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Microsoft Windows 8: The Animated Rant Goes Viral


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Personally, I also found Windows 8 "unusable" as he eloquently put it. The interface is beyond bad, it's THE worst interface a desktop could ever have. It might be better for a touch screen device, but for a regular desktop it plain sucks. I found absolutely nothing appealing or useful about the new interface.

Also, the sheer amount of problems due incompatiblities are too much to bear. Although, these problems will probably disappear as the OS gets more mature, but for now, I can't use it since even the freakin driver that I downloaded through Microsoft update breaks!

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We means the people(incl coders, developers, users..................and almost everyone) who are disappointed and doesn't like Win8 n Win Blue too.

you're the voice of the people? when did we, the people, decide that you speak on our behalves?

the OS is not half as bad as the whiners complain. but then, whenever a new OS arrives, so do the whiners. if you don't like it, don't use it. simple. and if you've decided not to like it, then don't like it because you chose to formulate your own opinion, as opposed to having someone else give it to you. even if it was a cute little video.

as an MSDN subscriber, and a developer, I have been using the OS since it first hit Technet, and in all honesty, it really is not bad. it is noticeably faster. the Metro interface for me, helps prevent shortcut clutter on my desktop. in Win 7 i almost never used the start button as finding items there took too long. i used to instead hit my windows key, and then just type in what i am looking for and hit enter. has win 8 changed this? no. still works exactly the same. i hit the win key, type what i am looking for, hit enter. done. except in the case of the latter, it does this fullscreen and presents me with numerous easy to access alternative choices in case i have made a mistake. it is a step forward and better than in win 7. in all honesty, if you are using your mouse to to peruse around a menu every time you need something, then you missed the point of the search in win 7, and suffice to say, it explains why you struggle with win 8. clearly you're still stuck in 2001.

the actual negatives i personally would give the OS, as these are what affect me personally, and not necessarily others, are the following:

1. the difficulty in getting to safe mode. i can see MS's reasoning: that most people don't know what to do in safe mode so they rather implemented a automatic diagnostic to resolve issues. fair enough. i personally would prefer immediate and easy access to safe mode, and in a business environment, i assume tech support would as well.

2. lack of admin rights. disabling UAC in win 7 meant everything ran with admin rights thereafter. in win 8, disabling UAC does not have the same effect. now, most of the tech world continuously complains about MS OS's having admin rights by default, and it's a justified argument when it comes to the masses, but as a SOA developer, i often host services via console apps. this means that if i did not specifically run my dev software as admin, none of the service hosting console apps will run. for me, it's irritating. for the greater good, it's a step in the right direction. there is a way to set win 8 to treat your user as a full admin, as per win 7 when UAC is off, but setting it disables the store. it boggles my mind that it's an either/or scenario. the irony tho, is had they left it like it was on win 7, the whiners would complain about users easily being able to get high privileges. it seems you cannot please everyone, and whiners will always whine.

3. it is not nearly as robust as win 7 in my experience. many times a simple driver installation that has failed resulted in the OS not booting and needing to run diagnostics. in win 7, it would inform you there is a problem. no booting issues, no diagnostics, no nothing. just continue working properly. i'm hoping its "sensitivities" get fixed in some early patches though.

other than those 3 things, i personally think the OS is pretty good. if they can resolve my 3rd point, then i would rate it as a solid OS that is definitely a step up from win 7. unluckily tho point 3 is a major issue for me. it's enough of an issue to me that it overrides all of the improvements win 8 brings over 7. i am sure tho that the masses won't struggle with win 8's robustness as most people don't use a pc in the way that i do tho. so again, any complaints against win 8 are very much subjective. as is that video. so rather than regurgitating someone else's opinion of the OS, rather formulate one yourself by trying it out and then deciding for yourself.

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You said We r struggling to STOP this Action.

I say - Who is we? You started this thread and what? just assumed everyone would agree and you get hostile to those that don't.

My first post in this thread was about windows 8, privacy concerns and the video. For some reason the responses are aimed at my character.

We means the people(incl coders, developers, users..................and almost everyone) who are disappointed and doesn't like Win8 n Win Blue too.

Stop being a pussy - if there's something you do not understand, just ask it shall be granted. If there's something you do not want to understand, my respects - feel welcome to use any alternative OS, none shall grumble.

But, why whine like a perforated pussy - nobody is foisting Windows 8 upon you, are they??? :wtf:

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i've been using windows 8 and looove it, sleeker than windows 7 and id say easier to use, all up to personal preference i suppose :notworthy: ---> WINDOWS 8

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