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Online Armor Free Beta


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OnlineArmor.pngOnline Armor FREE is a powerful windows firewall - the only FREE firewall to offer 100% leak protection out of the box! It's easy to use, powerful - and completely free. Online Armor is straightforward, and simple to use. Online Armor includes powerful "HIPS" functions, which give you the ability to stop all unrecognized programs from running on your computer unless you say so, making it possible to protect yourself against these new attacks. Of course, programs Online Armor knows are safe will be allowed to run, no problem. This is different to a pure Antivirus program - these let any program run, unless they know it is a virus. This means that it must have that that exact threat in its database before it can do anything about it. Your Antivirus will completely ignore programs it does not recognize - which unfortunately includes new viruses.

Thanks to Alf_NL for the update.

Note: Beta withdrawn


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  • Replies 3
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Build is now available! This build includes the following changes:

943 Resolved (Fixed) Wireless network continually re-detected (hopefully fixed)

944 Resolved (Fixed) A couple more lower/upper case issues

947 Resolved (Fixed) Opera gives annoying alert when creating a tmp file

949 Resolved (Fixed) Unnecessary scrollbars appear after allowing objects

<Removed> - Sorry, something went wrong. Please, don't install this.

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all notes should be posted above the download link, my dear Jfe

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