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StartIsBack 1.3


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StartIsBack is a great way to relieve your (and your users) Windows 8 pain. StartIsBack returns Windows 8 a real fully featured start menu and start button, behaving exactly like the ones in Windows 7. StartIsBack radically improves desktop usability and makes new Start screen clutter-free. StartIsBack is fully native lightweight zero-privileges program, cheap and fair, fast, stable and secure. Boot to desktop; Original fully-featured Windows 7 start menu; Desktop and Modern interfaces clearly separated; Make Start screen clutter-free; Totally native; Rich customization and configuration; And More to come! Think of it as a transition path which Microsoft should have made for Windows 8.

Thanks to jofre and magsood for the update.


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"Nice...... thanks for the update. The trial reset still works on this version."

Wow you saved 3 bucks -.-

Yeah, by the time you browse a few more pages, you'll become a multimillionaire. :D

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Had an error on update (ran as admin). Explorer stopped responding too. I restarted, re-ran the update (ran as admin again) and it worked.

If anyone else has the same problem, try this first.

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Why using a cracked version if the legit version only cost 3 dollars?

I bought 2 licenses for 2 friends of me.

It's a super program at a very low price.

I went crazy with the Metro UI, with this program I was relieved that I saw my Windows 7 start button and desktop.

So why not support the developer?

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@ Ragdd

I agree with the sentiments you just expressed - have myself bought this innovative little utility (not due to it's cheap rate - but rather, it's that one factor which has been responsible for narrowing down the gap between Windows 7 and Windows 8.)

Thanks to StartIsBack, I'd otherwise have remained a Whiner. :rockon:

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Nice...... thanks for the update. The trial reset still works on this version.
Wow you saved 3 bucks -.-

Actually, it doesn't work exactly right. The Start Menu personalization gets messed up after every reset :P

Using legit version myself. Gr8 little idea from Tihiy. :thumbsup:

BTW, Wasn't there a Christmas sale for $1? There was one on Black Friday I think (or was it on Cyber Monday?) And Tihiy promised one for Christmas as well if I remember correctly :D

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this is the best start backer software out there (the paid ones).

is there any crack for it? i don't want to run TR every 13 days (WTF!) :D


here is a crack hehe 3 mints after i write this down

10x held

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Thanks HALiD, crack added to the fp :cheers:

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Thanks for this "update". Good work !

The author of StartIsBack must be very sad today.

Happy New Year !

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Yes, this is sad. This type of applications people should support. It's works great and it's cheap, only 3$. I would understand if it's hugely priced and people can't afford it, but this is very affordable. Everyone who has means to buy it should be ashamed if he/she is using cracked version.

Cheers ;)

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you can automate trial reset using task scheduler.


sometimes its not only money matter.

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Those using the pre-cracked one need not configure the Start Menu items each time - which otherwise, disappear if the Trial Reset is used.

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sometimes its not only money matter.

What matters then? If you don't have a way to buy it, for example yours country does not support PayPal, then I can understand, but otherwise, I don't see any other reason.

Cheers ;)

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