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ESET v4 Fixes


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As people seem to be chattering on whether automatic updates are happening or not? I thought I'd give further info on my install yesterday day...

Since the initial automatic update that happened on install of 4.0.314 and Eset4Box4EVER v4.20A which put me on 3958 (20090324), I find I am now on sig 3961 (20090325) so automatic updates are definitely happening here! :P

Why are people doubting auto-updates? is it due to the username/password problem peeps have suffered?

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You have many excellent suggestions...

You got that right, I don't know if you noticed(Hoca), but you nearly got the title of Poster of the Week last week ;) (Read the topic for more information on my decision :P)

But do know I(and we all, I think) appreciate your efforts.

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Trouble is I advanced the test PCs I had with mara and ru fixes on and they held steady, I got the impression it was only upon them phoning home that they began to count-down after many days showing static trial days!

It would be handy to show the sigs info in the pop-up, but I do not feel it is essential, but if it does not show the sigs version I believe it should indicate where this info can be found? :P

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@box and @shought

Thank you for the compliment! :P

I had not noticed I had nearly been poster of the week (message to self... must think of another cunning idea to achieve this goal! ;) LOL)


Where do I read more info on PotW?

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Not a stupid question :P

With mara's fix run the fix again and it will offer to remove it for you.

With box's fix, run it again and choose YES to 'change the status', this will UNLOCK the registry again.

Will that do for ya? ;)

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Further to my Post #701 [Yesterday, 05:17 PM]

No Auto-update has so far taken place today, the puter has been booted x2 & 1 re-boot.

Last successful up-date was yesterday @1805hrs Virus Sig 3958 - since then 3update Sigs have been released by Eset.

Should it not have updated by now icon14.gif

Should I try a manual update or wait to see if it happens later icon14.gif

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right now checking the eset servers with nodview, only the non trial one got the update to the latest version. Others are empty


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@box and @shought

Thank you for the compliment! :P

I had not noticed I had nearly been poster of the week (message to self... must think of another cunning idea to achieve this goal! ;) LOL)


Where do I read more info on PotW?

That would be here(Poster of the Week topic).

Don't worry about those updates guys... I'm still at 3957, and you don't hear my crying :D

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right now checking the eset servers with nodview, only the non trial one got the update to the latest version. Others are empty


Could that be the difference between Trial Version & Full Version is that the Full Version gets priority for updates icon14.gif

although earlier jofre got auto update.


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you are lucky to even have updates on trial in any program. trial means evaluating, not using normally.

it's natural for updates to be faster on retail versions than trial. but some hours difference between updates shouldn't be a problem to anyone. unless you are on wall street or an airport

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any ideas why smart security continues to deny updating with this fix? I often had to switch update servers to convince it, and often even that doesnt work.

thanks for any advice


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right now checking the eset servers with nodview, only the non trial one got the update to the latest version. Others are empty


Could that be the difference between Trial Version & Full Version is that the Full Version gets priority for updates icon14.gif

although earlier jofre got auto update.


No, it couldn't.

It is :P

Of course Full versions get their updates faster than Trial versions do, but even with 3 months old signatures ESET owns... Anyway if you really are concerned about 'zero-hour threats' you should just buy the damn Full version. It's highly unlikely that any of us will ever come in contact with a zero-hour threat and that ESET's heuristics won't pick it up.(Unless someone is deliberately targeting your machine by for instance an email message... or hijacking your WLAN connection...)

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"Anyway if you really are concerned about 'zero-hour threats' you should just buy the damn Full version"

Well put! I've been tempted to say that and I'm glad that someone has! what do folk want, they're getting a great product gratis!

You only have to read a couple of pages of posts to see that it's all been said! The servers are still weighed down, and trial versions don't get updates as quickly as retail (that said, I've always found delays to minimal though!)

The only problem I'm aware of that's preventing some peeps from getting updates is this asking for username/password business (something I've thankfully not had a taste of)

People should stop whining! If they don't feel the fixes are good enough, get your hand in your pocket and buy the thing! :P LOL

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right now checking the eset servers with nodview, only the non trial one got the update to the latest version. Others are empty


Could that be the difference between Trial Version & Full Version is that the Full Version gets priority for updates icon14.gif

although earlier jofre got auto update.


No, it couldn't.

It is :P

Of course Full versions get their updates faster than Trial versions do, but even with 3 months old signatures ESET owns... Anyway if you really are concerned about 'zero-hour threats' you should just buy the damn Full version. It's highly unlikely that any of us will ever come in contact with a zero-hour threat and that ESET's heuristics won't pick it up.(Unless someone is deliberately targeting your machine by for instance an email message... or hijacking your WLAN connection...)

oh so thats why when I click on the signature info link and then advance by one digit in the ling (e.g. 3960->3961), I get a newer version though my trial eset says no new update...lol :D

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I'm trying to locate the most recent buisness edition, 64bit, antivirus, NOT eset smart security, just the antivirus.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, even a nudge in the right direction.

Already searched everywhere i know.

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google is your friend


sharecode: /files/204386052/eavbe40314x64en.rar

which is from the top search result...


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Where does it show how many trial day left? Im using Mara-fix.

I remembered for the previous version, It showed on the front.

thx for help

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It shows under Protection status on the main ESET window. But as ever it only appears after your first update and a restart.

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Almost done with the GUI for Box4Ever. My Norton expired so I had to work on a new crack real fast. That's is done now. :P

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Great news, can't wait to see how it turns out! :P

I was thinking... when you said your fix does not install any files on a users machine... could it prove useful if it did? :D

That is to say that your fix copies itself to the ESET (or Windows) folder and adds a link to itself in the Start Menu, so if the need arises to run the fix to either Unlock/Lock the trial again it is already on the machine ready to be used?

I've not tried to un-install/re-install ESS with the registry locked by your fix, but I think it's safe to say things would go pair-shaped if I did? So having your fix on-tap so to to speak to Unlock the registry could prove to be very handy?

Again maybe this could be an option when you run the fix rather than compulsory thing, but I can't see a downside to having the fix ready to use? It may prove useful to automatically add it to the Exceptions list though? :lmao:

Just a thought anyhoo? :think:

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excuse me anyone knows what is


heard some people talk about it but is a kind of new "patch"? Tryed to search it with google but no good links

Anyway with latest marafix,everythings is going perfect


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The fix you mentioned uses a patched updater.dll

I didn't bother using it since I don't have v4 on my main computer.

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thanks Bizarre™.

So anyone knows if is it something new or maybe better (!) than the others awesome fix we have here? Or its another "copy" of the ones already posted here?

Dont undertand how a patched update.dll can also fix the remaning days for example. But guess these is only because im not into these things <_<

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