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NAVY SEALS Spotted at Boston Marathon Wearing Suspicious Backpacks


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I can buy the 'Punisher' stuff online, that doesn't make me a seal.

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ambro..you are at the very least totally duped and misguided..at worst, a perpetrator of false information yourself. the two who did this have been caught now(one dead one being chased as we write/read THIS post)... they hold no resemblance to the two you and info wars speak of... if the two"seals" in info wars pictures are NOT photo shopped in you can expect the two innocent people named by your website as seals and suspects to a terrorist act to launch law suits . Best bet is that info wars has stock photos hanging around to place where needed to create their misinforamation...every single time you have come to this site and others spouting off even more claims of whatever...you have proven totally wrong yet you cover that up by spouting off more of the same crap by claiming that the new world order covered it up by manufacturing patsies and faking even more evidence.... every one here but you can see how gullible you are

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ambro..you are at the very least totally duped and misguided..at worst, a perpetrator of false information yourself. the two who did this have been caught now(one dead one being chased as we write/read THIS post)... they hold no resemblance to the two you and info wars speak of... if the two"seals" in info wars pictures are NOT photo shopped in you can expect the two innocent people named by your website as seals and suspects to a terrorist act to launch law suits . Best bet is that info wars has stock photos hanging around to place where needed to create their misinforamation...every single time you have come to this site and others spouting off even more claims of whatever...you have proven totally wrong yet you cover that up by spouting off more of the same crap by claiming that the new world order covered it up by manufacturing patsies and faking even more evidence.... every one here but you can see how gullible you are

You speak to the most ignorant minded people out there. You accuse me of misinformation but I accuse you of disinformation. I am not gullible but I suppose I shouldn't expect you would know that. From now on I will consider you an enemy of truth. Trying to make me look like a liar or trying to say that I am duped and not understanding is so childish. I present information all you present is slander and accusations. You go right ahead and believe mainstream media which is controlled by the government. Continue to play on the ignorance of others. As for me, I choose to look and see.

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By the way, I'm NOT saying NAVY Seals did it, I'm saying that they WERE THERE. There is an active cover up of this! I have presented the information already, it is not my fault if people fail to thoroughly look into as I painstakingly have. I don't care how many enemies I make from this, I know that I am right, they are holding back MUCH information. The truth will all come out eventually but by that time I fear too many people will have been fed the BS.

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yea right ambro..you are totally out to lunch on this one gain just like all the other times you posted here about everything..info wars is nothing but a fruit cake that likes drama or maybe just a man hoodwinking people like you for profit...or both... you say the truth is out there...i know what it is so do most people here...you choose to believe the earth is flat and most likely have photos and eye witness accounts to prove it..or start posting your so called proof that always gets proven to be lies in the joke of the day area of this site

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@dMog: It's a waste of time to try to have a normal conversation with Ambrosius and his clones.

Take care

clones or clowns? scary thing is ambro belives this all to be fact his hero on the other hand just makes this stuff up for ambro and others..the more scary thing is that sometimes people like ambro go off the deep end and do stupid things ...all in the name of fighting for our freedom that feel is proven by info wars to be on the verge of being taken away

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So just because there was a member or two of S.E.A.L., means they were involved? I know you have your reasons to be critical of the government but this is a bit too off. There were lots of people there, doesn't mean they were there. The way you're stating is that you're certain of who's done it.

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ambor..you are not paranoid .people really are out to get you... most likely at this very moment all your computers and all your cell phones are being looked at daily if not hourly or live as you use them and there is two navy seals following your every move as well and hidden cameras and bugs in every aspect of your life..after all you are such a dangerous person to the plans of the new world order...how could they not over look your every move

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By the way, I'm NOT saying NAVY Seals did it, I'm saying that they WERE THERE.

Yes, you do say that they were there, but ALSO carrying suspicicous packs. This does imply they had something to do with it, which is what YOU WERE aiming at in the first place.

I'm all for constructive conversation and objections, however I do feel your getting a little carried away with the conspiracy therories.



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Teen 'fearful' after portrayal as US bomber

Trolls like Alex Jones and his clones are very happy people now!!!

can you say get a lawyer and sue the crap out of info wars...yes he can.... and most likely as we speak there are 200 lawyers trying to get hold of this guy as we speak. to do just that.. of course ambro will tell us all that this just part of the cover up and somehow have PROOF of that too...might have new pictures and eye witness accounts for us all too

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By the way, I'm NOT saying NAVY Seals did it, I'm saying that they WERE THERE.

Yes, you do say that they were there, but ALSO carrying suspicicous packs. This does imply they had something to do with it, which is what YOU WERE aiming at in the first place.

I'm all for constructive conversation and objections, however I do feel your getting a little carried away with the conspiracy therories.



I was saying that they may have been trying to set them up. Do you even read what I write at all? A lot of times during drills, there are multiple different military officials there, sometimes the drill goes hot (it's not a drill in other words).

I already showed the evidence yesterday explaining that there was a controlled explosive drill happening right there in the Boston Marathon. The 7/7 bombings of London included a drill on that same morning, the drill was about a subway bombing...the very same REAL subway bombing that actually took place. Im trying to raise the awareness that sometimes during drills, the criminal element involved in governments (it happens) will make the drill go live.

There are good people in the government and one of them even posted an anonymous post explaining the person that would be blamed for the event. As you see one of the suspects is dead (dead men tell no tells) and the other is a 19 year old guy. Hmm...I wonder where I heard they would blame a young man...OH YEAH HERE IT IS!


Part of this is correct...lets see if the rest will be right too or perhaps they may change the scripting just a bit. We shall see. For you trolls, I'm not saying this post above is 100% right, Im saying...lets see if it's credible.

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plain and simple..you are so duped ... again..how much money do you give info wars so they can keep going...the guy is a quack at best and as stated earlier by more than a few people..may be about to get sued by a few of his latest innocent victims...as well he should be. he put that kids life in danger .

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plain and simple..you are so duped ... again..how much money do you give info wars so they can keep going...the guy is a quack at best and as stated earlier by more than a few people..may be about to get sued by a few of his latest innocent victims...as well he should be. he put that kids life in danger .

I'm awake but you call it duped. I pay no money to Alex Jones, I defend liberty and truth for free, as should any person who knows the truth. Alex Jones is EXTREMELY smart, any person who takes the time to listen to his show for a couple of days (with doubt even) will realize that he IS telling the truth. Alex Jones isn't going to get sued...you know why? Because he TELLING THE TRUTH. You say he put that kids life in danger..wow...just wow. The real danger is a highly uninformed person such as you calling people like me "duped". You are attempting to get at me, it worked but it only makes me work harder to prove this. I promise you, you will be defeated in this matter because of your ignorance.

You COUNT on the people being ignorant. You don't want them to know...that makes YOU dangerous.

I am incredibly sad for you. Prove me wrong, dish out a little less slander please. Prove me wrong. I provide links, photos, info. You cuss me out, call me crazy and misled. WHERE IS YOUR PROOF THAT I AM WRONG??

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plain ans simple as is proved time and time again Alex Jones LIES out of both sides of his mouth to dupe people like you..all your links are to proven lies in this particular instant and again ask you he alos said 911 was a false flag too... with no proof what soever other than made up fairytales

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plain ans simple as is proved time and time again Alex Jones LIES out of both sides of his mouth to dupe people like you..all your links are to proven lies in this particular instant and again ask you he alos said 911 was a false flag too... with no proof what soever other than made up fairytales

911 WAS a false flag event, that info won't be mainstream for a while but there is so much evidence it's not even funny. Go to YouTube and watch Loose Change 911 And American Coup. This isn't made by Alex Jones by the way.


People WILL learn the truth. Im here to show it, it's up to everyone to view the evidence and then research it.

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Do you even read what I write at all?

Err YES hence the title of this topic, and my replies.

Im trying to raise the awareness that sometimes during drills, the criminal element involved in governments (it happens) will make the drill go live.

My I suggest you look at how your trying to raise awareness because this entire thread and posts you've made DO IMPLY that the Navy Seals had something to do with this.

You seem a very angry individual, when someone comes along and has a comment on something you've posted, you go on about how ignorant / trollish they are being, well may I suggest you take a leaf out of your own book Sir.

I'm neither ignorant or a troll, I'm simply offering my input (as you are), yet you state "For you trolls, I'm not saying this post above is 100% right, Im saying...lets see if it's credible."

Pot, kettle...

Kind regards


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Do you even read what I write at all?

Err YES hence the title of this topic, and my replies.

>>>Im trying to raise the awareness that sometimes during drills, the criminal element involved in governments (it happens) will make the drill go live.

My I suggets you look at how your trying to raise awareness because this entire thread and posts you've made DO IMPLY that the Navy Seals had something to do with this.

You seem a very angry individual, when someone comes along and has a comment on something you've posted, you go on about how ignorant / trollish they are being, well may I suggest you take a leaf out of your own book Sir.

I'm neither ignorant or a troll, I'm simply offering my input (as you are), yet you state "For you trolls, I'm not saying this post above is 100% right, Im saying...lets see if it's credible."

Pot, kettle...

Kind regards


Forgive me for calling you a troll sir, dMog had me all up in arms so to speak. You are correct, I need to be more clear more often and I attempt to update the info as often as possible. I did however say, even in my most early posts that they may be trying to blame them or set them up, not that they are responsible for the event. This of course doesn't seem to be the case. I'll try and keep it a bit more civil. Thank you for your constructive criticism.

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Forgive me for calling you a troll sir, dMog had me all up in arms so to speak. You are correct, I need to be more clear more often and I attempt to update the info as often as possible. I did however say, even in my most early posts that they may be trying to blame them or set them up, not that they are responsible for the event. This of course doesn't seem to be the case. I'll try and keep it a bit more civil. Thank you for your constructive criticism.

My apologies, I must have missed that part of the thread, as I was posting from work.

Everything aside, please keep raising the awareness, as domestic or otherwise can happen anytime anywhere.



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it's depressing...reading the war going on, between some members, about this, at my beloved website.

it's sad.

i know that medias can deform the thruth the way they want us to believe it.

i will be very surprise if they aren't "forced" to kill the youg guy.

if not, they will surely forge the thruth in a way that we learn what they want.

Believing or not isn't what's import the most. (hoping it's understandable)

Reading all you can, searching the thruth, WITH AN OPEN MIND, is what matter.

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From what I can make out from the Navy Seals thingy is, the U.S. intel might have some information of some sort of attack before hand, hence they were ready for it.

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Here is a MOUNTAIN of proof, for those of you with doubts, ignore this all you want, here it is ladies and gentleman....


Well, I don't find this humorous - highlighting a lady's young a$$ and marking that as DA BOMB. <_<

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From what I can make out from the Navy Seals thingy is, the U.S. intel might have some information of some sort of attack before hand, hence they were ready for it.

Well yeah, that's what eyewitness UM coach Ali Stevenson said. He said that before the bombing, they was having a drill telling people not to worry that it was just a drill. Mainstream media is as silent as a ghost about this...for the most part anyways.

When Infowars reporter Dan Bidondi questioned the Massachusetts Governor, the Mayor of Boston, and the FBI Special Agent in charge of Boston on whether there was a bomb drill taking place on the morning of the attack, he was told that there was “no specific intelligence” regarding an attack and that no drills took place besides the usual precautions taken for a big event.


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