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Microsoft: People like ads in Windows 8


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Microsoft has announced that a new study from Nielsen shows that consumers seem to like in-app Windows 8 ads, and used Nielsen's NeuroFocus approach to measure brain impulses as part of the study.

Microsoft is trying to show both the public and ad buyers, in particular, that running banner ads inside Windows 8 apps is actually effective. Today, Microsoft Advertising posted word on a new study conducted by Nielsen that explores that subject.

The blog post stated that Nielsen not only talked to consumers about Windows 8 in-app ad experiences, but also examined the brain activity of some people who viewed these ads. You can see how Nielsen conducted that latter part of the study in the above video with its NeuroFocus method, which measures a person's EEG (electroencephalogram) and also tracks their eye movements on a banner ad.

Microsoft's Natasha Hritzuk, the head of the company's consumer global insights team, talks about the results of the Nielsen NeuroFocus study, saying:

The most interesting result from my perspective is that brands advertised in Windows 8 apps experienced a halo effect, e.g. advertising on Windows 8 drives perceptions that the advertised brands are more interesting, innovative and compelling because they are being showcased in a new, interesting ad platform. The unique design approach of Windows 8, which allows for an immersive app experience, while being non-intrusive is a key driver of that.

The subject of in-app banner ads as part of many Windows 8 apps has been something of a controversial subject since it was first introduced in 2012. Some people have felt putting in ads inside apps is an unwanted distraction. More recently, some Windows 8 app developers who use in-app ads have complained that Microsoft ran out of ads to run which affects their bottom line.

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Does anybody actually want to see more ads? I block most of them with a hosts file.

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Is Microsoft stupid? Who does like ads? :think: :doh:

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What are these MS fools smoking?

First they think that a touch UI is superior to a mouse/keyboard UI on desktops.

Then they eventually cave in to overwhelming pressure to restore the Start button to Windows 8, and then make it act nothing like the original.

Now they suggest people like ads...

If it wasn't so pitiful it'd be insanely hilarious...

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If they say we like ads, it must mean we like ads, which means we like ads.

It's really pretty simple.

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I don't think "like" and "Windows 8" should be put in the same sentence :D

People like ads? Microsoft is going insane..

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Microsoft: People like ads in Windows 8

Who would love ads. - usual crap from Microsoft reserved especially for the characters in my usual Disclaimer:-


Characters who gotta suffer ads. as a consequence of being forced to use Apps:

  • The Vain
  • The Dead
  • The Trolls
  • The Proud
  • The n00bs
  • The Sheep
  • The Dense
  • The Slaves
  • The Losers
  • The Biased
  • The MisFits
  • The Prudes
  • The Flaccid
  • The Dunces
  • The Morons
  • The Pussies
  • The Lamers
  • The KillJoys
  • The Gullible
  • The Jealous
  • The Rippers
  • The Retards
  • The Flamers
  • The Faggots
  • The Blamers
  • The Quitters
  • The Whiners
  • The ShitLess
  • The Dumbos
  • The Flunkies
  • The Stooges
  • The Lackeys
  • The FullCups
  • The Haughty
  • The Eunuchs
  • The Doubtful
  • The Paranoid
  • The Yes-Men
  • The Accusers
  • The Laggards
  • The Theorists
  • The Alarmists
  • The ImPotent
  • The Gamblers
  • The ImPatient
  • The CryBabies
  • The Comatose
  • The InCapable
  • The Weaklings
  • The Pessimists
  • The Hypocrites
  • The Lamenters
  • The LukeWarm
  • The Ignoramus
  • The Pretenders
  • The Contended
  • The DisInclined
  • The PallBearers
  • The ShameLess
  • The ImPractical
  • The SpoilSports
  • The Know-It-All
  • The Astrologers
  • The Vanquished
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  • The GreenHorns
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  • The DayDreamers
  • The non-Believers
  • The Escape Artists
  • The InCompetents
  • The OverConfident
  • The Living UnDead
  • The UnResourceful
  • The Breast Beaters
  • The Fuddy Duddies
  • The Procrastinators
  • The Rabble Rousers
  • The Non-Performers
  • The Rumor Mongers
  • The WindowsBashers
  • The FanBoyz & FanGals
  • The Don't-Fix-It-If-It's-Not-Broken

adds..what are these ads people speak of??

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . also, what apps???

Have not had the misfortune to sight the so called Apps on my system for the past 4 months. :D

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this is the stupid ever said by microsoft since the start button issue.

way to go ! you will eventually run out of business :)

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the only thing wrong with the win8 start screen is that microsoft did not give an option to users that wanted the desktop...this is NOT the death penalty case some make it out to be,,, just because you all like windows XP or linux does not make you the sole authority...there is/was an easy way to fix this and the company is listening to the ones that want their start screens back

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lol first MS thinks that no one uses the start menu anymore, then facebook claims users like auto play video ads now it's back to Microsoft claiming that users enjoy app ads. Hahaha, give me a break, even last.fm had some auto play video ads i ended up having to get an ad blocker just to block those videos. If i want to buy something i'll look for it or go onto amazon.com. I don't need ads telling me i should buy this and that.

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Lol I forgot how ads look like thanks to ad blockers! ^^ I'd rather donate to ppl who invent these blockers rather then spend the money on the things from ads...

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If MS was smoking the same stuff in years past when windows was less stable they'd be saying "But our research shows that consumers LOVE crashes."

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this way of thinking from microcrap give me a mind blow !! if i could i was closing this thread ! reason " to much poisoned weed by steve ballmer"

peace ;)

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An interesting fact that I noted was that this particular Author, John Callaham writes the most ridiculous of reviews - regardless of whether he is praising or criticizing Windows 8 (he just cannot seem to get it right.) :fool:

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More adds more money, and MS corporation, as it is, cares only for money, as it should,

so don't know why big surprise, when behind MS is many greedy shareholders, investors and partners,

that is not one man decision, and it is very probable who finance this study.

This is just one more reason not to use Metro apps, and one more reason to stick with Windows 7.

Good job MS marketing.

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The folks at Microsoft must be on crack or something like it, I don't know of anyone who wants to have ads interfere with their viewing of anything. I block everyone that I can.

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More adds more money, and MS corporation, as it is, cares only for money, as it should,

so don't know why big surprise, when behind MS is many greedy shareholders, investors and partners,

that is not one man decision, and it is very probable who finance this study.

This is just one more reason not to use Metro apps, and one more reason to stick with Windows 7.

Good job MS marketing.

i havn't seen metro since the day i installed windows 8 :rolleyes:

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