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Windows Firewall Control


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I don't see why would you hate online activation if you purchased license.

"When I purchased a license to Sandboxie it didn't have online activation"

>I missed your explanation.


If you're worried that something might happen to the developer, then you should have thought about it before you purchased the product.

If that's the case I can't see how cracking that app would help you regarding that problem.

If an application that has online activation is cracked, I can still use the software no matter what happens to the developer or website.

If an application that has online activation is not cracked, I cannot use the software if something happens to the developer or website.

If something happens to the developer I'll release it :)

Well okay man, I was already providing fix to people who asked me for it on PM so whatever, if you're on x86 PM me and I'll give it to ya, if you're on x64 then I can't help ya with that one.

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Hated On Mostly

If something happens to the developer I'll release it :)

Well okay man, I was already providing fix to people who asked me for it on PM so whatever, if you're on x86 PM me and I'll give it to ya, if you're on x64 then I can't help ya with that one.

Thanks for the offer.

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To Hated On Mostly:
Actually, you must agree that the activation of the program is not really an online activation. Think about your registered user account as an online keygen. You don't have it on your computer but you can access it from anywhere, anytime. Anyway, if I will ever lose interest for WFC, I will release a final version that will not require any kind of activation. Don't worry about that you will be left without the possibility to activate the program. I am a reasonable man. And regarding the terms of the licensing they are very clear. If you agree the terms, you use the, if you don't, you can anytime use other programs.

To xpmule:
If you check the change log of WFC you will see that there are a lot of new features and bug fixes and the development is very active. Yes, I change the activation scheme often because there is already a keygen for the previous activation system. Can you blame me ? Registered users receive what they paid for. If they don't complain, why do you complain ? Have you paid for the program and it didn't work for you ?

Please stop speaking about hypocrisy. It is easy from the point of view of someone that don't create something, to say that everything should be free. I invite you to spend a lot of your time coding a program from scratch, invest money, time, resources and then give it for free. And then come back here and say that you are very happy with the fact that your work is being pirated within a few hours after you release a new version.

I am just me. I run a website, a forum, I do bug fixing, I implement new features, I answer support emails, I do everything by myself. I'm sorry that I can't do this for free for you to be a happy user.

P.S.: To the admins. Thank you.

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Alex i agree with pretty much everything you said..

but please do bear in mind i HAVE coded tons of software and updated them for years and

i have REFUSED payment of any kind (even when it was offered)

My user name is a software program that i started making in 2004/2005. and recently made an update for x64 support.

By the way Alex forgive me but i have to point out the obvious here lol

Did you ask me if i would stop posting "Medicine" ?

I think we all need to consider this web site is not the whole internet.. i think you are blowing things out of proportion Alex.

And i stand by what i said before about cracks being free advertising. Also did you notice that the scene group Mezmerize keygen'd your program ?

The difference with that is they are a scene-group and their releases will get "Pre'd" across the globe instantly versus a few of us that hang out at nsane.

See the difference and what i mean by blowing it out of proportion ? How many of us here at nsane are lost sales ?

The point i'm trying t bring up here is most of teh stuff we are posting at nsane are NOT showing up all over the net..

I have been checking on what is shared etc

Alex i think you are reasonable and fair and i don't blame you for doing what you have been doing. (trying to protect your program)

I said before i advise you to do what you gotta do to protect your program BUT also do everything you can to make purchasing easier for customers.

AND obviously don't terrorize customers with DRM crap <- goes with out saying ?

Most software providers state that if they go out of business they will do a master unlock final update.. this is standard practice / policy now a days.

And i think there is some misconception about WFC's activation.. i don't see how you need to be connected to the internet.

So Alex is being reasonable with that issue *so far.. but how far are you gonna take things with activation protection Alex ?

You run the risk of punishing and inconveniencing your paid customers vs a few users reading the news paper for free simply because it was sitting on the bus..

Oh and Alex can i ask you an honest question ?

Did you complain to KickAssTorrents staff about WFC files being posted over there ?

Just curious if you did and maybe that is why they banned me with out warning / reason basically

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I only kindly asked the admin of nsanedown if the crack for my program can be removed. Regarding the KickAssTorrents, it wasn't me. A torrent like WFC will lose it's seeders very fast and the torrents are not an issue. On the other hand, the link on nsandedown will survive much much longer. That's all. You know, PurplebeanZ is a registered user and contacted me in the past and helped me to improve the activation system. What an irony. :) Have a nice weekend.

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Hated On Mostly

I consider the activation "online" because I have to have some contact with the developer after purchase in order to use the program.

When I purchase something that has a one-time fee as opposed to a monthly service fee (cable/internet, cell phone) I don't want to have to contact the manufacturer in order to use the product.

I buy a car, I don't have to contact the car company ever again in order to use the vehicle.

I purchase a television, I don't have to contact Sony or Samsung ever again in order to use it.

If I install Sandboxie or WFC, which I paid a one-time only fee for, I have to contact the developer any time I install it on a new system, reformat my computer, or install the program in a virtual machine. Since it is a one-time purchase, why should I ever have to be in contact with the developer again in order to use the program? And since I have to have online access to activate the program I consider it "online activation".

I used to be able to actiave Sandboxie just by entering my key until he changed how the program activation worked. Now it requires contacting his website to activate it. I have to login to binisoft.org in order to activate WFC. Sounds like online activation to me.

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I doesn't seem online activation to me. You don't have to contact anyone to get a new activation code. You just log in (like you do for your email) to a page and you have access to an online activation codes generator. From what you're describing, it appears that if you reinstall Windows or reinstall the program you have to contact me again, send emails, and so on. Instead of having stored on your disk 20 different keygens for different versions of the program and search the web for "Medicine" :hurt: , as a registered user you have the online legit keygen which is always working. I really don't see where there may be a problem with the activation system, besides that it is changing. :pope:

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I'd be interested to know how recently PurplebeanZ was doing that LOL

is he getting credit for parts of the activation code and the crack ? ahahahhaa

and thanks for the reply about KAT.. i basically registered there and posted the WFC keygen from purplebeanz that i updated

over at KAT as well as one or two other programs and i still don't know why they just banned me so i thought maybe it was complaint related..

o well who cares.. and yeah your right about the torrent not lasting long.

well if it would make you feel better i can try and keep the WFC activity to a minimum and give some thought to stopping it all together.

I'm curious Alex would you consider having a promotion in the future that Nsane user could take part in ?

For example what about a giveaway for a license ? I thought of that as a way to give something to everybody and improve the

relationship between Binisoft and Nsanedown.com

And it looks like your 2 posts away (need 10) from being able to see the post i made for your program in coders corner (the only place i have been posting WFC related stuff)

unless you have been able to read the topics in there already for somehow ?

Anyway starting now i will not post any WFC related "Medicine" anywhere except that Coders corner topic.

Also it's funny i said clearly "You never asked me to stop posting keygen's etc"

And your reply ? It seems your not willing to ask or you don't care ?

I'll admit updating a keygen for your program is a pain in the ass lol (as I'm guessing it is for you to keep updating it)

The difference with that is your getting paid i'm not LOL

So i'm curious if keygens bother you would posting a patched .exe bother you the same amount too ?

Anyway congrats on making a cool program and sorry if I have caused you any stress

AND thanks for taking the time to talk to us in here. I wanted to make sure i gave you the respect you deserve ;)

I'd hate to think i played a part in harassing a developer into discontinuing his program out of frustration.

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I'd be interested to know how recently PurplebeanZ was doing that LOL

is he getting credit for parts of the activation code and the crack ? ahahahhaa

Nah, this was back in 2011. It was a few tips, like using secure strings so string comparisons can't be read straight from memory.

I left the program alone for a long time after that, until I got fed up of people nagging (not just on here and released the simple commandline keygen that you updated.

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I had a giveaway in the past organized by a website in exchange of a review for WFC posted on their website, but after the giveaway was over I never got contacted again by the organizers. Yes, I agree with a giveaway of a few licenses, but I was never contacted about such thing. I'm open to this.

I never asked you to stop posting keygens for my program because I thought that would not make any difference. I thought that if I will change often the activation scheme, you will eventually get bored releasing keygens every 1-2 weeks. :) It seems that the patched version did not work, and this is the point when Mesmerize group got into the scheme.

You do what you feel that you have to do and I do what I feel I have to do. Have a nice Sunday.

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PurpleBeanZ i never assumed anything bad about you ;)

The patch i made works fine the problem was YOU took a function out that created a registry key on startup (the function ULS() was removed on that build)

and all i did is patch the program to check for the registry key and return true (activated) if it exists.

also i released my keygen a couple days before Mesmerize did technicaly so if you looked at the coders corner topic

you can see the there was a patch AND a keygen for v3.9.1.0 posted as you pointed out already within hours of you releasing it lol

Although i should be quiet if that is what you think lol

Here is what was patched in the previous version..





This means that the code was changed,


public bool GetActivationStatus(){    using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Classes\CLSID\{WD2827D4-F8E0-B379-I229-DB9D12E4642A}"))    {        if (key != null)        {            if (key.GetValue("Activation Code", 0).ToString() == HSS(GAC(m_InstallationId)))            {                m_IsActivated = true;                return true;            }            return false;        }        return false;    }}


public bool GetActivationStatus(){    using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Classes\CLSID\{WD2827D4-F8E0-B379-I229-DB9D12E4642A}"))    {        if (key != null)        {            m_IsActivated = true;            return true;        }        return false;    }}

So you should see that i was not kidding when i said i could crack your program quicker than you can compile it lol

I delete one .net opcode and save the file.. done. lol

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There is no need to post here code. I know what method you have patched. I also have DotPeek. Why do you need to brag so much about it ? First versions of the keygens released by PurplebeanZ were very ingenious work which scanned the memory of the program in order to find the activation code. That was really good cracking stuff. I took a look in your keygen and all you did was to copy/paste my code. It is a different kind of work. Also, when PurplebeanZ made a keygen, WFC was obfuscated. Now, WFC is not obfuscated anymore, making it easier to read the code. I tried your patch for version and even if the program appeared to be activated, notifications did not work. By the way, dotPeek is better than Reflector and is freeware. As I said, stop bragging yourself, because patching WFC is not such a big deal. If this is your pleasure, to patch WFC, then do it, but don't make such a big fuss about it. Have a nice Sunday.

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WOW are we turning into an asshole now lol

I posted the code because you were wrong and i proved it !

Which is why i posted.. it had nothing to do with bragging and i have the source for PurpleBeanZ's keygen and it

is 98% of a copy and paste of YOUR .net code so your full of shit on that too.. the only thing he did was convert

a few .net api functions to c++ which by the way i did on my first keygen all on my own.. the one with the GUI that you seem to have forgotten about

and further more i did not copy and paste your code.. i copied it and then made major changes to make it work with no proxy crap etc. (the .net one)

ANd i am a cracker so i don't need a lecture on cracking tools (who's bragging now ?)

You said Mezmerize released a keygen because my crack did not work so i informed you and anyone else that does not know

that my crack did in fact work perfectly fine and not only that i had already released a working keygen before they did.

So lets keep the facts straight ok..

I think your just offended i could defeat your activation scheme by deleting 1 byte lol

Spare me the bragging bs lol


by the way not only am i saying your full of shit but i can and will post what ever proof needed..

Want some more pictures ? I will post teh full source to anything and or pictures of the differences for all to see..

Your bending over backwards to make me look bad and that is uncalled for and wrong and i will prove it too !

Or is that bragging too ? Because that is what i did earlier.. if people say things that are not true i will correct them..

sorry if that upsets you lol

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There is no need to post here code. I know what method you have patched. I also have DotPeek. Why do you need to brag so much about it ? First versions of the keygens released by PurplebeanZ were very ingenious work which scanned the memory of the program in order to find the activation code. That was really good cracking stuff. I took a look in your keygen and all you did was to copy/paste my code. It is a different kind of work. Also, when PurplebeanZ made a keygen, WFC was obfuscated. Now, WFC is not obfuscated anymore, making it easier to read the code. I tried your patch for version and even if the program appeared to be activated, notifications did not work. By the way, dotPeek is better than Reflector and is freeware. As I said, stop bragging yourself, because patching WFC is not such a big deal. If this is your pleasure, to patch WFC, then do it, but don't make such a big fuss about it. Have a nice Sunday.

I think you just made a bad mistake, with that statement you just give "xpmule" a reason to keep working against you.

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or worse yet he just gave EVERYONE else a reason to work against him.

i have a little surprise packaged up and uploaded for all those that wanna hear more of my bragging lol

Have a look in coders corner ;)

Why would i upload anything ? Because i am told numerous times that i am wrong and i'm lying and i'm bragging and i'm using the wrong tools etc etc

So guess what ?

Now everyone can see what i did lol

I uploaded 3 different keygen source codes and a cracking tutorial


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i have the source for PurpleBeanZ's keygen and it

is 98% of a copy and paste of YOUR .net code so your full of shit on that too..

He was referring to the keygens I was doing nearly 2 years ago which were a bit different. I didn't have any de-obfuscating tools then, so the keygen was reading straight out of the ram of the running program instead.

Sorry, just wanted to clear that up :)

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I see.. yeah that does sound cool actually and congrats on that and i guess i was late joining here for that ;)

The thing that keeps rolling around in my mind is A) this guy is basically saying i'm releasing bad cracks that don't work

and B) I have done nothing but copy and paste his reversed c# code and what i have to keep thinking is well jeez,

how do you keygens work ? lol

YOU REVERSE the key algo duh.. why wouldi go to the trouble to make things harder for myself when teh developer gave you what was needed.

AND lets not forget he has been bending over backwards to try and shake me and trick me on every singkle build he has released

and NON of his tricks have worked.. don't hate the player hate the damn game !

I'm not bragging either that is obviously him being defensive and with the other stuff he was saying he lashing out at me and i don't apreciate

that because anyone that reads this VERY popular topic can see i have been respectful, friendly and flexible with this guy and he has responded

by being a jerk and insulting me, my cracks and my tools etc.

And bragging ? I'm not the one who decided to put his encryption key in an embedded fake .png file lol

in other words there is a WHOLE lot more to this all than simply copying and pasting as he wants everyone to believe.

I can lay it all out there too, want a run down on every little trick he has pulled ? I have the disassembled source code to pretty much every build

he has released and can show what he did (to be deceptive and fool crackers) and then i can show what and how i found it and it..

I won't though this isn't the time or place for that and i only posted what i did earlier because he said a series of lies earlier.

that my crack didn't work and that is why another group had to release a keygen.. i released a crack that DID in fact work and not only that

i had my keygen posted way before i knew of the other one so.. anyway i released the source code to show people what is what..

they can look for them selves.. things work the way they do because that is how it works. bearing in mind the target platform..

it's a different ball game whether your reversing a c application or a .net application so what was expected of me ? what i did that's what.. nothing more or less.

Crackers *should get what i mean by that i hope.. in other words in this case this is what pretty much anyone would do.. almost line for line source code wise lol

This topic has turned pretty sour sadly. I got the feeling this guy could be kind of dickish before and i was right his true colors keep shining through..

He has harped as much as i have been bragging about him being a poor defenseless developer working by himself for next to nothing while the big bad

crackers are picking on him and i was starting to buy that crap and feel sorry for him actually.. not anymore lol

to come in to the hornets nest and shove your face in their and insult the crackers personally etc and insult ALL my work in every way is unacceptable.

But i guess he has NOTHING to worry about with me because all i do is copy and paste his stolen code LOL

Bottom line to me is we don't need to have a nasty attitude and take things personally with each other whether we like each other or not. let's keep it civil !

And what is.. is all out there for all to see. So people can come to their own conclusion about any of this.

I just hope people see that i have tried to extend my hand to this guy and he has insulted

my Tools

my src code

my skills

my releases

and me by saying my cracks don't work and i am bragging and if they do work why can't i say so ? And why not post some proof to back up my claims ?

I'm offended and insulted by this guy but nothing changes. I won't release anything anywhere except that one Coders Corner topic

and i hope to respect to the community members and staff here and if anything i have said or posted is not cool please feel free to edit the content

or contact me and i will do my best to make things right. I never wanted negativity to go on here so i'm trying to leave this topic alone now.

I just felt i needed to defend my self.. sorry for the long winded speel everyone lol

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sorry for the long winded speel everyone lol

which would have been received better if it wasn't in the form of a wall of text...my eyes sore :bag:

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I won't release anything anywhere except that one Coders Corner topic

Nice to hear that you have not been put off an still willing to post your work for this software there after what has taken place here.
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Let's get into the shoes of alexandrud, a lot of passion and ... ... ... ....
I have worked for translation from ENG to ITA, a lot of passion ... ... ... ... ....
I haven't asked for anything, but alexandrud gave me an unlimited number of licenses.
What about this generosity? Other companies have taken the translation without a thank you :angry:
Boast of being capable create FIX just to be famous, I don't like.
Personally I think you should bring more "respect" for one person (alexandrud) who works almost exclusively for passion.
We are not talking of big companies with big revenues.

In my site I have decided not to publish the FIX for WCF and users have criticized, I don't like.
In this world, everything seems to be due :(

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Windows Firewall Control --» Keygen

Those interested just P.M. to :pirate: Jofre.

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I can understand why alexandrud is a bit annoyed, he is a one man show who responds well to improvement suggestions on Wilders. He clearly puts a lot of time into his work. He doesn't have a legal dept to deal with crackers\keygeners. And he was right, as I pointed out myself Xpmule, one of your .exe replacements didn't work correctly, there was no notification pop up.

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Every programmer should be proud that so many crackers find this software valuable enough to invest time in order to activate it.

Whether on not one publishes FIX there will always be others that will do it, maybe even better.

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