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Leaving nsanedown


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After recently being censored in my news articles it is clear that I am not welcome here. I have not violated any rules and have not received any messages from staff at nsandown as to why I have been censored. As soon as possible, I will be gone and out of everyone's collective hairs.

Having said that, I truly will miss nsaneforums as I have been around since way back in the day when nsanedown was known as nsaneproductions. Since then I would like to think that I have grown very attached to the community and many people here as well. I will not tolerate censorship and I realize that the staff may have felt that I violated something but I strongly disagree, on top of this, I did not as of yet receive any message as to what rules I have broken.

Happy trails.



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not wishing you to leave ambro... several people were censored in those articles... for various reasons too... my point is that you are not really open minded in your research and several other people took greater exception than i did...and yes i admit i was not all kind on some my responses but you also were throwing your own mud... the fact is the internet...sometimes it allows regular people to go a bit overboard when they are anonymous not an excuse but rather a reason for their actions...no reason to leave a great site..just tone down your conspiracies a bit.. i am sure you post on other sites that do not have any members taking exception to your posts... life lesson learned... there is a time and a place for certain things... whether you like it or not or even if it is wrong it is still a fact and a reality that sometimes life ain't fare....many times actually...doesn't mean we have to stop doing our thing...

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Well like I had posted, in the deleted threads. Some quotes below.

In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.

In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.

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I not know you, but i see that you participate actively in the forum, and this here since 2005. therefore has a story here so I ask you to disregard this because I'm sure that this is not the will of one here, I think you have interpreted the wrong way and is taking it personally, everyone makes mistakes and I believe we can solve this with a conversation, because you are sure that no one here is against you.

I think you will understand. :)

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there is ample evidence to disprove every thing alex lines stands for out there.. and i suggest everything he has said ...you claim to look at dissenting views when you do your research but it it also very easy to see that to totally discount anything and totally ignore it as total lies and fabrications by the new world order and that goes against what alex says is the gospel is to you it must be wrong...you have said so much yourself. I suggest to you if you want to help the country you live in survive these trying times go and do the good deeds yourself every day that was reported on earlier this morning in under the topic faith in humanity restored... do that and you will do far more to save the world than anything you or alex jones will EVER do with angry rhetoric meant to do nothing but incite the easily impressionable people to follow him so blindly..even when he actually catches someone doing something wrong he totally bastardizes it into something that the very extreme vast majority will look at him and just shake their heads at how stupid he could actually be

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well just send a message to an admin... but why on earth would you want to do that... not required and not really the right thing to do either

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well just send a message to an admin... but why on earth would you want to do that... not required and not really the right thing to do either

Because I’m a man of my word and I realize how pointless it is to try and help people online to understand the depths of the info that I post. I get far better results when I present this stuff in person. I stand diametrically opposed to censorship of news as it pertains to information many people need to know about that mainstream media is too afraid to report on.

FYI, I have sent a message to a Lite, Im awaiting his actions or instructions on how I can be out of here for good.

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You should stay man. You are very active here and I enjoy reading what you post. Sometimes I agree, sometimes not. I added you as a friend awhile back and the fact is we have never PM'ed or anything. I just thought you had balls and I respect you for that. You should stay. g/l

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Well like I had posted, in the deleted threads. Some quotes below.

In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.

In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.

It's posts like that that break my heart about leaving. I don't want to leave but this is getting too much for me to take on alone. If others were aware and willing to report on this information, it would take a tremendous amount of pressure off my hands. As it is, I have multiple people who hate this information, some of them half way hate it, while others are either undecided or seem to misinterpret it. I understand the course that humanity has took in the past and that history repeats itself.

dMog, I don't hate you at all and I wish you well because it seems that you got a good heart, but you lack discernment on some things. dcs18...I won't miss you...sorry. Tezza, a person of your intellect should be able to understand certain historical things and how they pertain to these dark days, break apart the barriers in your mind that prevent you from seeing clearly.

To anyone else who appreciates the suppressed truth, don't ever forget to be informative to others, they need it yet desperately run from it.

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but i still point out to you that you only look at proof that proves your point..that is never good .. you totally discount as lies and propaganda anything that points in different direction that you wish to take any topic... all here can see that even the ones that on occasion agree with you.... but a till no reason to leave.. as i said before there is a time a place for everything...conspiracy theories... is not a place here ... won't argue the rightness or the wrongness of that but it is a fact learn a life lesson and move on but don't leave the site

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I don't know both of you but...

dMog, you're trying to get Ambrocious to leave nsane... that's a fact. Now that he's leaving, you don't want it? What's what you want from this? You have a point of view about things but with your attitude, it's like you're imposing it on everyone...

Ambrocious... things in life are just like this... if you put a stop at this point you're going to lose something more than a place to post your opinions... I'm old enough to know that... if you want to keep your goal, don't give up... but you have to learn how to approach people when handling those topics... it's hard, not impossible.

With that said, I hope I'm not poking my nose a little too much in this issue.

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never tried to get him to leave nor ever wanted him to leave

..just tone down the really strange and misguided posts

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I love strange or not so strange posts.Makes life interesting and I have nothing to fear from what ppl post.

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never tried to get him to leave nor ever wanted him to leave

..just tone down the really strange and misguided posts

So your way of doing that is by bulling/harrasing him?

I think that's not the way... if you don't like what he says, don't read his posts. It's really easy... but publicly doing what you did... it's something someone immature would do... and I'm not saying you're one... nor I'm mature

For you, his posts are strange and misguided, for other people maybe not... that's everyone right, to like or not what other people say... you don't like it, say it, but to whine over it like you did in the previous threads...

A question then... if you don't like what I say, are you going to flame me until I leave nsane?

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many times i tried to post proof he was misinformed or just talk to him about it and he only played woe is me card or posted even more "proof" that already proven to be falsehoods some of it proven wrong over and over and over years ago so no i do not feel i bullied him.. several other posters tried to inform him of his misinformation(several others just got angry too) and ambro either ignored them or called them bullies or said they believed lies and untruths not him..so he is just as much to blame for his misfortunes as anyone else here..further more the way he posted and acted... he ain't no innocent bystander by any stretch of the imagination...and i am sincere in my posts asking him NOT to leave but also to understand why people tend to go after him at times...

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I think everyone here is smart enough to realize whats's fact and what's not... and that's what's needed to not be misleaded, I'm wrong?

I'm not siding Ambrocious. I'm pointing the fact that you are fighting to get him silent, to leave or whatever your reason is... and so, because other people complains you can do it time and time again to the point of him giving up. I said it before, if you don't like his posts, don't read them... that's common sense.

So like him, you have the right of free speech, the right to express your point of view, be it right or wrong. But you have no right to deny it.

That's the reason I'm meddling in this issue. I think that's not fair what you did. Why can't you let him be?

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dont leave dude.contreversy is a way of life chill :)

edit:even though i no you stated that you where going to kill yoursellf. so you no

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Ambrocious, if you really need to leave, i will miss your post.

Maybe some of your news were censored, because they need to be?

Maybe an admin, or mods can explain to you, in private, why they did so?

Maybe you need to learn a new way to try to teach us your side of the true?

dMog, you were fighting him furiously, in every topic.

Not only to say your side of the true, but to provoke him, to harass him.

It's the way we see it.

it's like you were trying to bullying him enough so he stop posting news.

Maybe you simply like to challenge peoples with what you say, and like to answer that way.

You say that you don't want him to leave, so, maybe you simply like to challenge peoples.

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i was also seeking for him to be much more open minded than the blind following of such a charlatan as the man behind the info wars site and ALL that that man stands for... ambor does think this man is a god(yes small case g and not capital G) among men and info wars is a money making machine for alex jones that preys on inocent guys like ambro who is only guilty of wanting to save the world sorry ambro but sometimes reality hurts a little

EDIT::: and yes when person NEEDS to be challenged i have no qualms about doing so... the posting not even quite half truths but out and out lies to forward an bad agenda does need to be challenged and should be at every turn and for that i make no apologies, nor should i have to...but still no reason for the guy to quit a good site..when he is not posting conspiracies he does contribute very well.

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i was also seeking for him to be much more open minded than the blind following of such a charlatan as the man behind the info wars site and ALL that that man stands for... ambor does think this man is a god(yes small case g and not capital G) among men and info wars is a money making machine for alex jones that preys on inocent guys like ambro who is only guilty of wanting to save the world sorry ambro but sometimes reality hurts a little

So in order to fight 'his god' you're going to play 'GOD'?

What Ambrocious does with his life concerns only Ambrocious. It's the same with his beliefs, opinions and everything else. Are you trying to change his ways? If so, then you're in the wrong. If you want to 'enlighten' him then do it using your brain, not your liver... I think you're capable of that.

And with this, for me, you're the narrow minded here...

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@Ambro: Read this from below to top:


Again, I repeat, we do not censor anything.

Lite is very busy at the moment, hence, the threads in question have been hidden for review, have patience.

@Others: Please calm down, no use fighting / arguing over things.

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