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What should I use POP or IMAP?


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Ok so lets say that you use a free email service like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail etc.

Do you know what happens when your email gets hacked or something goes wrong with the servers that your account is hosted on? You are SOL (Shit Out of Luck). Forever gone are your archived emails, attachments and personal notes.

So, with that in mind, what should you do? BACK UP your emails.

There are two protocals that allow you to view emails on your computer without using a web browser. They are POP and IMAP.

First you need to download Thunderbird (or another mail client such as outlook)


- offers one-way downloading of your messages from the mail servers

to your computer

- always downloads the entire message, making it easy to back-up your


- only downloads your messages -- not your labels

- good for people who don't want to leave mail on the mail servers, or

don't want two-way synchronization


- offers two-way syncing between mail and mail client actions. If you

read a message in your email client, it will be marked read on the


- save space by downloading only the message headers, or download

whole messages to work offline, your choice

- your labels appear as folders, and vice versa -- so it's easy to

stay organized

- provides access to mail's Drafts, Sent Mail and Spam folders

- great if you check your mail from multiple computers or mobile

devices -- you'll see the same messages and folders, no matter what

email client you're using

So, depending on your needs, you now have the information to make a good choice. There is the data in black and white (unless your crazy and use CSS to make it purple and brown).

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Thanks irefay, but can you use IMAP with Hotmail (& Thunderbird)?

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Thanks irefay, but can you use IMAP with Hotmail (& Thunderbird)?

I dont have hotmail anymore (once you go gmail, its hard to go back) but I signed into a buddies account and I could not find any settings to enable (or disable it)

After a little research, it looks like Hotmail does not support IMAP. It does support POP;.

"Hotmail currently only supports POP3. For POP3, use pop3.live.com and smtp.live.com on ports 995 and 25 using SSL. For detailed instructions, go to the Windows Live website listed in Related Links. " - http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_set_up_IMAP_for_hotmail

Good luck!

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Ah, that sucks... Because every time I log in to MSN it shows like 20 unread messages now :king:

But I've thought of a way to fix this already, will write a guide about it :dance2:

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