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How one Indian man used Skype's video calling feature to meet his future wife


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How one Indian man used Skype's video calling feature to meet his future wife


Here's a fine example of how technology has impacted our lives! A man by the name of Muralidhar Ramarao moved from Hassan, India to Los Angeles, California, had created a profile on Brahminmatrimony.com. 18 months later he got a hit!

Brahminmatrimony.com is an exclusive marriage website for the Brahmin community of India. Ramarao had a profile on there and little did he know, his profile was being looked at by his future mother-in-law. She deemed Ramarao a suitable candidate for her daughter, Deepthi, and a formal meeting was asked to commence between the two families.

Unfortunately, Ramarao was thousands of miles away and this formal meeting would be the first time both families would meet and the first time Ramarao and Deepthi would meet.

So what was Ramarao to do? Why, use Microsoft's Skype video calling of course! Ramarao instantly fell in love with Deepthi and both parties were interested in moving forward with the marriage. But a new problem presented itself. How were they to exchange rings and actually partake in the wedding ceremony?

Ramarao sat in front of a webcam and used Skype to "exchange hearts" rather than rings. Ramarao added that "the unexpected constraints were a blessing in disguise" and that "distance doesn't matter, as long as the hearts stay close. With a little bit of awesome technology, a relationship can be taken to a new height."

These two lovebirds are set to marry on May 23rd and will finally meet a few weeks prior to the wedding. These two can thank Skype for making this possible!


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interesting story :hehe:

anyway where is the link to original article? :)

maybe I'm next :lol:

May be u will find ur prince charmining in Nsaneforums than in skype lol

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Here I am trying to stay SINGLE!!!! Do not need this info: Ha ha ha

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I met her on Facebook... the only girl I will ever love... :'( And she's gone now... I should've married her when she asked me to!!! :sadbye:

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  • 2 weeks later...

As of now they thank Skype. After MS sells their private info to others, what will the couple do?

Note: It had already happened!

To Noobs:

Why use apps just for its features, use them with caution(Mainly read Terms & Privacy Policy) before you do anything important with it!

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