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How to Convert Torrent to Direct HTTP Link


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(Last edited 14th July 2013)

Changes : Added 1 new service and changes of policies by Put.io, ZBigZ and Boxopus

Following the downfall of the popular torrent conversion site Torrific few years back, people are constantly looking for an equivalent alternative that may provide the same if not for better service which they used to enjoy with Torrific.

As much of the content nowadays can be easily acquired and obtained from the ever popular torrent search engine such as Pirate Bay due to its large database in comparison to a much more traditional method - which I would say - by downloading a file through a file locker site which may implement a pain in the ass limitation to its user such as capped download speed just to point out one of those.

Without any speed limitation, why would one looking to convert those torrent magnet link into direct (HTTP) link? Well, there are a few factors but the most significant one would be the censorship issues which are happening due to the excessive copyrights complains from the copyright holder that lead to the access denial to such site by the Internet Service Provider (ISP). Privacy concern was also one of the factors that encourage BitTorrent users to avoid downloading with a BitTorrent client software as they have a fear that their IP address might be acquired by irresponsible parties for the wrong reason.

Thus and without further ado, I would like to share a few good and reputable site that will help us to do just that (torrent to HTTP conversion). The following sites that would be introduced is solely based on my personal experience and what's more the best part of it is that most of the sites do provide a good service even for the free user!

1. Put.io


Put.io could have easily been one of our top favorite sites on the list as it does not only stored users fetched files for an indefinite time period, what’s even better is that it also help user to seed the torrent until a certain given ratio (2.0 for private tracker and 1.0 for public tracker). Put.io also allow users to stream a video file directly using a supported video player such as VLC, MPlayer and also KMPlayer. Wait, have we mentioned that Put.io also offer the service to convert the downloaded video to MP4 format so that it would be compatible with its default web player (we would like to point out that with the web player you can search for the subtitle or even load your own custom subtitle file to be played with the video online)?

Thank to the accessibility of its API program user will also find themselves benefiting with application developed by third parties such as Roku which will further enhance your experience with Put.io. There were also apps available for both of the iOS and Android users.

It's very unfortunate that Put.io have temporarily closed down its registration a for free account by reason of reaching the server capacity. The free plan has a 1 GB daily download traffic quota, 1.3 GB file storage capacity (varies and up to 3.2 GB storage space based on the previous referral program), and also 2 concurrent torrent slots limitation on it. However, user who are interested for a free account may subscribe to its newsletter and be informed about the possibilities of the free account registration in the future from the page here.

But hey, do not be let down by it as according to Put.io via its official Facebook page there is still a way to grab yourself a free account. Currently, there are 3 different plans on the table to be chosen from based on the storage capacity needed starting from 50 GB for $9.99 per month, 100 GB for $14.90 per month and also 200 GB for $19.90 per month respectively. All paid plans have unlimited bandwidth and 15 concurrent torrent slots.


And hey, trust me it's worth every penny for such a great service offered!


- The user will now be able to access Put.io via FTP server. However and for a starter the file will only be available in a read only medium.
- Free user download bandwidth is now equivalent to account available storage (disk space). For instance, user with 2 GB total storage space will be given 2 GB bandwidth and so on.
- No more free space check problem while adding new torrent file.

2. Furk.net


Meanwhile, Furk.net is a completely different type of service which they offer an unlimited storage time for fetched file as long as the file is from a public sources such as the Pirate Bay. Furk.net also being generous in terms of the bandwidth limitation as free user are being given a rather respectable 250 GB monthly traffic besides a 2 GB file size limit for each torrent file to be fetched. With Furk.net, user may stream video file directly to local player like VLC or XBMC through various supported console (PC, Smartphone, and even Xbox), convert file to iOS compatible format, and also playing a video via its web player. Also note that file that have been fetched previously by other users will be available instantly from the server cache instead of having the needs to fetching the file all over again. You may want to refer follows to their file retention policies as below:

- All files added by downloading from public sources are kept as long as possible.
- If disk space on a particular storage node is required then the least popular file is physically deleted.
- To protect from such automatic deletion you have to mark a file as protected.
- The current storage limit for protected files is 25GB and the feature is available only for premium accounts. The limit will be increased soon.
- All deleted files are placed in the Deleted tab and can be either quickly added back (if not yet physically deleted) or re-downloaded from the original source.

Furk.net also has its own custom browser plugins which allow users to start fetching a torrent immediately and conveniently instead of having to login each time and do it manually in a new tab. The user will also be notified with a notification whenever a torrent had been successfully fetched.

Premium member has a larger monthly bandwidth limit of 160 GB as well as the abilities to download BitTorrent proxy which are explained through the image below


Users who are interested to know more about the Premium plan offered may refer to the pricing page here which ranging from one week plan to a lifetime plan!

Note that Furk.net registration would require an invite code. However, by logging in using a Facebook account would bypass the restriction.

Tips: User who find their download speed with Furk.net slow can refer to this page for a possible solutions.

Here are the sister site (ZZLBox) for Furk.net which currenty are in Beta stage.

3. ZBigZ


ZBigZ is one of those sites that gain popularity and benefited from the ceasing of Torrific. We have previously done a review on ZBigZ and we even conducted a couple of premium account giveaways to our site visitor. However, ZBigZ has since revamped into a brand new site with a brand new layout and services all together.

ZBigZ is very straight forward to use and you would not even be asked to register for an account in order to use the service. However it is a given that there would be a few glitches for those unregistered users and they may find some features unavailable for them such as not being given a storage space although the download speed, file size limits, and the number simultaneous download are the same as the registered users (150 Kbps, 8 GB, and 1 to 2 simultaneous download respectively). Note that the registered user we used to compare with earlier are the free registered user and not the premium/paid user.


For full and a more comprehensive detailed overview of the membership plans offered by ZBigZ, please kindly visit the page here.

Note that for free registered user file will be stored for 1 week only and will be deleted thereafter. Also, the torrent will not be cached (or fetched) if you are not on the site meaning that you should not close and leave the site page not until he fetching had completed.


- Maximum torrent file size allowed for free user is now downsized to 1 GB

4. Boxopus


Boxopus is a project that is still in its beta stage although it has been around for quite some time now. At first, the idea of Boxopus is that it was an app to be integrated and used with Drpobox, a cloud storage service in which Boxopus utilize as storage space for users downloaded file (it fetches your torrent files and transfer them to your Dropbox account instead of storing them on their server). Thus, it makes sense that Boxopus rely and very dependent on Dropbox where the amount of storage space available on your account will determine the maximum file size allowed to be downloaded. Therefore virtually for a standard free Dropbox account where with a 2 GB storage space are only allowed to download torrent file which not exceeding 2 GB in size.

To start, you are required to register an account which is totally free of charges and shall remain so until it came out of its beta phrase. The usage is very easy and simple as all you need is to have your magnet link ready or just simply upload the torrent file from your local directory and you are set.

"We can't deliver files to your Dropbox at the moment but they can be downloaded from our servers within 24 hours after we get them from the web."

As you can see from the announcement on the site download page (only accessible by registered user) you will notice that Boxopus were unable to transfer the file to the Dropbox account for the time being but instead the fetched file will be stored and available to be downloaded from the Boxopus server itself in within 24 hours after completion. Also, there is currently no traffic limitation for all users which is awesome to say the least.


"Sorry, you can temporarily download torrents of maximum 2 GB. We're in the process of optimizing functionality. The limitation will be removed soon, don't worry."

- User at the moment are not allowed to fetch torrent file exceeding file size of 2 GB. According to the notice given as of above the limitation should be only temporary (well let just keep or finger crossed for now).

5. Filestream.me


Filestream was quite new to me to be honest therefore I does not use the service as much and often as I would like to do compared to the other services which I had mentioned earlier. Another factor that discourages me use Filestream is that I was unable to access the site in my region as it would give me an “403 Forbidden” error unless if I were to use a VPN.


Free user of Filestream are being entitled and limited to a maximum of 5 GB file size for each torrent download and the file will stay on the server for 3 days only. Filestream also capped its free user bandwidth to 10 GB each month besides allowing the number of simultaneous torrent download to two only at a given time. User however are able to zipped a particular folder and download it but one downside of this feature for free user is that it does not support download resuming. Download resume will work only when a file is being downloaded individually (not zipped) with the aid of a download manager and in order to resume a particular download you will have to refresh your download link and replace it with a new one for it to resume a paused download (you can do it easily with Internet Download Manager).


However, Filestream is not limited to fetching torrent files only as it also allow user to stream files obtained from a file locker site (currently they only support Letitbit for free users, Turbobit and DepositFile for Basic users or higher, and 4Shared for Professional users). Simply input your download link and stream download it with Filestream at fast speed.

6. ByteBX


With ByteBX, free user will be given 2.5 GB of free storage space for a starter and the downloaded file will be kept available for 5 days before being removed from the server. Free user download speed is also being limited to 100 Kbps which is rather slow in my opinion. Also just for your information and from what I have learnt while experimenting with ByteBX is that it takes quite some time -approximately 3 hours- in order for them to fetch the torrent file that I requested completely (the torrent is about 1.3 GB in size and having about 350 seeder at that particular time) with a free account.


User can opt for a paid membership which is the Premium 100 and Premium 300 plan with an unlimited file storage time period, the ability to stream video and music, unlimited simultaneous downloads and also unlimited download speed. The only differences between both plans is its storage offered which is 100 GB and 300 GB respectively.

Note that ByteBX have its own referral program and are rewarding the user with Premium points for referring others to use its service which can be then used as a medium to purchase/exchange for a premium account.

7. BTCloud


Where else BTCLoud offer 1 GB of storage space with 1 GB file size limit and 5 torrents stored at a time for its free users. The downloaded torrent will be stored in sever for only 1 day while paying membership file will be stored for 10 days. BTCloud only accept Bitcoin as their only payment medium for purchasing membership account. The table below shows a list of plans offered by BTCloud


Other alternative site

1. Bruzzy

Bruzzy is a site that is still in beta stages and are only available in Russian language. Use Google Chrome browser to translate the text on the site to your preferred language. You will be able to notice that both the site template and theme are very similar and identical to the one of ZBIgZ (well just saying)

2. JustSeedIt (Beta)

JustSeedIt is a new seedbox service which is new to the scene and currently in its early beta stages therefore the site may be a little unstable and are prone to bugs and error. New users will be entitled to a free lifetime 20 GB of bandwidth (or more based on the referral program that reward user with an extra 20 GB for each registered user referred) each month and the file stored on the server will be removed if it is not being accessed for more than 14 days.

A new user who registered via a referral link will start off with a generous 100 GB bandwidth (some user even claims that even if you registered without a referral you will be receiving the same amount of 100 GB bandwidth too)

Interested user who wishes to register under my referral link can use this link here or use the link here if you choose to register directly.

Well my final thought will be that all of the site above is pretty good given that most of the aforementioned sites above can be used for free. However, if I were to pay for one of those service I would definitely go for Put. io or Furk.net for sure as they are more reliable and give a consistent download speed to the user. What is your say regarding the service offered by those sites mentioned earlier? I would love to hear your opinion and feedbacks regarding it. I will also be grateful if you can recommend a website which offer a similar service that I might have missed in the article above.


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thanks for sharing nice websites.

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I need this :shit: know. Thanx :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Thanks for the Nice Post.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...


thanks for sharing nice websites.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Put.io just sent me this e mail....

I have bad news: We will disable free accounts at the end of this month.

We've been grandfathering 108,000 free accounts for 1.5 years now.

It's time to say goodbye before the cost kills us.

Thank you for all your support. We hope you will not be bummed too much.
We sincerely wanted to keep supporting you, but it's not possible anymore

Also here's another one not listed https://streamza.com/ and another one http://hive.im/

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Put.io just sent me this e mail....

I have bad news: We will disable free accounts at the end of this month.

We've been grandfathering 108,000 free accounts for 1.5 years now.

It's time to say goodbye before the cost kills us.

Thank you for all your support. We hope you will not be bummed too much.

We sincerely wanted to keep supporting you, but it's not possible anymore

Also here's another one not listed https://streamza.com/ and another one http://hive.im/

Yes indeed that true. Hopefully I will be able spare some time and updating the list soon.

Side note to the service you had just mentioned.

Streamza only allow free user to stream video from its server but not download it. Downloading only available for Premium user only though.

Where else Hive look more promising I had a taste during their beta phase and currently is close waiting for official launch.

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you for the share/info. this is really helpful specially when temporarily away from your main machine, ex. in coffee nets.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

After looking around and examining the mentioned links, I could say that for a good and reliable/working service one has to buy a membership on almost all of the mentioned sites. Very few/limited options if any for a free usage. :(

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Update 02/15,

1. Filestream was good, but for past couple of months, it has reduced the torrent size to 1GB for Free accounts, and increased with wait time for downloading as well.

2. Boxopus, still allow a 2.5GB torrent to free accounts, but the wait time has almost 6-24 24-48 hrs now, before your torrent begin downloading.

3. Furk.net, has capped download bandwidth for free accounts, and is not clear what it is currently offering. But the site, has a really neat feature, if a torrent is already downloaded, it will offer you to add it to your account.

I have few codes available, which are required to sign up on furk.net. Should you need, please request here.

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Update 02/15, use the following Furk.net's invite codes (required to sign up):


Will post more, when available.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here I m sharing Bytebx Premium Account FEB 2014. Enjoy bytebx premium in free.

Don't Change The password.

This page can acces everyone on web you dont have to be registred and im prety sure its gonna be changed in few minutes -_-

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Here I m sharing Bytebx Premium Account FEB 2014. Enjoy bytebx premium in free.

Don't Change The password.

This page can acces everyone on web you dont have to be registred and im prety sure its gonna be changed in few minutes -_-

yes u r right...i am to help...there will more accounts

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