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nsane.down v2.3 Released


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Since v2.2 there has only been one public update to the frontpage, but there have been quite some changes in the background (especially to the way how we connect with the database) and we've recently added some more changes to the list.

The most notable of those changes are:

  • A wide display option which is automatically enabled for users with a horizontal screen resolution of more than 1400px. It can be enabled and disabled manually as well, of course (in the 'Settings dialogue')
  • More news! nsane.down is all about news, Software news (including updates), but we also cover topics like Mobile and Technology. Hence we've added two big-ass arrows to the frontpage news header which allow you to browse to our other news categories.
  • We have been experimenting with reliable ways to ensure the fronptage doesn't go down when the database does and finally found a good balance between annoying our visitors with frequent 'offline messages' and making sure the content is fetched on a regular basis.

And as always feedback is much appreciated (this includes new ideas for the site)!

If you notice anything out of the ordinary, please make sure to refresh your cache (or just refresh the page) before you report it here.

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Technical details:

- Database connection: if no connection, do not attempt to connect for 8 seconds. If no connection again, display offline message and do note connect for 32 seconds. If connection, remove message and continue connections.

- Widening: some nifty jQuery in combination with the pre-existing styleswitcher script we used.

Edit: almost forgot: we switched to Infolinks for ads as well ;)

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Pretty cool! Congratulations to the staff! :D

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  • More news! nsane.down is all about news, Software news (including updates), but we also cover topics like Mobile and Technology. Hence we've added two big-ass arrows to the frontpage news header which allow you to browse to our other news categories.

I like this! Thanks shought! :thumbsup:

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Salvatore Mannina

Great work. One little quirk I have is the fade out when the auto widening takes place. Kinda freaks me out every time lol

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  • Administrator

Great work. One little quirk I have is the fade out when the auto widening takes place. Kinda freaks me out every time lol

The auto-widening is cookie based setting. If you allow cookies (and don't clear them), you won't be seeing that black screen on that computer for some time. ;)

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sound great .

thanks for the update, hope this version better than old that frequently error on database. :)

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Thx for the update! :)

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Thanks guys! :D

great. how about the forums? :)

Not sure. What would you like to see changed on the forums?

The forums are developed by Invision Power (we only mod small parts of the code for specific purposes).

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Thanks guys! :D

great. how about the forums? :)

Not sure. What would you like to see changed on the forums?

The forums are developed by Invision Power (we only mod small parts of the code for specific purposes).

hmm, anyway so far so good, for now I don't have any idea. let see next time.

well at least there's no more bug here. :) and maybe some changes about the rules :P (don't mind it)

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