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Windows Firewall Control Keygen fixed


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To the WFC developer,

If your program was not pirated and spread around the net i guarantee that you would lose sales !

People that spread your stuff are giving you free advertising and that is far more valuable than the $10 that your crying about !

Try getting the exposure and promotion from a pro service for 10$ and tell me how well that works out for you..lol

also did you see the note i put into every keygen release on the archive comments ?

if people didn't notice this is added to every keygen i released..


Note: binisoft is only charging $10 for a universal serial.

If people can they will and if they can't they won't.. the end.

just remember one thing, File Sharers BUY more than average computer users (i can cite studies showing this if needed)

and if you act like an asshole to them it's going to bite you in the ass !

No one is going to want to support a developer that acts like a prick. (towards the file sharing community)

I bet my left testicle all these developers out there have now or in the past pirated stuff and are hypocrites. (windows xp has a pirated file in the OS)

I get tired of people thinking its ok to pick and choose who can be pirated and who can not. (it's all or nothing as far as i'm concerned)

If your going to ask why "sad" people are not paying $10 then i suggest you do some research on File Sharing..

Go to TorrentFreak and see some recent topics on the issue.. its a more apropriate place for a piracy debate.

File sharing is not going anywhere.. deal with it.

this is an interesting story..


What's REALLY sad is you missed the point of all this.. free or almost free advertising that you just can't pay for (it's priceless)

Instead you have misunderstood the issue THAT is sad :(

And i swear to god i'm not saying this just to make excuses for stealing or something i REALLY do believe you will get

a greater and more succefull program by doing what you gotta do but on the other hand understanding the positive benefits you get from so called "pirates".

Word of mouth spreads.. people try the full version.. people see a developer that focuses on the program and NOT DRM

the next thing you know more and more people are jumping on the bandwagon and paying to support people that deserve it.

I say do what you gotta do but don't bite the hand that feeds you (which is partly what i think is going on here)

and make it easier to pay for your product (alternate payment methods etc)


tried to make my self more clear here

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Very interesting Alexandrud.

I have personally bought software and donated to people like you. It's not all in vain :) I guess its better to have some exposure than none at all. I only trust software listed on nsane and wouldn't get information anywhere else.

I do respect your work :) But the means to do so are so easy.

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  On 2/15/2013 at 1:02 PM, alexandrud said:

I know there are free firewalls. If it is so simple to use a free firewall and my program is not even a firewall, why do you still want to use it ? It seems that you can't respect other's people work. Try to put yourself in my position, spending a lot of time with the development, paying for hosting a website, buying new hardware, etc, and 10$ is too much for a lifetime license ? Yes, for stingy people.

A programmer puts his efforts normally into programming and developing, rather than complaining. An reverser does it with the same amount but for the competition and for knowledge. You can develope and try to protect your software as best as you can, when you complain, you will be more targeted in return.

You can put the effort and time into developing and make the programs as good as possible and better, so good, that reversers reverse it and people buy it anyway. Complaining is not the best promotion, not for you and not for the software you develope.

I pay for internet, for food, tv, telephone, games, music, my cat, doctor, whatever. No one is interested in how i do it and i don't complain, i just do it.

Be glad that people are interested in your software and use your creations, no matter if they pay for it (today) or not, stop complaining.

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I didn't complained about the piracy. This is a reality and everybody must live with it, music creators, movie makers, software developers, etc. I was just curios why even if the price is $10 for a lifetime license, people will still not want to become a registered users. I understand why someone will use a pirated copy of a software that costs $2000, because it is very expensive, but I don't understand why people will not pay for programs that cost only a few bucks. Again, I am not upset that I'm pirated. This means that I created some software that is really useful, I am aware that this will spread my work around the Internet and more people will know about it. Have a nice day, and happy pirating.

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  On 2/17/2013 at 11:04 AM, alexandrud said:

I didn't complained about the piracy. This is a reality and everybody must live with it, music creators, movie makers, software developers, etc. I was just curios why even if the price is $10 for a lifetime license, people will still not want to become a registered users. I understand why someone will use a pirated copy of a software that costs $2000, because it is very expensive, but I don't understand why people will not pay for programs that cost only a few bucks. Again, I am not upset that I'm pirated. This means that I created some software that is really useful, I am aware that this will spread my work around the Internet and more people will know about it. Have a nice day, and happy pirating.

Dear Alexandru Dicu, Bine ai venit, prietene.
im supprised meet you here, you could PM the Administrator to forbid post crack of your software.
:welcome: :cheers:
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Like I said, it's cause not everybody has a CC so naturally they turn to pirating

and I don't think anybody would be crazy enough to make a bank account and link it to paypal (cause if their paypal acc get's compromised, their bank acc is effed)

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I agree with Marik, i myself have issues with payment methods and THAT is major issue for many people.

So to developers i say try and do your best to make it easy for people to support you.

And it wouldn't matter the cost of anything on the other hand crackers crack..

and myself i can't stand crippled trial-ware if i want to try a program out either i try the full version or i don't bother.

I also use every conceivable piece of software i bought cracked from games to apps to OS's etc

Part of the problem is there is and always has been too many people that want to pump ANOTHER crappy program out

and expect to quit their jobs and live happily ever after because they made ANOTHER video converter or something.

My point is there is far too much crap out there ! The whole shareware scene of the last decade has thoroughly disgusted me.

It's a sea of pricks just trying to cash in.. on crap.

The WFC developer seems like a good guy with a creative and fairly unique idea and he has done a great job with his program

and i wish him the best of luck and wamest wishes for his program in the future.. i hope he does well and i think he will !

It will be a snowball effect the piracy will drive more people to the project and when they see who and what *some of them will buy etc

Some people are a lost cause and will never buy.. but those same people may be bringing you customers.

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