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NAVY SEALS Spotted at Boston Marathon Wearing Suspicious Backpacks


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April 17, 2013

Savvy Internet sleuths have found images taken from surveillance cameras that positively identify members of the crowd gathered at the Boston Marathon as Navy SEALs.

For comparison, below are a few photos of late Navy SEAL Chris Kyle. Note the skull logo on his baseball cap, his pants and his boots:



Now look at the individuals spotted wearing backpacks, a similar cap, and similar pants (and boots) at the Boston Marathon:



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This looks more and more like a false flag event OR they are trying to make the NAVY Seals look REALLY bad. Be very watchful....I think we got more events coming...more false flag events may come and they may try and blame home grown terrorists, right wing extremist.


This man who is dressed in civilian clothing that matches the MO of a NAVY Seal is holding something strange in his hand, turns out it's a radiation detector. Once again he is dressed much like the other NAVY Seals also spotted there. Disregard the crude sound in the video (turn it down) but just look at this!


Yesterday it was reported by a UM coach said that they were saying (police and other authorities):

"They kept making announcements to the participants do not worry, it's just a training exercise,"

UM Coach: Bomb Sniffing Dogs, Spotters on Roofs Before Explosions

Local Boston News Station

This is no small thing, especially if you consider that CNN (just one branch of the lying mainstream media) said that there was no "credible threats before the race", which is utter crap! They clearly either knew something was going on and they are covering it up or criminal elements inside the USA government were involved in creating a false flag event. The official story is that there was no other warnings...this is an outright lie and I am calling it out right now!

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Also it seems that Boston police radio transmission has leaked.

Police found second bomb and yet that is not what they told to public.

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Also it seems that Boston police radio transmission has leaked.

Police found second bomb and yet that is not what they told to public.

Exactly....they are covering it up. They first said that other devices were found on the initial day and then you see mainstream media stress that "2 and only 2 bombs were found" today. They can't seem to tell the truth even if it would wind up benefiting them.

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Here is a MOUNTAIN of proof, for those of you with doubts, ignore this all you want, here it is ladies and gentleman....








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My apologies for the great length of photos here, this is all absolutely necessary in this investigation. The proof is here and if this is ignored....well then I know for a fact they are covering it up BIG TIME.

Here is where I got all the pics from: http://www.infowars.com/boston-bombing-culprits-found/

I posted them all here because some people like dMog are trolls and can't seemingly click links to investigate and so I brought it all here for everyone to see.

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not messing with you just someone that is finally standing up to your BS hereon this site instead of quietly seeing you as the resident laughing stock and wishing you would quit with the info wars crap and stick to what this site is about...are the two men the REAL authorities looking for the tow navy seals or are there another 1000 people in on this conspiracy too...have you ever noticed the same navy seals are all over the info wars website being "seen" to be milling about all the false flags all too...those two are quite busy

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but how does any of this prove it is new world order and not just two nut cases...i am sure tho you have the proof of this too...ever wonder why every single natural disaster or man made ones like this one just happen to be a new world order plot.. and lo and behold within seconds of an earthquake or in this case bombing.... info wars comes out with pictures, eye witnesses, insiders that wan to blow the lid off the cover-up and what ever else to prove it... gee...if they are so good at finding all this why cannot they prevent it all..how much money do you give to these guys to keep fighting the good fight by the way..

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If these photos are fake, I wonder why going through so much trouble to edit each and every one of them!

Usually we see that with one or 2 photos, not so many... But I wonder; was this made to make the SEALS look bad or to blame some country and then attack it?

I'm not much of conspiracies and such, but we should never disregard stuff like this! We never know when things like this can happen, or where...

Someone once said: "Only the paranoid will survive."

More and more I'm taking this serious.

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those pics are PHOTO SHOPPED

This is a very absolute statement. How would you know? Are you some kind of photoshop or digital imaging expert? I think you would have mentioned it if you were.

If you want people to take you seriously, try to offer some proof next time. And, no, your personal belief that U.S. government are "saints" and would not do such a thing to their own people is not proof enough.

It may come to a surprise to you, but the majority of people living outside North America strongly believe that the 9/11 incident was orchestrated and executed by U.S. agencies, especially after seeing where it lead to and who benefited from it. As many times stated in hollywood movies, the rule is simple: "Follow the money".

And as for the Boston incident you must try to find out who the next enemy of the United States will be. Personally, I fear that a coup in Venezuela is imminent in order to seize their oil. I just hope I'm wrong...

Keep an open mind and doubt everything you hear.

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dMog, if you don't understand anything about the new world order or false flag attacks, I suggest you get informed on these things because it is in fact true. Go to YouTube and watch "TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism" first and then after that, tell me that governments do not try such things as false flag attacks.

I'm thinking that perhaps you are simply not knowing and so here I am trying to show you. It doesn't matter if it "sounds" crazy, this stuff can happen. Is the problem that you can't believe it because it sounds so crazy or is it that you have done some research into this and then concluded that it's fake? Most people who are angry and cussing me out are ignorant and so for this, go get informed and then argue with me.

Also dMog, you speak as though everyone else here is just as asleep as you are. There was a time for ignorance, that time has passed.

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UM coach Ali Stevenson reported that on the day of the Boston bombings, there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and at the finish line. Ali Stevenson was just one of the runners that participated in the Boston Marathon. They kept telling everyone not to worry because it was just a drill. Here is a better look into those drills that FOX and CNN are denying EVER happened as well as some other additional information:

Further evidence of additional "devices" can be examined by listening to the Boston emergency dispatch which was on air just moments after the first two bombs had exploded. Mainstream media such as CNN and Fox news both stressed that "2 and ONLY 2 bombs were found" further proving a cover up.

Emergency dispatch audio from Boston Marathon attack

Over the chaos of the attack, a police can clearly be heard saying "Definitely devices here! Definitely devices here!," shortly after that another police officer comes on telling law enforcements to stay off the air unless they were directly instructed to.

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Breaking: Police Confirm Infowars Photos of Boston Suspects

Media continues to cover-up separate images showing private security employees with black backpacks at scene of blast

Paul Joseph Watson
April 18, 2013


Photos of Boston bombing suspects sent to Infowars by Anonymous that caused a huge stir on the Internet yesterday after being posted by the Drudge Report have been confirmed by police to be the two men sought for questioning, but the authorities and the media remain mute on other photos which show what are likely to be employees of a private security firm carrying large black backpacks at the scene of the explosion.

“In the photos being distributed by law-enforcement officials among themselves, one of the men is carrying a blue duffel bag. The other is wearing a black backpack in the first photo, taken at 10:53 a.m., but it is not visible in the second, taken at 12:30 p.m,” reports the New York Post.

The photo is identical to an image we posted yesterday on Infowars.com showing two middle eastern looking individuals, one with a white baseball cap and another wearing a blue jacket.


“The attached photos are being circulated in an attempt to identify the individuals highlighted therein,” said an e-mail obtained by The Post. “Feel free to pass this around to any of your fellow agents elsewhere.”

However, there has been no mention whatsoever in official law enforcement or media circles of separate images taken from the finish line of the Boston Marathon which show one Caucasian and another middle eastern looking individual wearing identical clothing, carrying large black backpacks and speaking into cellphones moments after the bombing.



As Infowars first highlighted yesterday and as Anthony Gucciardi subsequently confirmed, the two individuals are likely to be employees of Craft International, a Blackwater-style private military/security firm.

Another image shows what could be the same Caucasian man or a third identically dressed individual with a black object in his hand after the blast.



The two or three men’s behavior and demeanor in the photos clearly suggests that they are engaged in some kind of drill, which would correlate with eyewitness reports from marathon runners that bomb drills were taking place at the start of the event and that participants were told to remain calm.

Police have denied that any such drills took place or that any prior intelligence indicated an attack.


The men appear to be wearing Navy Seal attire which is also the same standard issue Craft International uniform used by the private security firm.

The media seemed primed to blame the the attacks on white right-wing extremists, but as soon as the photos of the middle eastern looking individuals emerged, reports that an arrest had been made were retracted and the FBI cancelled a planned press conference.

The whole official narrative behind the Boston bombings is now in complete disarray as a result of these photos being released yesterday on the Internet.

There seems to be no rational explanation for why two employees of a private security firm would be on the scene of the blasts carrying large black backpacks similar to those used in the actual attack unless they were involved in some kind of drill that paralleled the real bombing.

The FBI should be attempting to uncover the identity of these individuals as an urgent priority and the mainstream media should be all over the story, but instead we have heard nothing but silence.

In addition, following an unscheduled meeting between President Barack Obama and Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal yesterday, it was subsequently revealed that one of the early suspects in the bombing, Saudi national Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, was being deported from the United States on “national security” grounds.

This has prompted some to speculate that the Obama administration is covering up Saudi terrorist involvement in the attack, another reason why yesterday’s supposed unveiling of the bombing suspect was derailed.

“That’s very interesting because this is the way things are done with Saudi Arabia. You don’t arrest their citizens,” terrorism expert Steve Emerson told Fox News last night. “You deport them, because they don’t want them to be embarrassed and that’s the way we appease them.”


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funny farm news...or as some call it...info wars

Internet Comes Up With 8.5 Million Leads On Potential Boston Bombing Suspect


"Despite some contradictory findings, several internet users have also yet to fully rule out theories claiming the victims of the attack were merely actors hired to participate in an elaborate event staged by the government."

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