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Boston Bomber Controlled by FBI


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Kurt Nimmo
April 19, 2013

Zubeidat K. Tsarnaeva, the mother of Boston bombing suspects Dzhokar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, said Friday that her eldest son Tamerlan was under the control of the FBI.

“He was controlled by the FBI, like for three, five years,” she told Russia Today during an interview. ”They knew what my son was doing, they knew what actions and what sites on the Internet he was going [to], they used to come…and talk to me…they were telling me that he was really a serious leader and they were afraid of him.”

“How could this happen?…They were controlling every step of him, and they are telling today that this is a terrorist attack,” she added.

The FBI is notorious for recruiting and framing terrorist patsies. A report compiled by Mother Jones and the Investigative Reporting Program at the University of California-Berkley found that of the 158 prosecutions carried out on terrorism charges since 9/11, 49 defendants participated in plots that were arranged by FBI agent provocateurs.

“They’re creating crimes to solve crimes so they can claim a victory in the war on terror,” explained Martin Stolar, a lawyer who represented a suspect involved in a New York City bombing plot contrived by FBI agents.

According to Business Insider, the FBI will soon make public its relationship with Tsarnaeva. A spokesperson would not confirm or deny that the agency had any previous contact.

On Friday afternoon, however, Mother Jones reported the FBI has already admitted they interviewed Tsarnaev two years ago, according to CBS News. “The agency conducted the interview at the request of a so-far unnamed foreign government, CBS says, to see if the elder Tsarnaev had any extremist ties — but their search turned up none,” writes Hannah Levintova.


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Here are the first responses to the above video - from the foot-in-the-mouth, Alex Jones, at YouTube:-


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Here are the first responses to the above video - from the foot-in-the-mouth, Alex Jones, at YouTube:-


So childish that mockery is.

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So childish that mockery is.

Every person who has an opinion corroborated by evidence that goes against you and your monkey, Alex Jones is branded a Troll, Childish, Ignorant. I warned you against getting personal with me - kindly keep your distance, virtual rape is a reality that's served as an Indian dish which perforates across all time-zones.

Here's a lesson for quoting me with that mockery response:-


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Oh, if its on InfoWars then it MUST be true

Time to get the tinfoil hats out again

Honestly anyone who believes this crap should immediately self terminate and thereby do something useful - improve the human gene pool

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Search "Alex Jones exposed" on youtube

After launching a YouTube search engine with the above parameters - here's what I found:- :o


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I don't know man. This does seem staged from all the evidence out there.

There was a post on 4chan detailing what would happen and low and behold it happened. The suspect was 19 - early 20s and will be caught on Friday. Just waiting for lawmakers to start making claims the explosive material is too easily accessible and put taxes higher.

Since when is America ever known to play fair? Their country reeks of profit hungry leaders/corporations who will kill innocents for money. That is just the America I see today.

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Glad that most of the general public have recognized Alex Jones for his true worth - here are some more responses to his video:-


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I think its absurd to say it was somehow 'staged'. Maybe they've done it in the past, but past actions does not necessarily translate into future actions. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe all what the US Govt. says, and I'm sure dcs18 doesn't either. Its the 'either you're with us or with them' nonsense.

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Well if you put it like that. I'm against the US Government. They are a parasitic entity destroying the world and themselves.

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I don't know man. This does seem staged from all the evidence out there.

There was a post on 4chan detailing what would happen and low and behold it happened. The suspect was 19 - early 20s and will be caught on Friday. Just waiting for lawmakers to start making claims the explosive material is too easily accessible and put taxes higher.

Since when is America ever known to play fair? Their country reeks of profit hungry leaders/corporations who will kill innocents for money. That is just the America I see today.

And you've just described every country in the world......

Well if you put it like that. I'm against the US Government. They are a parasitic entity destroying the world and themselves.

If a country (any country) has more than 2 politicians, you can bet they (country) are deceitful, conniving and bloodthirsty. Look at history (of the world)....

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I don't know man. This does seem staged from all the evidence out there.

There was a post on 4chan detailing what would happen and low and behold it happened. The suspect was 19 - early 20s and will be caught on Friday. Just waiting for lawmakers to start making claims the explosive material is too easily accessible and put taxes higher.

Since when is America ever known to play fair? Their country reeks of profit hungry leaders/corporations who will kill innocents for money. That is just the America I see today.

And you've just described every country in the world......

>Well if you put it like that. I'm against the US Government. They are a parasitic entity destroying the world and themselves.

If a country (any country) has more than 2 politicians, you can bet they (country) are deceitful, conniving and bloodthirsty. Look at history (of the world)....

We all know the world is corrupted. American open shows their corruption. Like a slap in the face.

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Just because the mother says that there was no extremist behavior or discussion on the part of her sons doesn't really mean anything. It's not like everyone would share that sort of thing with their mom and maybe at that age they weren't so involved. Ever think that maybe the FBI investigated them at that time and simply couldn't find anything? I refuse to believe that these intricate conspiracies involving all the 3 letter organizations with tons of resources but somehow some regular mook on InfoWars (referring to Alex not you) is unravelling all these secrets only based on his power of deductive reasoning which is seriously impaired. People wearing black bookbags and Punisher caps IS NOT PROOF! Ambrocious I gave you a rather adult in-depth breakdown the other day about why Alex Jones is full of shit. He's like a reverend in church and that alone is enough for me to know that he's full of crap. The whole thing reminds me of the conspiracies about the Kennedy assassination. You should check out Penn & Teller's Bullshit episode on conspiracy theories where they actually set up an experiment to disprove some of the claims that there was a second shooter. Look it's admirable that you're looking for the truth but you have to be vigilant in where you're getting your information. InfoWars is not a valid source. Yes I'm sure that the government hides things from the public and when I think about what being involved in government must be like I think that it could be dangerous for people to know everything going on about certain events. However, to think that they would be willing to kill and injure people to hide what's really going on is to live in a world without hope. If that is the case then we should all just give up. Things are never as bad as imagined or as good as ideal but rather somewhere in the middle. "There is no conspiracy. It's the headless blunder under the illusion of a master plan."

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I don't know man. This does seem staged from all the evidence out there.

There was a post on 4chan detailing what would happen and low and behold it happened. The suspect was 19 - early 20s and will be caught on Friday. Just waiting for lawmakers to start making claims the explosive material is too easily accessible and put taxes higher.

Since when is America ever known to play fair? Their country reeks of profit hungry leaders/corporations who will kill innocents for money. That is just the America I see today.

And you've just described every country in the world......


>Well if you put it like that. I'm against the US Government. They are a parasitic entity destroying the world and themselves.

If a country (any country) has more than 2 politicians, you can bet they (country) are deceitful, conniving and bloodthirsty. Look at history (of the world)....

Exactly. Thanks for being reasonable and not jumping on the US sucks bandwagon. Tons of countries openly show their corruption not just America. I always say if you put two people in a room one will try to rule the other, This is not exclusive to America, it's exclusive to human nature so if someone wants to complain they should start with that. Conspiracy theories don't help because they just make those in power not take us seriously when we COULD be holding them accountable for what they are ACTUALLY doing wrong based on REAL evidence. For example how the House of Representatives just passed CISPA on a vote of 288-127 or the construction of the Bluffdale facility in Utah. Those things are worrying and we clearly have evidence for them.

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I love how people want to debate as if this is an equal platform. The US is the plague of the world, they are not on the same level as another country such as Argentina. They are the world bully why cant anyone see this?

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Sure you can compare countries like but as of right now, the Americans are the ones who dictate how the world is run.

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Kurt Nimmo


April 19, 2013

Zubeidat K. Tsarnaeva, the mother of Boston bombing suspects Dzhokar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, said Friday that her eldest son Tamerlan was under the control of the FBI.

Hey... can you please show me on your original post of 15 billion pictures of innocent people, where this person was???

He doesn't look like a Navy Seal wearing a Punisher ball cap. He wasn't surrounded by a bunch of people with a "guilty" look on his face. I'm pretty sure he didn't have a earpiece on. Seeing how he is from Russia, I can almost 100% guarantee that he wasn't in the US armed services.

So, how in your infinite wisdom (or infowars) did you blatantly miss this guy in all of your pictures?

Also, seeing how the above person was living in Russia for the majority of his life; just moved to the Boston area to go to Med school, how again was the FBI brainwashing a 19 year old??? Oh...... you have been watching too many Tom Cruise Mission Impossible movies

Dumb ass

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How fortunate for our leaders that most people do not think. The disciplinarian regime is so deeply embedded and indoctrinated into society that even the common person has been brainwashed by the media to eat the propaganda and half truths fed to them. But I do not condemn them, even I have to bow to the disciplinarian regime sometimes. I wonder which country's oil America wants this time? The boy's mother wouldn't say this unless she had a good reason to. Mothers don't lie for their children when they do something wrong. And what would a middle aged woman know about these "movies" you all say she got the idea from? Something is definitely up here. Everything Alex Jones say, I cannot say is true or false, but this story has credibility. The media is training you to refuse the truth, to reject it and support the same corrupt corporations that live off of the average Joe.

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Oh look!!!!! I am Seal Team 6!!!!!

I have Punisher logo's as my icon!! Infowars better keep a close eye on me... I could be the next potential terrorist to blow up Western Kentucky with high doses of methane expulsions!

Ambr... Do you see how ridiculous this looks and sounds.... This is how we see you everytime you post some new conspiracy theory.

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maybe you all should go live in North Korea or China...we all know what happens to people in those countries who speak of the governments there in the manner you guys do... you look for evidence of false flags and such and find it under every single rock and pepple and grain of sand you look under... and you actually believe just your talking about it stops the perps from continuing the latest false flag action.and just because you found out what they were they doing..and allays within mere nano- seconds of every nonoccurrence... that infowars is right on top of everything with pictures, eye witnesses and whatever else..funny thing is, all it always falls apart under any real scrutiny ...funnier still not a single one of you see it that way.. you all see it as just more cover up and evern more lies by ....you guys need professional help and meds and lots of both

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Oh look!!!!! I am Seal Team 6!!!!!

I have Punisher logo's as my icon!! Infowars better keep a close eye on me... I could be the next potential terrorist to blow up Western Kentucky with high doses of methane expulsions!

Ambr... Do you see how ridiculous this looks and sounds.... This is how we see you everytime you post some new conspiracy theory.

Even though I really getting tired of trying to show these things to people, not to mention the CONSTANT tirade of criticism, I will attempt to show people the evidence. I posted that it was not JUST "the Punisher" icon, but also, the same USA flag is on the side of the hats in all of the NAVY Seal hats. Laugh and make fun of me all you like. I stand by what I say, and keep in mind, no one is perfect. I am pointing out that there is a coverup on this event. If you expect mainstream media to tell you the truth, that shows me that you simply have not the trained understanding of an amature investigator. The truth WILL come out regarding this event and people may have to eat thier words.

Once again, and hopefully for the last time, I will show you the Punisher hats that have the USA flag on then, NAVY Seals will often wear them. The private security force that former NAVY Seal Chris Kyle made was reportedly there, along with other reports of a bombing drill BEFORE the bombs went off AT the event. Check out the "About" page of Craft International for more information.




Mainstream media said that "2 and only 2 devices were at the bombing" even though you can clearly hear from this

that more devices were found. So you were lied to abnout that, and Im the bad guy here? The "official" story is FILLED with holes.
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ambro ....i live in Saskatchewan Canada and i see these hats all over the place up on old men and little kids here and all over the world in my travels... and i travel literally all over the world.....and as matter fact.. I have seen them on two or three locals when i go to CUBA. every year....now certainly you do not think a local Cuban is navy seal...or do you

edit: added a word and spell check

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maybe you all should go live in North Korea or China...we all know what happens to people in those countries who speak of the governments there in the manner you guys do... you look for evidence of false flags and such and find it under every single rock and pepple and grain of sand you look under... and you actually believe just your talking about it stops the perps from continuing the latest false flag action.and just because you found out what they were they doing..and allays within mere nano- seconds of every nonoccurrence... that infowars is right on top of everything with pictures, eye witnesses and whatever else..funny thing is, all it always falls apart under any real scrutiny ...funnier still not a single one of you see it that way.. you all see it as just more cover up and evern more lies by ....you guys need professional help and meds and lots of both

Im trying to expose the truth so we won't HAVE to live in a country like North Korea.

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ambro ....i live in Saskatchewan Canada and i see these hats all over the place up on old men little kids here and all over the world in my travels... and i travel literally all over the world.....and as matter fact.. I have seen them on two or three locals when i go to CUBA. every year....now certainly you do not think a local Cuban is navy seal...or do you

Nothing about this looks suspicious to you at all?


Matching cloths, backpack, boots. All matches. Oh and wouldn't you know, it looks nearly identicle to the picture of Chris Kyle minus the heavey coat and backpack. Heck, they even wear a very similar looking pair of sunglasses. None of this adds up to you at all?


Oh and for others who are not following my posts as compassionatley as dMog and others are, I'm not saying that this security force or that the NAVY Seals are to blame, I'm pointing out that there was a military force there which coincided with the drill that they were holding in the exact area of the bomb blast BEFORE the bombs went off. If they were conducting a drill, why not just say that? Instead they said that there was no credible evidence of any attack to come, but this is an obvious lie.

I also wanted to let the people know about "false Flag Terrorism" or false flag attacks. I presented info on that front as well and showed that in history with the example given that the 7/7 Bombings of London ALSO coincided with a drill. Can you guess what the drill was about? The drill that they were holding was about bombs exploding in the subway...and that is EXACTLY what actually happened. Those who do not know history are bound to repeat it.

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Here is a rather detailed image that shows the presence of Craft International at the Boston Marathon after the tragic events. I was going to post this in my above post but it's just too big. Once again, Craft International is a private security force which was created by former NAVY Seal Chris Kyle, so you must understand the confusion here when I said that they looked like NAVY Seals.


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