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Alex Jones On Piers Morgan - Gun Ban Interview


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I thought this was funny in a good way. Alex can sound a lot like some random redneck who doesn't know anything but he truly knows whats happening. He presents a very good reason as to why we should have guns as apposed to the whole gun ban mantra. Piers Morgan needed to have a new ass hole torn open....don't piss off Alex Jones. The point being this:

When guns are band in a country, violent crimes (not gun related) are greatly increased. Crime is reduced when criminals know that a loaded gun MIGHT be on the other side of the door. Piers attempted to make this ONLY about guns while Alex tried to show the WHOLE crime rate in areas where there is a gun ban compared to no gun ban. Crime in general is HIGHER in areas with gun bans and that is the point that Piers tried to steer the conversation and make it ONLY about guns.



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I'm by no means a Piers Morgan fan but he handled himself pretty well in this situation. How anybody can take that other guy seriously is beyond me.

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I agree Gabben, that other guy is so passionate, not drug addled, he probably doesn't take his flouride, ADHD pills, SSRI's, GMO, etc. Going to have to force feed him so that he becomes real passive.

Ambrocious you should add the clip of Piers the following day with Huntsman's daughter and that crew calling for Piers to SHOOT Alex and them laughing about it, but since they're saying it so calmly and jovially it's ok I guess. As long as you don't raise your voice you can make DEATH threats it seems.

edit: Oops forgot to add, don't forget to take your aspartame, keep drinking your diet soda's :)

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Yeah sure buddy. :) I don't want to be involved in this fight about guns because i don't give a sh*t what happens in the US but come on, that Alex guy is hilarious when he is yelling.

btw. i only drink water.

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Alex Jones has a very good reason to scream and yell. Have you seen any of his documentaries yet? I know they are long but if you want to understand why he is so mad for, you really aught to watch his documentaries; get into the mind of this guy who I feel you misunderstand at face value.

All of these are on YouTube in full, they can be found easily:

TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism

ENDGAME: Blueprint For Global Enslavement

The Obama Deception

Fall of the Republic

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I suspect Ambrocious is Alex Jones. :yes:

LOL! Im flattered but no. Alex probably wouldn't have the time to come onto these forums as often as I do and talk about all this stuff. He is a very busy guy in case you didn't know.

Anger and yelling does not mean "he lost" because he wasn't a gentlman. It's about time we all rose our voices and spoke up too.

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Both of them in the same room and no one assassinated them,that's a big missed opportunity. :D

I despise piers morgan a lot more than i do jones as at least jones has a few people who hang on his every word and occasionally he makes sense if you can filter through the shouty crap he insists on doing all the time,morgan on the other hand is a slimy manipulative pile of horse shit who thankfully lives in the US now and hopefully stays there for the rest of his nasty little life.

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Alex Jones lacks a tactful tongue but he is telling the truth and I don't give a flying rats ass if he shouts, I listen to him for the sake of his frankness and honesty and his refusal to be afraid.

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LOL! This guy just made my day, He's way too funny to be felt offended by :lol:

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