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Original: No/Yes In Format Info

A.J. Foucault

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A.J. Foucault

Hello everyone

I hope you're all doing well!

The reason of this post is to inquiry concerning one of my mp3 files.

When I open it up with Winamp, to check the information of the file, where it says Format Info the following information appears at the end of it.

192kbit, 8257 frames

44100Hz Joint Stereo

CRC: No, Copyrighted: No

Original: Yes, Emphasis: None

In some other files, the "Original" has a value of "No"

My question is... what does it mean?

Thanks in advance!

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A.J. Foucault

So, if it says Original: Yes, that means that it has not been modified beyond the mp3 conversion?

And if it says Original: No, that means that it has been modified?

Thanks for clarifying!

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  • 2 weeks later...

what 3NIGM4 said is right

it doesn't mean anything really....it means that the mp3 was coded with SCMS, a much weaker form of DRM

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