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Boston Bomber Controlled by FBI


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maybe you all should go live in North Korea or China...we all know what happens to people in those countries who speak of the governments there in the manner you guys do... you look for evidence of false flags and such and find it under every single rock and pepple and grain of sand you look under... and you actually believe just your talking about it stops the perps from continuing the latest false flag action.and just because you found out what they were they doing..and allays within mere nano- seconds of every nonoccurrence... that infowars is right on top of everything with pictures, eye witnesses and whatever else..funny thing is, all it always falls apart under any real scrutiny ...funnier still not a single one of you see it that way.. you all see it as just more cover up and evern more lies by ....you guys need professional help and meds and lots of both

Im trying to expose the truth so we won't HAVE to live in a country like North Korea.

you ain't exposing crap..well .actually you are exposing crap, that is why i have issue with what you do and HOW you are doing it.. thanks but no thanks, as i have already said to you..please leave me alone express you opinion but please accept the fact that 99% of the rest of the human race thinks you are(knows you are) off your rocker and you will not convince us other wise..so please stop trying to do so..if you post stuff people think is a joke you have accept the fact they have a right to tell you so... with out you retaliating against them or sending them unwanted email trying to prove your case...be happy you are allowed to keep posting your propaganda and misinformation here and leave it that...if people do not want to hear it from you or vehemently disagree... you also MUST let them have their opinion as you DEMAND to be allowed to have yours..and just keep you distance from those that do not agree and do not wish to be bothered with you emailing offers of details of what you call proof

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maybe you all should go live in North Korea or China...we all know what happens to people in those countries who speak of the governments there in the manner you guys do... you look for evidence of false flags and such and find it under every single rock and pepple and grain of sand you look under... and you actually believe just your talking about it stops the perps from continuing the latest false flag action.and just because you found out what they were they doing..and allays within mere nano- seconds of every nonoccurrence... that infowars is right on top of everything with pictures, eye witnesses and whatever else..funny thing is, all it always falls apart under any real scrutiny ...funnier still not a single one of you see it that way.. you all see it as just more cover up and evern more lies by ....you guys need professional help and meds and lots of both

Im trying to expose the truth so we won't HAVE to live in a country like North Korea.

you ain't exposing crap..well .actually you are exposing crap, that is why i have issue with what you do and HOW you are doing it.. thanks but no thanks, as i have already said to you..please leave me alone express you opinion but please accept the fact that 99% of the rest of the human race thinks you are(knows you are) off your rocker and you will not convince us other wise..so please stop trying to do so..if you post stuff people think is a joke you have accept the fact they have a right to tell you so... with out you retaliating against them or sending them unwanted email trying to prove your case...be happy you are allowed to keep posting your propaganda and misinformation here and leave it that...if people do not want to hear it from you or vehemently disagree... you also MUST let them have their opinion as you DEMAND to be allowed to have yours..and just keep you distance from those that do not agree and do not wish to be bothered with you emailing offers of details of what you call proof

You do realize that when you call me crazy and off my rocker that it is offensive too right? Not everyone believes the mainstream propaganda media anymore. If the information I present is so evil and "misleading", then stop reading and responding to what I post. So far you have hurled slanderous accusations towards me A LOT, and all I have done is present information that people can examine for themselves. You are convinced that I'm a bad guy, regardless of the blatent evidence I post, to you and others who are not informed as I myself am, I am nothing more than a conspiracy theorist. I question known liars, that is what being a so called "conspiracy theorist" is all about.

When important visual evidence such as pictures are needed, I provide them. When historical evidence that is still very muchy relevent to this day comes out, I show a link to the information to help people see the likeness to both incidents and how they are informationally bond. When there is a video that can help people understand and do some of thier own investigation, I post it. So far you are operating out of FEAR that I am trying to twist peoples minds. You expressed that you have seen someone near and dear to you go off the deep end from listening to Alex Jones and I am deeply sorry. Not everyone is the same however, and relating one person to millions of others because they share similar understandings or view points or maybe even ideas, that is intellectual profiling of all people as the same just because one or a few people of one specific background did something bad. That would be like me calling a certian ethnical background "all bad" because a few of them did something.

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just talk to the few that believe you then..i keep telling you I HAVE seen your evidence i feel, as i keep telling you when you ask, it is to put it blunt ....crap... so stop trying to convince me and any other person that thinks like me here otherwise you can post what you want here but then you also must accept that dissenting opinion is also allowed and if anyone wants to agree with you they can and if they want to talk more to you more power to you and those that agree...but leave the rest of us who disagree strongly out of what you do here and accept that you are not going to convert us no matter what... and remember you called any dissenting opinions trolls and whatever else years ago well before i started recently began posting my replies to your propaganda and assorted misinformation....and as i said i am NOT the first to tell you you need to tone it down here officially and unofficially...your paranoia has progressively gotten worse over the years..people are worried about you...talk to someone... someone that actually can help you and not feed off you

edit..as for callin you off your rocker ...if the shoe fits....

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just talk to the few that believe you then..i keep telling you I HAVE seen your evidence i feel, as i keep telling you when you ask, it is to put it blunt ....crap... so stop trying to convince me and any other person that thinks like me here otherwise you can post what you want here but then you also must accept that dissenting opinion is also allowed and if anyone wants to agree with you they can and if they want to talk more to you more power to you and those that agree...but leave the rest of us who disagree strongly out of what you do here and accept that you are not going to convert us no matter what... and remember you called any dissenting opinions trolls and whatever else years ago well before i started recently began posting my replies to your propaganda and assorted misinformation....and as i said i am NOT the first to tell you you need to tone it down here officially and unofficially...your paranoia has progressively gotten worse over the years..people are worried about you...talk to someone... someone that actually can help you and not feed off you

edit..as for callin you off your rocker ...if the shoe fits....

I am very sorry for offending you and I will leave you alone.

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Oh look!!!!! I am Seal Team 6!!!!!

I have Punisher logo's as my icon!! Infowars better keep a close eye on me... I could be the next potential terrorist to blow up Western Kentucky with high doses of methane expulsions!

Ambr... Do you see how ridiculous this looks and sounds.... This is how we see you everytime you post some new conspiracy theory.

Even though I really getting tired of trying to show these things to people, not to mention the CONSTANT tirade of criticism, I will attempt to show people the evidence. I posted that it was not JUST "the Punisher" icon, but also, the same USA flag is on the side of the hats in all of the NAVY Seal hats. Laugh and make fun of me all you like... Blah Blah Blah...

Um... My icon is a collection of Punisher Logo's and low and behold, below it is an American Flag.... That fits both of your qualifications as a member of Seal Team Six.

Hey look.. the navy seals are actively recruiting... now YOU yes YOU can be a seal team member too..... Act now, supplies are limited. Limit 1 cap per conspiracy theorist please.. Quantities are limited... If you act now, we will throw in for no extra charge a CIA brainwashing session for FREE!!!! You heard that right.. FREE!!!!!!

Click here-->>> Shhh don't tell anyone about this amazing deal

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do a google search on navy seal tactics...they blend into the surroundings with camouflage so as not to be detected..sometimes for days at times almost at ground zero of the subjects they are observing .. or in lay mans terms they are so well hidden when on an operation nobody knows they are there...do you think if they are mounting any operation and especially if they were doing a false flag op like you claim they do on daily basis if not hourly, that they would actually announce their presence so blatantly... I find it amazing that the real people singled out as operatives or bombers by info wars..who,if they are were not photo shopped into the scenes that if they if were actually real people like that one teenager who was pointed out by info wars as a person of interest...does not sue info wars for endangering their lives by being singled out as the ones that planted the bombs or falsely identified as seals or black water operatives or whatever it was they were accused of being as this DOES put their lives in danger if they are innocent bystanders as they turned out to be..and no ambro,this post is NOT directed at you personally so please if you reply do not think i am pointing this at you personaly

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Ambrocious, was there anything that ever happened in the world that you DIDN'T think was a conspiracy? Have you ever had a moment of clarity in which you realized that the fact you think everything that ever happens in some super secret plot might be a sign of mental illness? See a therapist bro, and get some friends, real life ones.

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All I have to say to all of you who criticise me, for you who would rather choose to be ignorant, in the partiality of the words of Samuel Adams, May your chains set lightly upon you.

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How fortunate for our leaders that most people do not think. The disciplinarian regime is so deeply embedded and indoctrinated into society that even the common person has been brainwashed by the media to eat the propaganda and half truths fed to them. But I do not condemn them, even I have to bow to the disciplinarian regime sometimes. I wonder which country's oil America wants this time? The boy's mother wouldn't say this unless she had a good reason to. Mothers don't lie for their children when they do something wrong. And what would a middle aged woman know about these "movies" you all say she got the idea from? Something is definitely up here. Everything Alex Jones say, I cannot say is true or false, but this story has credibility. The media is training you to refuse the truth, to reject it and support the same corrupt corporations that live off of the average Joe.

I am the LAST person that buys anything that is being sold to me particularly by the media. I could apply the same reasoning you just stated to your own rhetoric. You're simply accepting half-truths about what you THINK you know about the situation but you have not a shred of proof. You're letting the fact that we are living in trying times make you think that every act is some strategic move by governments to enslave the human race. I am not buying into anything I am simply being honest and stating that I don't have all the facts to make that kind of judgement call and until I do I am not jumping to some insane conclusions. We have enough troubling world events that we already KNOW are going on that to get caught up in indulging our imaginations doesn't serve any valuable purpose unless you're looking for validation about what you already think about the government. In that case every newspaper headline or news report can provide you all the "proof" you need. Some things might be hidden from us and who's to say that it isn't best that they are? Imagine that you're running a country and you'll see that when real world situations arise it is not always the best policy to be completely open about certain things. That's not to say that governement shouldn't be accountable. I am a firm believer that it is the people's responsibility to step in and demand justice where necessary. I simply think it's a good idea to investigate why people feel the way they do about certain things and whether it's justified. We get caught up in emotions that sometimes blind us from the possibility that we're not seeing things clearly. Emotions after all by their very nature, overwhelm logic and reason. In this case I think it's a little premature to start pointing fingers.

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Alex Jones spreads false propaganda with a motive - an ulterior one (he receives publicity - that's his line of duty.) But, what about the Muppets who follow him blindly - what's the purpose the propaganda serves them (none - unless it lends value-addition to their stupidity.) :dunno:

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Oh look!!!!! I am Seal Team 6!!!!!

I have Punisher logo's as my icon!! Infowars better keep a close eye on me... I could be the next potential terrorist to blow up Western Kentucky with high doses of methane expulsions!

Ambr... Do you see how ridiculous this looks and sounds.... This is how we see you everytime you post some new conspiracy theory.

Even though I really getting tired of trying to show these things to people, not to mention the CONSTANT tirade of criticism, I will attempt to show people the evidence. I posted that it was not JUST "the Punisher" icon, but also, the same USA flag is on the side of the hats in all of the NAVY Seal hats. Laugh and make fun of me all you like. I stand by what I say, and keep in mind, no one is perfect. I am pointing out that there is a coverup on this event. If you expect mainstream media to tell you the truth, that shows me that you simply have not the trained understanding of an amature investigator. The truth WILL come out regarding this event and people may have to eat thier words.

Once again, and hopefully for the last time, I will show you the Punisher hats that have the USA flag on then, NAVY Seals will often wear them. The private security force that former NAVY Seal Chris Kyle made was reportedly there, along with other reports of a bombing drill BEFORE the bombs went off AT the event. Check out the "About" page of Craft International for more information.




Mainstream media said that "2 and only 2 devices were at the bombing" even though you can clearly hear from this

that more devices were found. So you were lied to abnout that, and Im the bad guy here? The "official" story is FILLED with holes.

it was not lies..it was that crap load of back packs and other such bags tossed away from fleeing victims the police had to look at them as suspicious packages with two bombs alreadyhaving gone off... boneheaded thinking seems to be your forte

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Oh look!!!!! I am Seal Team 6!!!!!

I have Punisher logo's as my icon!! Infowars better keep a close eye on me... I could be the next potential terrorist to blow up Western Kentucky with high doses of methane expulsions!

Ambr... Do you see how ridiculous this looks and sounds.... This is how we see you everytime you post some new conspiracy theory.

Even though I really getting tired of trying to show these things to people, not to mention the CONSTANT tirade of criticism, I will attempt to show people the evidence. I posted that it was not JUST "the Punisher" icon, but also, the same USA flag is on the side of the hats in all of the NAVY Seal hats. Laugh and make fun of me all you like. I stand by what I say, and keep in mind, no one is perfect. I am pointing out that there is a coverup on this event. If you expect mainstream media to tell you the truth, that shows me that you simply have not the trained understanding of an amature investigator. The truth WILL come out regarding this event and people may have to eat thier words.

Once again, and hopefully for the last time, I will show you the Punisher hats that have the USA flag on then, NAVY Seals will often wear them. The private security force that former NAVY Seal Chris Kyle made was reportedly there, along with other reports of a bombing drill BEFORE the bombs went off AT the event. Check out the "About" page of Craft International for more information.




Mainstream media said that "2 and only 2 devices were at the bombing" even though you can clearly hear from this

that more devices were found. So you were lied to abnout that, and Im the bad guy here? The "official" story is FILLED with holes.

it was not lies..it was that crap load of back packs and other such bags tossed away from fleeing victims the police had to look at them as suspicious packages with two bombs alreadyhaving gone off... boneheaded thinking seems to be your forte

Did you listen to the Boston police scanner?

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so a drill by a bomb squad is proof positive of false flag event??? and a Punisher logo on a ball cap combined with an American flag is proof positive the person wearing it IS a seal or former seal.. and also proof that they are up to false flag event....really.. you are delusional to say the least and do your best to keep proving it with every single post you make... have you always had an active easily swayed imagination...or is just reserved for anything related to info-wars newsflash..walk down any street..every second person you pass has wires going to their ears...they are called ipod ear buds to the non paranoid and people that base thier life in reality... to you and the other info-wars boneheads it is a navy seal about to shoot someone or plant bomb or some other nefarious evil act

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Nah, you are too fast. ;) Stop raging without researching first, that is my advice. To everyone.

ABC6 News Staff

Providence police seek missing person

Providence police are asking for the publics assistance in locating a missing person. 22-year-old Sunil Tripathi
was last seen Friday afternoon at 204 Angel St. in Providence.
He is 6'2" tall and weighs 130 pounds. Tripathi has short brown hair and brown eyes. He was last seen wearing
a black jacket, blue jeans, and a Philadelphia Eagles cap.
Tripathi is possibly depressed, and left home without any of his belongings. Providence police are actively
investigating the case. Anyone with information is asked to call (401) 243-6191.

Posted: Mar 18, 2013 12:46 AM Updated: Mar 25, 2013 2:13 AM


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