his haters misses him they always can visits him under that category. seeesh! What a love affair!. :wub:

But, on the other side, ambro's opponents, their complaints has been granted favor by removing the conspiracy topics on the frontpage and will never see any of ambro's topic on any other section of the forum and the frontpage except on the conspiracy section subcategory.

Count me for voting in this suggestion as it is my idea. ;)

Neat idea but it resembles a "free speech zone" where I’m allowed to talk about the stuff but at lesser privileges than everyone else. Rights and privileges are universal, I don't require special rights even though it seems like a good idea in one way, it is also a limitation that applies to only me.

I agree with other people who say that if my content is not liked, don’t read it / comment on it. I'm no better than anyone else and so I don't need a special place to hang my hat so to speak. I wouldn't mind an additional forum section for people who want to talk about "out of the box" ideas that anyone can be a part of. It should be noted that placing a stereotype over information that seems like it's false shouldn't be automatically wrapped up as being false until it can be otherwise analyzed and maturely debated. There happens to be a lot of fascinating things out there in the news that never see the light of day in mainstream media, I bring it here because I love nsaneforums. That is why I keep posting it here, this is my treasured community and I hate feeling like a scoundrel for posting stuff.

It was a good idea and I'm not disrespecting it, but I will hold to the same rules and privileges as all the other people here and I too consider you my friend.

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Impressed with the high level of IQ in this discussion !

nsaners are a bright lot !


I have said this before also -

" We are not an Internet Censor and neither a Corporal Governance trying to control people or the flow of info ."

This being said , had we been a Censoring lot , this thread would have never made it to the general public's view . ;)

Understand , as Dkt already said , when anything requires attention or has been reported , the issue is discussed among staff and only then a Valid and Acceptable decision is taken .

Nothing is hushed or ignored or censored .

As such your threads have just been hidden by Lite as he will be looking into them when free . But , the discussion is still on ..........

In the mean time dont act in a fit of discernment , read through and see what members have to say about you or your topics and just improvise .

Coz , you started a thread in this regard , so , listen to what members have to say . And just hold on and hang on .

You'hv already been doing so for so long !

I understand, thank you.

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With ambro's stubborn stand regarding his posts to be reinstated and many members complaints against him,

I thought that we can all give what they are asking for in a very simple way.

Give ambro a section that is dedicated only for his conspiracy theories in our forum but must not reflect/announce/shown/mixed on any frontpage news!

In this way, everyone is happy. ambro is given, actually a promotion, a section in our forum that is only for him and his followers and those who are curious on his posts. If his haters misses him they always can visits him under that category. seeesh! What a love affair!. :wub:

But, on the other side, ambro's opponents, their complaints has been granted favor by removing the conspiracy topics on the frontpage and will never see any of ambro's topic on any other section of the forum and the frontpage except on the conspiracy section subcategory.

Count me for voting in this suggestion as it is my idea. ;)

Neat idea but it resembles a "free speech zone" where I’m allowed to talk about the stuff but at lesser privileges than everyone else. Rights and privileges are universal, I don't require special rights even though it seems like a good idea in one way, it is also a limitation that applies to only me.

I agree with other people who say that if my content is not liked, don’t read it / comment on it. I'm no better than anyone else and so I don't need a special place to hang my hat so to speak. I wouldn't mind an additional forum section for people who want to talk about "out of the box" ideas that anyone can be a part of. It should be noted that placing a stereotype over information that seems like it's false shouldn't be automatically wrapped up as being false until it can be otherwise analyzed and maturely debated. There happens to be a lot of fascinating things out there in the news that never see the light of day in mainstream media, I bring it here because I love nsaneforums. That is why I keep posting it here, this is my treasured community and I hate feeling like a scoundrel for posting stuff.

It was a good idea and I'm not disrespecting it, but I will hold to the same rules and privileges as all the other people here and I too consider you my friend.

Good to hear that you still consider me as your friend, ambro! ;)

But this is not limiting only to you. This applies to all members who happens to post the same category as you posted.

It is not a "FALSE SECTION" that is why I name it as "CONSPIRACY SECTION". :P

This implies that it is neither a false report nor it never says as being proven too.

Maybe one day one of post under there will happen. Who knows? Right? :D

But, we need to better categorize our news and stuff.

Imagine if the world news is mixed with the software section.

Many members would be having a hard time knowing what new software stuff pops out. Right? ;)

So take this as a revolution to further ramified our forum to handle proper categorization of topics for ease of access functionality. B)


As long as you AGREE with any of the above, we are moving forward. So, what will it be? :D

Do you AGREE or AGREE with me ambro? ;)

Or, tell us if you have a better idea in your mind.

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Ambrocious, dude stay. Nsane is not just a bunch of random people. We are like a family. Families have misunderstandings and disagreements. You do not leave family over them. You discuss and talk things over, reach some sort of understanding. You're a good active member, nsane needs you

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Remember "Giveaway section", one member suggested to have a category dedicated for this giveaways for softwares as he did not like it mixing with software posting. We see a lot of members posting a lot of giveaway stuff there as of now. :P

It did not limit any member but only enhanced the service of the forum to better serve the different interest each one has. ;)

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First of all, I'd like to say I've been a user here for years. I am what you call a "forum lurker", reading but never writing or commenting. This is the #1 place to read software/geek news for me and the only reason I go here.

The nutty news of the tinfoil hat brigade posted by Ambrocious lately have been quite an annoyance, because they keep popping up on the frontpage and either have nothing to do with software, have no credibility or are a combination of both. Had I wanted to read articles on the topic of conspiracies there are plenty of other sites for me to visit and forums to discuss it with like-minded individuals.

.. As soon as possible, I will be gone and out of everyone's collective hairs.

1. I really applaud your decision and want to thank you for making this mature decision.

2. No need to leave, just please stop posting links and articles originated from the likes of David Icke and Alex Jones.

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The nutty news of the tinfoil hat brigade posted by Ambrocious lately have been quite an annoyance, because they keep popping up on the frontpage and either have nothing to do with software, have no credibility or are a combination of both. Had I wanted to read articles on the topic of conspiracies there are plenty of other sites for me to visit and forums to discuss it with like-minded individuals.

That is why I suggested to set up a "conspiracy section" much like what happened to the "giveaway section" we had here.

It gives much order and ramification on our forums to better filter and categorize the topics.

But my friend ambro chose to rather be stubborn and, if I'm not mistaken, he wishes to post it in software and other topics category which irritates a lot of members here. The notion is very simple to understand. Post the giveaway topic to the giveaway section.

Similarly, post the conspiracy topics to the conspiracy subsection. If you do not like the title "conspiracy" then lets change it.

Maybe replace conspiracy to the "underground news" or the "freedom of speech news" or "the world news order".

Whatever way as long as the topics be categorize to their proper places. What if I post my jokes topics in your software section? You like it? :P

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