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NAVY SEALS Spotted at Boston Marathon Wearing Suspicious Backpacks


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The Onion News Network is of course comic relief and at times it seems like they will make ridiculous stories that relate real life events to derail a true investigation. I only watch QNN for laughs, the event in Boston was real, what went on behind the scenes there, the false flag event, that information is pretty clear and more information is coming out.

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so, who is the american government gonna blame for this incident?

this whole thing looks like a ploy to make up some stupid reason to go resource scavenging (war as we call it) in another country.

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so, who is the american government gonna blame for this incident?

this whole thing looks like a ploy to make up some stupid reason to go resource scavenging (war as we call it) in another country.

Well, for a short time yesterday they were about to bring forth the suspect that they had, they even had a press conference ready...but the additional photos that came out first from 4chan and then was picked up by infowars, it forced the official narrative to halt. For a while they were trying to go with a "lone wolf" theory, the right wing extremist propaganda, and they probably had a patsy but this additional info including what looks to be NAVY Seals, possible Blackwater and even a private security force being spotted, this has really caused the lies that mainstream media was spewing to come to a quick halt.

The USA government knows that infowars puts out REAL info and so they are doing their best to try and disprove them. They have CIA and FBI no doubt tuned into his show to try and counter his information. The problem is that truth will come out, and when it comes time for truth to prevail, the enemy which has seized control of the USA government long ago will probably strike. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction and sometimes fiction is what they (mainstream controlled media) want you to believe.

Now I actually fear for Alex Jones' life...this wasn't meant to be exposed of course...their whole "official" story is unraveling and I believe they will have a hard time trying to whip up a story that the sheeple will want to hear.

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if a false flag was something ANY government wanted to actually do... do you not think they would just frigging do it so big and massive that they would be able to accomplish their end result in one fell swoop... instead you actually believe that info wars puts out a few well doctored photos...just like ones the national enquirer puts out when they claim time travelers were spotted on the SS titanic..they had photo proof too... actual pictures of the time travelers on the deck of the titanic taken form actual photos form ill fated ship just before it sank.... only difference the national enquirer photos were better fakes...

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i challenge ALL who have read this thread tho go to info wars and read their stuff..keep an open mind ... then apply common sense then do afew simple google or bing searches to see how easily all these peopel say is so easily refuted.....then go back and read what these people also say..among some things that the every single major shooting in the USA as well, and 911 was all done by your very own government and it's various minions ...not only that but just about every natural disaster is also some how perpetrated by the USA or theis new world order in what they call a plot to take over the world...go look see it for yourself and then decide

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i challenge ALL who have read this thread tho go to info wars and read their stuff..keep an open mind ... then apply common sense then do afew simple google or bing searches to see how easily all these peopel say is so easily refuted.....then go back and read what these people also say..among some things that the every single major shooting in the USA as well, and 911 was all done by your very own government and it's various minions ...not only that but just about every natural disaster is also some how perpetrated by the USA or theis new world order in what they call a plot to take over the world...go look see it for yourself and then decide

I challenge everyone too to go to infowars.com and do some Google searches and decide for yourself. Part of understand what's really happening is understanding that governments in history HAVE done false flag attacks, since dMog is trolling me and everyone else (he's probably a victim too, been lied to for so long he can't understand the truth), I am here to show the evidence of false flag terrorism through out history, let those who want to verify this info PLEASE DO SO. Part of knowing the truth is understanding that bad people ALWAYS seek places of power inside Governments world wide. This is known history and fact. Don't just take my word for it or any man's word for it. Trust but verify!

Without further ado, examples of false flag operations:


Source: Wikipedia 27 February 1933, Operation Himmler

Operation Himmler (less often known as Operation Konserve or Operation Canned Goods) was a false flag project planned by Nazi Germany to create the appearance of Polish aggression against Germany, which was subsequently used by Nazi propaganda to justify the invasion of Poland. Operation Himmler was arguably the first act of the Second World War in Europe.[1]


15 August 1953, Iran, Operation Ajax

Operation Ajax was the British Intelligence, CIA backed coup d'etat which overthrew the Democratically elected leader of Iran Mohammad Mossadegh. Mossedegh was PRO America and denied British Petroleum a Monopoly in his country. British Intelligence alongside with CIA shot up crowds and distributed pamphlets that read "UP WITH MOSSADEGH, UP WITH COMMUNISM, DOWN WITH ALLAH" which made the people of Iran hopping mad. Mossadegh spent the rest of his life incarcerated and most of his staff were executed. The George Washington University National Security Archive has kept the story behind this false flag event and that can be looked further into here: http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB28/


Source: Wikipedia 13 March 1962, Pentagon, Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods was a series of false flag proposals that originated within the United States government in 1962, but were rejected by the Kennedy administration.[2] The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or other operatives, to commit perceived acts of terrorism in U.S. cities and elsewhere. These acts of terrorism were to be blamed on Cuba in order to create public support for a war against that nation, which had recently become communist under Fidel Castro.[3] One part of Operation Northwoods was to "develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington".

Operation Northwoods proposals included hijackings and bombings followed by the introduction of phony evidence that would implicate the Cuban government. It stated:

Several other proposals were included within Operation Northwoods, including real or simulated actions against various U.S. military and civilian targets. The plan was drafted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, signed by Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer and sent to the Secretary of Defense. Although part of the U.S. government's Cuban Project anti-communist initiative, Operation Northwoods was never officially accepted; it was authorized by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but then rejected by President John F. Kennedy.

The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere.

According to currently released documentation, none of the operations became active under the auspices of the Operation Northwoods proposals.


If you need more proof, I got more, challenge me again dMog, I enjoy telling the truth to educate people. I don't mean to speak down to you as I suspect you are a victim of this harsh worlds lies as well. If you WANT to know the truth, you will. It's that simple. Go watch "TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism" on YouTube, it's there in FULL, in fact there are different versions that have extra footage too.

Become informed, that's the only way you will survive in this world.

For those who don't want to be bothered with searching YouTube for the video, here it is, but also, please do some research on this to find out if this information is actually real or not:

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your proof of the united states government doing so.is where??? recently you accused the new world order of somehow causing the earthquake in iran ..common sense prevails but you seem to have "proof" positive despite lack of anything credible whatsoever...and NO i am not trolling..i am simply sick of the cr@p you spout all the time and try to pass off as credible true information....your "proof"...doctored photos used over and over again to fit the indecent and the rantings of mad man/flimflam artist do not count in any ones books

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as for world war two history..yes false flags as you call them happened but what does a 1937 megalomania of some nazi nu and a few other fascist or communist regimes trying to consolidate their power back then have to do with the most recent rantings you have spouted off here...ie. the last mass shooting in Newton...earthquake in Iran... Boston bombing and every time you see anything military driving down a street or flying in the sky you scream all bloody hell is abut to take place any second... then suddenly info wars posts a few pictures to blow the lid of the conspiracy the new world order is once again scared off the plot to take over the world...

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your proof of the united states government doing so.is where??? recently you accused the new world order of somehow causing the earthquake in iran ..common sense prevails but you seem to have "proof" positive despite lack of anything credible whatsoever...and NO i am not trolling..i am simply sick of the cr@p you spout all the time and try to pass off as credible true information....your "proof"...doctored photos used over and over again to fit the indecent and the rantings of mad man/flimflam artist do not count in any ones books

1: I never said that the new world order was responsible for the earthquake in Iran, here is my full quote:

2: If anyone here at nsaneforums has any skill in Photoshop and wants to look over those photos, please do, you will assuredly see that they are real. Go ahead.

3: You deny that the New World Order ideal is completely looney toons yet time and time again, world leaders call for a new world order and I have already tried to show you evidence of this but you keep ignoring it...why? If you want the evidence again, I'll happily post the links to videos of world leaders/well known people calling for a new world order. I present fact, you call it crap. Go figure.

4: What information that I have presented is false? Please correct me. I beg you.

I really didn't want to argue with you over this stuff since it's off topic and if you really want to know more info, I can and will send you everything you want to know and you can look and see if any of it is real. Thus far you have yelled and screamed and called me a liar...with no proof that I am a liar. Correct me.

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Source = infowars.com (ROFL)

Alex Jones = Big TROLL (ROFL)

Respect the dead and family.

From the UK my prayers to the Boston victims, may they rest in peace.

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Modern day world leaders do call for a new world order..but for FAR different reasons than you think they are thinking of... with out giving away my age...a former Prime Minister of Canada called for a new world order...most likely before you were born.... what he was talking about was society pulling together for societies own good...example... the well off of the world helping the not so well off... example... teaching agriculture to and teaching how to find the basic we take for granted... safe, uncontaminated drinking water..that is the new world order most political types talk about... you should be glad you live where yo do..if you have traveled almost anywhere outside you country(assuming Canada USA France England western Europe) almost every country that you would go to does not have what you and I take for day to day basic standards living...not to mention that in most countries in this world you just speaking out like you do would be cause for your arrest and worse. You personally, despite your aversion to the authorities like police and FBI can walk up to any one of them at any time and ask for Directions when you are lost... many countries in this world...that simple request would get you arrested..many countries in this world just the fact that you are exercising your freedom speech in the way you do would also be cause for you be arrested..so remember that next time you say your government is behind the next mass school shooting or the was the real mastermind behind the 911 attacks...speaking of the 911 attacks... how is that "PROOF" coming along

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On CNN, FBI shared photos of two men but they don't look like what is shared here!

They're in on it, duh. It's their job to manufacture the evidence against this week's chosen patsy.

Professor Plum: But is the FBI in the habit of cleaning up after a multiple murder?

Wadsworth: Yes. Why do you think it's run by a man called Hoover?

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your proof of the united states government doing so.is where??? recently you accused the new world order of somehow causing the earthquake in iran ..common sense prevails but you seem to have "proof" positive despite lack of anything credible whatsoever...and NO i am not trolling..i am simply sick of the cr@p you spout all the time and try to pass off as credible true information....your "proof"...doctored photos used over and over again to fit the indecent and the rantings of mad man/flimflam artist do not count in any ones books

It's amazing how good governments are, given their track record in almost every other field, at hushing up all these conspiracies.

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I'm going to be as polite as I can about this:

IF said people that you posted pictures of earlier today had a wild hair up their collective asses; They could and probably would sue you (for posting pictures), this website (for posting the article you posted), and that crack pipe website that you love so dearly ( for spreading false information) for slander, defamation of character and plain dumb assness of you saying... "Hey these guys have backpacks, the FBI found backpack remains next to the explosion site, they have to be terrorists"

I have a friend at work who is a HUGE Punisher fan. She eats, breaths, lives everything punisher. So, when she comes into work tomorrow wearing her favorite Punisher hat, am I to drop everything, call 911 and say I have found a terrorist in middle of Western Kentucky? She is no way shape or form a current or former Navy Seal. I would probably get thrown in state prison for the sheer dumb assness of making such a blanket statementy.

So please, please for your sake and the sanity of this group we call home. Think twice about posting something as bold a statement about something you clearly have no iota of common sense about.

I have a very very high tolerance for BS, but today you really overstepped your boundaries.

Source: http://j.mp/11mbQ6H

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what happened to the pics of the navy seals.rumor has it they were the two suspects..has anyone told the FBI thier mistake..oh yea that conspiracy thing again...the FBI is one of the minions

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Savvy Internet sleuths have found images taken from surveillance cameras that positively identify members of the crowd gathered at the Boston Marathon as Navy SEALs.

For comparison, below are a few photos of late Navy SEAL Chris Kyle. Note the skull logo on his baseball cap, his pants and his boots:


What it implies is that anyone who wears the baseball cap with the skull logo with pants, boots and attire as depicted in the above picture automatically qualifies as a Navy SEAL . . . . . . wow!!! :o

The subject matter of this entire thread is based on this very inference!!! :lol:

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If they're indeed Russian, then this is a big fail for Alex Jones lol.

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Well we do not know who or how many people that actually were or is. All we know is that basically, the government just shut down a city and will not let anyone move and are storming in houses to look for this guy. Sounds like a way to see how much of your freedom you are willing to give up if you are scared or if they want to scare you. Just my opinion, and as my status says........

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I will not be made a liar by ignorant people. I said there was NAVY Seals there and here is the proof. The "Punisher" hats are often used by NAVY Seals as part of their attire, a simple look online will show this. Since you don't want to hear me, see this please, notice the USA flag on the side of the hats. I will defend the truth for as long as idiots will ignore it. I am not wrong here:





Google Image Search "Navy seal punisher"

Blackwater as well as a private security force uses this symbol as well. Believe what you want to believe, I simply and putting out the evidence. Call me a liar some more, I'm here to fight it all. To all you trolls who know I'm right and who might be trying to hide the truth, crawl back to where you came from. I will not retract what I know to be true. BRING IT.

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Question still remains who these guys are, and what were they doing there...

I wouldn't be surprised if the second suspect/POI end up dead, then feds would have perfect story.

It's still too early to have any solid stance, lets wait for this to end and based on all information, official and unofficial, we can make our opinions.

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