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backup of the hard disk


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necesito urgentemente que me aconsejen algun programa para hacer copias de seguridad del disco duro.

he probado el nero backup, y me pone que el sistema de archivos esta en uso y la copia da fallo

he probado el drive image 2002...y me da error...

y quiero probar el norton ghost 10...pero no lo encuentro por ningun lado...

me recomiendan alguno??

cual es el mejro para ustedes??



I need urgently that they advise algun program to me to make backups of the hard disk.

I have proven the nero backup, and it puts to me that the file system this in use and the copy gives failure

I have proven drive image 2002... and gives error me...

and I want to prove the 10 Norton ghost... but not it encounter by ningun side...

they recommend some to me?

as he is mejro for you?


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didnt understand a word of that but heres my answer..

get an external hdd and transfer everythin to that

better yet get a 300 gb internal harddrive and put it in an external case. save half the cost of an extranl harddrive.

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