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NAVY SEALS Spotted at Boston Marathon Wearing Suspicious Backpacks


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Here is a MOUNTAIN of proof, for those of you with doubts, ignore this all you want, here it is ladies and gentleman....


Well, I don't find this humorous - highlighting a lady's young a$$ and marking that as DA BOMB. <_<

I saw that and I thought to myself, "Man....those guys at 4chan were trying to make some sick joke during a crisis". Of course the man in the picture that is of question is the man with the blue jacket. 4chan broke these images first and then were covered by Infowars later on. I thought about editing the picture to exclude that rather rude bit but then I thought to myself.., "I don't want to be blamed for Photoshopping stuff," but I was blamed anyways. It's hard to please eternal skeptics.

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Breaking: Police Confirm Infowars Photos of Boston Suspects

Media continues to cover-up separate images showing private security employees with black backpacks at scene of blast

Paul Joseph Watson


April 18, 2013


Photos of Boston bombing suspects sent to Infowars by Anonymous that caused a huge stir on the Internet yesterday after being posted by the Drudge Report have been confirmed by police to be the two men sought for questioning, but the authorities and the media remain mute on other photos which show what are likely to be employees of a private security firm carrying large black backpacks at the scene of the explosion.

I'm afraid the faces of neither of these 2 guys match even remotely with the ones shot & chased, on telly - the above were labeled here; as Suspects and reportedly confirmed by the Cops.

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Breaking: Police Confirm Infowars Photos of Boston Suspects

Media continues to cover-up separate images showing private security employees with black backpacks at scene of blast

Paul Joseph Watson


April 18, 2013


Photos of Boston bombing suspects sent to Infowars by Anonymous that caused a huge stir on the Internet yesterday after being posted by the Drudge Report have been confirmed by police to be the two men sought for questioning, but the authorities and the media remain mute on other photos which show what are likely to be employees of a private security firm carrying large black backpacks at the scene of the explosion.

I'm afraid the faces of neither of these 2 guys match even remotely with the ones shot & chased, on telly - the above were labeled here; as Suspects and reportedly confirmed by the Cops.

Of course these two weren't included in the official mainstream media report. Do you trust CNN and FOX News and all of the other mainstream media?

By the way, the above photo came from the New York Post originally. Infowars was merely reporting what the media tried to say at first. These two men are now "cleared" supposedly...

Authorities circulate photos of two men spotted carrying bags near site of Boston bombings

New York Post

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Seems like the aunt too has been following Infowars...

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I'm afraid the face of this guy is also not amongst the actual Perpetrators - neither the one shot nor the one being chased.

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I'm afraid the face of this guy is also not amongst the actual Perpetrators - neither the one shot nor the one being chased.

The look on his face....that looks to me personally like a very guilty look. Just my opinion, this whole situation is just getting more and more bizarre. Boston is now under absolute lock down and partial martial law. This is getting more insane by the moment.

At this point I think it's safe to say that there is an active cover up and something MASSIVE is taking place in Boston and abroad. I fear that the Boston attack is merely a precursor to something much larger and something far more tragic. I don't want to put any false fear into peoples hearts but please prepare for the possibility of a much larger event. Because this is being exposed...they will need a way to distract the public. I can't and won't say that something is coming as a fact. I'm simply saying...my Spidey senses are tingling...if I had a spidey sense anyways.

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Went to read that full infowars article, but had to stop when i saw Family guy episode predicted Boston bombing !



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:rofl: :lmao:

Well, taken out of context, it sort of did predict it. This is a whole other branch of understanding that is only laughable when you don't understand but yes, here is that info for you to laugh at some more.


Edifying yourself with information prejudice is the same as being half blind. Don't discredit info unless you have investigated this stuff. It's easy to make fun of stuff when you don't understand things/fear things but once you connect the dots, it seems to hold at least SOME water.

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At this point I think it's safe to say that there is an active cover up and something MASSIVE is taking place in Boston and abroad. I fear that the Boston attack is merely a precursor to something much larger and something far more tragic. I don't want to put any false fear into peoples hearts but please prepare for the possibility of a much larger event. Because this is being exposed...they will need a way to distract the public. I can't and won't say that something is coming as a fact. I'm simply saying...my Spidey senses are tingling...if I had a spidey sense anyways.

Yeah, right - come back SpiderMan (the Justice League shall be waiting for your pictures.)


The latest edition at the FrontPage is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PhotoShop CS6 - try to focus on; only Suspects (not young & firm buttocks.) :lol:

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At this point I think it's safe to say that there is an active cover up and something MASSIVE is taking place in Boston and abroad. I fear that the Boston attack is merely a precursor to something much larger and something far more tragic. I don't want to put any false fear into peoples hearts but please prepare for the possibility of a much larger event. Because this is being exposed...they will need a way to distract the public. I can't and won't say that something is coming as a fact. I'm simply saying...my Spidey senses are tingling...if I had a spidey sense anyways.

Yeah, right - come back SpiderMan (the Justice League shall be waiting for your pictures.)


The latest edition at the FrontPage is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PhotoShop CS6 - try to focus on; only Suspects (not young & firm buttocks.) :lol:

Laugh or investigate, or shut up. You want to turn this into a laughing stock but this is serious. Once again, ignorance prevents much understanding. That is why I say become educated, I'm not cussing you for not knowing, I'm ASKING you to learn this stuff. If you want to know why Alex Jones mentioned the Family Guy episode, this goes into a deeper form of understanding that most people will never understand and I'll be willing to break that down for you as well if you really want but I assure you, it's not for the weak minded, void of a willing thirst for knowledge. I don't talk about a lot of the hidden knowledge stuff because I know most people will never believe it. Too many people are mentally incapacitated, and it is no fault of their own.

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Laugh or investigate, or shut up.

Be careful - the Mods. & Admins. will have to take you out on a stretcher. That was a friendly warning!!! :)

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Laugh or investigate, or shut up.

Be careful - the Mods. & Admins. will have to take you out on a stretcher. That was a friendly warning!!! :)

You instigate me to anger and expect a smile and a hot cup of tea for a response? If I get banned for trying to expose the truth, I don't care. I did my part and I'll never return if I get banned.

With that being said, I love nsanedown and have been a HUGE fan of this awesome community for years. I don't want to get banned but if it happens, I'll be banned for knowing that I tried to do what I know is right. I can't be polite to those that spit on this information and call it scum when I know it holds truth. I do apologize for coming to a verbal blow with you but you have really irked me. What else did you expect?

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Laugh or investigate, or shut up.

Be careful - the Mods. & Admins. will have to take you out on a stretcher. That was a friendly warning!!! :)

You instigate me to anger and expect a smile and a hot cup of tea for a response? If I get banned for trying to expose the truth, I don't care. I did my part and I'll never return if I get banned.

With that being said, I love nsanedown and have been a HUGE fan of this awesome community for years. I don't want to get banned but if it happens, I'll be banned for knowing that I tried to do what I know is right.

When you post images drawing a certain inference, it's fine. :rolleyes:

When I debunk your theories with hard facts from a live chase on the telly that can be substantiated with your own eyes - that is instigation!!! :o

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Guys , you all are senior members here at a respectable community .

So Debate and discuss like one , like a gentleman .

Criticize and Comment without making any direct , confronting , bating , incendiary remarks against anyone in particular .

Nobody is seriously insane , or else they would not have landed up here in the boards .
Its just a matter of difference in opinions and view points ,
And , every body is indeed free to express them !

So , please continue peacefully and constructively , or else some one from the staff will lock this thread up ....
( which we are already holding on not to ....... )

jalaffa edit: Had the topic moved to The Chat Bar after internal discussion.

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If I get banned for trying to expose the truth, I don't care. I did my part and I'll never return if I get banned.

Is this the kind of truth you expose - on a family site, when folks have lost their loved ones to a blast? :wtf:

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Poor guy with a face like that .....Probably just there for the free Gatorade !.....now now guys kiss and make up :love:

Can you believe the baseless excuse forwarded for accusing that poor innocent guy of setting off a blast that killed people - I just cannot believe my eyes. :s

The look on his face....that looks to me personally like a very guilty look.

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so many crap on who did this , ppl even blame the USA navy seal wtf?????????? :wtf:


peace and LOVE :wub:

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Poor guy with a face like that .....Probably just there for the free Gatorade !.....now now guys kiss and make up :love:

Can you believe the baseless excuse forwarded for accusing that poor innocent guy of setting off a blast that killed people - I just cannot believe my eyes. :s

>The look on his face....that looks to me personally like a very guilty look.


"Oh God, I got the worst seats ever... All they wanna talk about is slappin their bitches and poppin their hos. Get me out of here" - thinking the guy in the above picture


No derogatory comments implied. I was making a joke that had to be said.

That, Ambrocious, is why he has that look on his face... or he is wanting to use the bathroom and there is a 15 person waiting line

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