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good dvd fab alternatives?


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with the newest release of 9 it seems it will be harder to patch and not working for many people. they have also stated they know about the patch for v9 and will work to eliminate it.

can anyone recc a really good alternative to dvdfab? looking for something that will have the same quality ouput as dvdfab always has and that can compress a dvd9 to a dvd5 disc. i know there is the older clone dvd 2 but i find it doesnt not always work on some discs and errors out on some newer discs even with anydvd or dvd decrypter installer along with it. also the compression is imo not up to par with dvdfab end result quality wise.

so what do you guys use and what could take the place of dvdfab now??

i have heard about dvd rebuilder but it seems very slow and need extra stuff to be installed any input on that one?

am open to testing anything as long as they can compress the dvd9 to dvd5 since many will only copy 1:1 which i dont want to do. i would in fact buy dvdfab if they were a bit more reasonable price wise. they are nuts to be asking 499$ WITH a discount already added in... crazy...

thank you for any help or advice!!!

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biggest issue i have is i want really good compression to a dvd5 disc since thats what i use for the kids dics much easier than throwing money away on dl discs since they get thrown around and scratched etc... most programs will not allow a shrink to a dvd5 from a dvd9 disc. so i need something to first decode it then shrink it down and then burn it. i usually would use imgburn to burn. but i know of dvdshrink which is really old now, and clonedvd2 which has not been updated in over 2 years. both dont seem to output the same quality. as well as they dont do bluray discs. imo dvdfab is crazy for what they ask for the full package at 500$...

also not looking for split dvd5 output. looking for output to a single dvd5 from a dvd9.. i tried dvd cloner and thought it stunk imo

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I haven't tried it, but what about this?

says right on the site it will not copy "copy protected" discs so then i would still need a decoder also.

does anyone have experience with dvdshrink vs clonedvd2 vs dvdfab vs dvd rebuilder??

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.. my input would include AnyDVD (or DVDFab Passkey for decryption and vso ConvertXtoDVD5 (newest ver., all located on this site.

Could also check-out (plus Google reviews of ..) these options:

site: http://dvd-copy-software-review.toptenreviews.com/

Add: also Nero Recode .. they have an AIO version 12 that does most everything; you'll need some burning software, i.e. Nero

Burning ROM or ImgBurn, to make final DVD product. Recode also in most all versions of Nero Burning suites; have read most

prefer v7 as last installment (or) look for Nero Lite version, which has basics .. Recode and Nero Burning ROM. : )

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