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Should I buy a DS or just buy another PSP?


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Years ago,my dad bought me a 2nd Hand PSP 2000 for $160. It was a bad deal because after 1 year, the Select button died and in between all those years a lot of batteries have been buried as well. After being sick of it because the Select button broke yet again and now it won't turn on, I am planning on buying a new portable gaming console because listening to music on my phone bores me after a few minutes. I can buy an unmodded PSP 3000 for $184 (I know how to mod it) or a DS Lite for less (I haven't checked the mall). Which one should I go for?

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about the game stuff

you dont need ds just use emulator and you can play any ds game on your pc!

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If you really want a new portable console, get a 3DS, it has many and good games. All DS and DSi games are also compatible with it. Plus it has the 3D option if you like that. Playing on an emulator it's not the same, because of the touch screen...

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If you really want a new portable console, get a 3DS, it has many and good games. All DS and DSi games are also compatible with it. Plus it has the 3D option if you like that. Playing on an emulator it's not the same, because of the touch screen...

I don't appreciate the 3DS for the following reasons:

3DS: The 3D Effect hurts my eyes after a while (I borrow my classmate's)

The library is not yet wide

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PSP - if you don't mind playing out dated games

DS - is my choice as games are still being developed

I have both, I just use the PSP for Tekken.

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I now have plans on purchasing a DS. Although what version will I go for? The DSi or the DS Lite? I have GBA games from my GBA SP if that would help but I rarely play them because I don't have a GBA charger.

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Get a DSi XL. The larger screen is WELL worth it plus flash carts are super cheap. I have an Acekard 2i (one of the best) and a 16GB micro sd card in it with over 200 games with room to spare.

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You can always have the 3D off, and the library is not that small!

But if you don't want it, then the DSi is the way to go. Get the XL version, with larger screen.

The older games will look good too, they wont be pixelated.

Do not get the Acekard, I have one and it's not compatible with the latest firmware and never will be.

The card itself needs more memory for that! There are better cards. Unless you never do a system update...

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There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to update firmware on a DSi. None. If you get one on 1.4.4 or under you'll be fine with the Acekard 2i. Something compatable with the Wood firmware like an R4i Gold would be a good choice also since it's still being updated.

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