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A more epic gathering cannot be imagined.


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This image is just mind-blowing. It was originally captured in 1927 at the Solvay Conference, attended by some of the most brilliant scientists in history. Notable attendees included Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Marie Curie, Erwin Schrödinger, Werner Heisenberg, Wolfgang Pauli, Paul Dirac and Louis de Broglie. More than half of the attendees went onto win the Nobel Prize in either Physics or Chemistry. Marie Curie actually won the prize in both fields. She remains the only scientist in history to have done so. The original picture is black & white but a Swedish female artist successfully colorized it and posted it on reddit where it became an instant classic. Not only that, she’s made it available on the internet for free. This one definitely deserves to be shared further for the world to print and put up as a poster. A more epic gathering cannot be imagined.

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:notworthy: Ahh man, its an epic! Thanks Tweety for this share :)

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:notworthy: Ahh man, its an epic! Thanks Tweety for this share :)

You're welcomed mate (:

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The image -- Words apart ! Nonetheless ! ;)

Madam Curie > Radioactivity ( Many documents of her are still so radioactive , they warrant direct handling of them ! Highly unsafe .

Every word is too belittled to really acknowledge her and sir Pierre Curie's work .... -_- )

Einstein > Is there any need to say anything ! ( Some of the most brilliant minds are still puzzled over his theories of relativity ! I Read somewhere that -The Noble community bestowed upon him the noble for photoelectric effect . Something which any lab researcher would have been able to document . But not for the ground breaking epic equation that is E=MC2 , coz it was too much for even the trained minds to understand it at that time ! )

Bohr > Ahhh ... the Periodic Table ! ( I still remember learning it by heart . Every element and its position ! :rolleyes: )

Heisenberg > The Heisenberg's Principle ! ( .... Uncertainity .... what we all end up dealing with in every day life ! )

Schrödinger > The eqaution

Wolfgang Pauli > The exclusion principle

Louis de Broglie > Broglie's Equation

Planck > The constant

Rest i cant seem to recall atm ! :P


check out other works by the coloring artist . many more mind blowing works by her !

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@majithia23: Thanks for explaining them. Having a bad memory, I can't recall anyone from the list other than Einstein and Schrödinger. However, you explaining some of them one by one strikes that yeah, these are the people we have heard and read so much of and about. :)

As for the pic, fascinating. :D

Thanks for sharing. :thumbsup:

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Nikola Tesla ...!

The mad super genius .

One of the most deserving yet most underrated geniuses of mankind ! -_-

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Me just want to tell the meaning of E = mC2, just in case anyone wondering (probably most of us already know)

E = Energy

m = mass

C = Velocity of light [3 x 108 meter/sec or 5,00,000 km/sec (approx)]

So, when a physical object of mass 'm' is moved at the square velocity of light (i.e, 25,00,00,000,000 km/sec), the object no longer remains in physical state, it becomes Energy.

Amazing, isn't it? But that kind of velocity is practically impossible to obtain (till now).. because of that some people mocks this theory as "Solution without having a problem"

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me interested..add 'em :wub:

I will then, it's going to take me a some time though. Just a quick questions, should the videos be exclusive to short videos or lectures, documentary, etc. are fine too?

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me interested..add 'em :wub:

I will then, it's going to take me a some time though. Just a quick questions, should the videos be exclusive to short videos or lectures, documentary, etc. are fine too?

With those videos there should be PDFs too explaining each theory in words, if you can manage :)

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Bohr > Ahhh ... the Periodic Table !

Wasn't it Mendeleev? :think:

Niels Bohr ... made foundational contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum mechanics ... He developed the model of the atom with the nucleus at the center and electrons in orbit around it, which he compared to the planets orbiting the sun. He worked on the idea in quantum mechanics that electrons move from one energy level to another in discrete steps, not continuously.


He was one of the founding fathers of CERN in 1954.

We combine them all and multiply by 10, we get this:


An today his name sits on a $hitty electric car whose origins are at best sketchy :angry:

BTW offtopic3.gif

This thread is exactly what make a lot of us different from the rest. Most people will find a gathering at the Oscars or the Golden Globes "An epic gathering" :chair:

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Just wondering what must be the combined IQ of this gathering at this the Solvey Conference '27. :think: :P

... when a physical object of mass 'm' is moved at the square velocity of light (i.e, 25,00,00,000,000 km/sec), the object no longer remains in physical state, it becomes Energy.

Amazing, isn't it? But that kind of velocity is practically impossible to obtain (till now).. because of that some people mocks this theory as "Solution without having a problem"

This is exactly what the Applied Physicists mock Theoretical Physicists with. "You've got hypothetical solutions to non-existent problems", they say. "We've got real-world solutions to real-world issues" :P

The high and mighty then get back at them by calling them glorified engineers :lol:

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you're right . :yes:

Was a bit tipsy last night ! :rolleyes:

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