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NAVY SEALS Spotted at Boston Marathon Wearing Suspicious Backpacks


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was this solved, did they announce they finally have them in custody?

if so then we can put the debating at rest as I fear that if prolongs it could end up in a flame war

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Americans have "the right to be stupid": John Kerry (0:59)


(ROUGH CUT ONLY - NO REPORTER NARRATION) U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, on his first overseas trip since replacing Hillary Clinton as the nation's top diplomat, met with a group of Berlin youth on Tuesday (February 26) and said that in America "you have the right to be stupid" when he spoke about religious freedom and tolerance in the U.S. "We live and breathe the idea of religious freedom and religious tolerance, whatever the religion and political freedom and political tolerance, whatever the point of view. I mean, you know, some people have sometimes wondered why our Supreme Court allows one group or another to march in a parade even though it's the most provocative thing in the world and they carry signs that are an insult to one group or another," Kerry said. "And the reason is that, that's freedom, freedom of speech. In America you have the right to be stupid, if you want to be, and you have the right to be disconnected to somebody else if you want to be. And we tolerate it and somehow we make it through that. Now I think that's a virtue. I think that's something worth it fighting for," he added. The comments were made hours before Kerry was due to hold key diplomatic talks with his German counterpart Guido Westerwelle, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. After Berlin, the U.S. Secretary of State, who is on an 11-day trip of Europe and the Middle East, will travel to Paris, Rome, Ankara, Cairo, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi and Doha before he returns home on March 6.

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Americans have "the right to be stupid": John Kerry (0:59)


(ROUGH CUT ONLY - NO REPORTER NARRATION) U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, on his first overseas trip since replacing Hillary Clinton as the nation's top diplomat, met with a group of Berlin youth on Tuesday (February 26) and said that in America "you have the right to be stupid" when he spoke about religious freedom and tolerance in the U.S. "We live and breathe the idea of religious freedom and religious tolerance, whatever the religion and political freedom and political tolerance, whatever the point of view. I mean, you know, some people have sometimes wondered why our Supreme Court allows one group or another to march in a parade even though it's the most provocative thing in the world and they carry signs that are an insult to one group or another," Kerry said. "And the reason is that, that's freedom, freedom of speech. In America you have the right to be stupid, if you want to be, and you have the right to be disconnected to somebody else if you want to be. And we tolerate it and somehow we make it through that. Now I think that's a virtue. I think that's something worth it fighting for," he added. The comments were made hours before Kerry was due to hold key diplomatic talks with his German counterpart Guido Westerwelle, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. After Berlin, the U.S. Secretary of State, who is on an 11-day trip of Europe and the Middle East, will travel to Paris, Rome, Ankara, Cairo, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi and Doha before he returns home on March 6.

hillary stepped down to begin her presidential run... too bad... kerry is a flake... but he does make hillary look good does he not

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hopefully for the USA's sake..once the doors are closed and the real talks with the other diplomats begin some aid steps in and takes over for him

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Breaking: Police Confirm Infowars Photos of Boston Suspects

Media continues to cover-up separate images showing private security employees with black backpacks at scene of blast

Paul Joseph Watson


April 18, 2013


Photos of Boston bombing suspects sent to Infowars by Anonymous that caused a huge stir on the Internet yesterday after being posted by the Drudge Report have been confirmed by police to be the two men sought for questioning, but the authorities and the media remain mute on other photos which show what are likely to be employees of a private security firm carrying large black backpacks at the scene of the explosion.

“In the photos being distributed by law-enforcement officials among themselves, one of the men is carrying a blue duffel bag. The other is wearing a black backpack in the first photo, taken at 10:53 a.m., but it is not visible in the second, taken at 12:30 p.m,” reports the New York Post.

The photo is identical to an image we posted yesterday on Infowars.com showing two middle eastern looking individuals, one with a white baseball cap and another wearing a blue jacket.


“The attached photos are being circulated in an attempt to identify the individuals highlighted therein,” said an e-mail obtained by The Post. “Feel free to pass this around to any of your fellow agents elsewhere.”

However, there has been no mention whatsoever in official law enforcement or media circles of separate images taken from the finish line of the Boston Marathon which show one Caucasian and another middle eastern looking individual wearing identical clothing, carrying large black backpacks and speaking into cellphones moments after the bombing.



As Infowars first highlighted yesterday and as Anthony Gucciardi subsequently confirmed, the two individuals are likely to be employees of Craft International, a Blackwater-style private military/security firm.

Another image shows what could be the same Caucasian man or a third identically dressed individual with a black object in his hand after the blast.



The two or three men’s behavior and demeanor in the photos clearly suggests that they are engaged in some kind of drill, which would correlate with eyewitness reports from marathon runners that bomb drills were taking place at the start of the event and that participants were told to remain calm.

Police have denied that any such drills took place or that any prior intelligence indicated an attack.


The men appear to be wearing Navy Seal attire which is also the same standard issue Craft International uniform used by the private security firm.

The media seemed primed to blame the the attacks on white right-wing extremists, but as soon as the photos of the middle eastern looking individuals emerged, reports that an arrest had been made were retracted and the FBI cancelled a planned press conference.

The whole official narrative behind the Boston bombings is now in complete disarray as a result of these photos being released yesterday on the Internet.

There seems to be no rational explanation for why two employees of a private security firm would be on the scene of the blasts carrying large black backpacks similar to those used in the actual attack unless they were involved in some kind of drill that paralleled the real bombing.

The FBI should be attempting to uncover the identity of these individuals as an urgent priority and the mainstream media should be all over the story, but instead we have heard nothing but silence.

In addition, following an unscheduled meeting between President Barack Obama and Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal yesterday, it was subsequently revealed that one of the early suspects in the bombing, Saudi national Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, was being deported from the United States on “national security” grounds.

This has prompted some to speculate that the Obama administration is covering up Saudi terrorist involvement in the attack, another reason why yesterday’s supposed unveiling of the bombing suspect was derailed.

“That’s very interesting because this is the way things are done with Saudi Arabia. You don’t arrest their citizens,” terrorism expert Steve Emerson told Fox News last night. “You deport them, because they don’t want them to be embarrassed and that’s the way we appease them.”


The first Picture is showing 2 Moroccans, One of them (Student in the US) saying that he was seen suspicious because of his dark skin and that he spent hard times when his photos was shown on the Newspapers..

Source: http://hespress.com/marocains-du-monde/77426.html

NB: You can read the article using Google translate

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If you live in the so called first world,you all owe it to yourselves and the world to actually get out and see the real world beyond your borders...and actually "see" how the people of other countries live their lives ...not the person who works behind a desk in hotels or is a maid or is waiter or bartender but the average person. In most counties in this world. You want to talk about corrupt governments, police and military to name a few... Most of you do not have have an iota of what that truly means to live a country that ACTUALLY has those first three being truly corrupt. not to mention what would happen to you if you ever publicly or privately spoke out against them, or for that matter even made a small joke about them.. and you want to talk about luxuries of life... many in this world view a simple tooth brush as just that or go through their entire life without seeing a doctor or a dentist. so you put that into consideration and recheck your next cry fest because you cannot afford that new car you want or that replacement cell phone because your 6 month old phone is just not good enough any more...or for that matter publicly point a finger of blame at people just because some nut with a web site says so and has photographic proof for you plaster all over the place with nice looking red lines pointing out proof of guilt...oh and don't forget the cool graphics and other stuff to prove it all too...there are far bigger and actually real problems and issues and can be fixed by you putting half the time and effort you do with the conspiracies and that you can actually make a difference a real persons life

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I know this is way off-topic but I couldn't help it. That picture is supposed to be some warning sign posted in some Arabic speaking country? Well, anyone seeing this sign and can't read English wouldn't understand a damn thing since that Arabic part is completely meaningless, I think it's a poor literal translation to the English warning.

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Guys I have found sth interesting on a FB page, look how the numbers are different!!, if true this is really suspicious, I used Google images to see if the merged pics are true and it's seems OK!!


Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=365442506899502&set=o.296601207139736&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf

Via: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DzhokharTsarnaev/?fref=ts

Edit: Added separate pics using Google Images



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As expected, not even a single person accused by infowars.com has emerged as the culprit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as usual - another epic fail, for Alex Jones. <_<

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As expected, not even a single person accused by infowars.com has emerged as the culprit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as usual - another epic fail, for Alex Jones. <_<

My thoughts exactly :P

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:snack: keep m coming guys.....


OH good god.... look its an angel, I see an angel in the picture ...top corner See?


Well Satan was an angel once, too..

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:snack: keep m coming guys.....


OH good god.... look its an angel, I see an angel in the picture ...top corner See?


Well Satan was an angel once, too..

Do you see that it's normal to show the same person in the marathon with a hat having different numbers on it?!!

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