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freeware...with chains attached ?!?


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I saw a write-up about clipboard managers, and the one which looked the best to me was this one:


Mostly it seems alot like what Clipmate used to be back around v5 or v6 when I used it and liked it.

So I looked more at this newer one, and even though it's freeware, there's this whole baloney anyone using it has to go through to get their 'free license key'.

The big one IMO is a forced forum join-up there to get a 1 year key.

(I have nothing to post there about - so why would I do that ?!?)

If you don't want to join up, you can get a key every 60 days instead...and finally - if you're a good little member for a year they reward you with a lifetime key. Wow.

All of that baloney has me thinking it ain't really good to call their stuff 'freeware' at all - maybe nagware, but if it's freeware it should just be 100% free of demands of ANY kind I think.

Anyways=> I'm not joining, nor will I get a new key every 60 days - so that's one nice looking program with too many chains attached for this old guy...pass.

Apparently that site does the same thing to all the popular or bigger projects they offer so that folks either pay a mandatory 'donation' or pay with time & effort - so it ain't free no matter how I look at it.

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I like the site. Signing up with a masked email to get a 6 month key doesn't seem outrageous to me. I've done worse :unsure:

If you really want the software then do it. Personally I use Comfort Clipboard Pro. Much nicer B)

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What I was trying to say is just that with their requirements it is NOT REALLY FREE; that's all.

I find that they offer a portable version quite attractive in addition to the program itself which is a style that I like.

(Comfort Clipboard is not what I want at all; too graphically oriented for me.)

I've got a krappy yahoo mail I can use for it if I wanted to, but I'm just sick of seeing all things that promote 'free' when really IT AIN'T.

(I am not smart like that, but if somebody skilled made a KG for the donationcoder stuff it'd serve 'em right too !!!)

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I see. Maybe that's why there forum shows

Total Members:


They have a lot of other software you may be interested in if you like minimalist stuff.

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The sort of info I really like (giveaways and current news) is actually posted very well between Nsane and another good forum for world events that I enjoy.

Having inactive/captive members JUST so they can get a key renewed every 6 months just makes it LOOK like a very full forum, but I checked it out and it offers nothing of value to me.

(Could be the captive method they use is the ONLY way they could get folks to bother with their forum...?)

I'm never too busy to want to have look in here - but that place I looked at ONCE and it was enough for me.

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