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Microsoft Windows 8: The Animated Rant Goes Viral


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Microsoft Windows 8 drastic user-interface changes received both good and bad reactions, but here is something outright attacking. After, watching the video which is rapidly going viral attracting negative promotion for Microsoft one could easily judge that if the author had done a fraction of all the hard-work inputted in making this video into learning a bit before reviewing, the outcome might have been different.

This video is mainly for people who have expressed their like and fans for Windows 8:

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I'm on Windows 8 -- using it for about ten days now, which has been my first and only experience with it. I have to say, based on all the rants and criticisms I've heard and read about it I was expecting much worse than it seems to be. It's really not so bad, and there's definitely some improvements in the OS that are clear and obvious. Yeh, the initial tile menu you boot into is a bit weird, but it takes 2 seconds to set it up so that you just tap "enter" and it brings you to the desktop most of us are used to. I basically just ignore the rest.

It's interesting though -- for roughly ten years I've been using software called "True Launch Bar", which made the "Start" button and menu irrelevant. That may be why I'm not more disturbed by this -- I already had a replacement for the Start menu so I'm not missing anything. If you've never tried True Launch Bar I highly recommend it! There's a version working for Win 8, and once you get used to it you'll never want to use a standard start menu again, anyway.

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I'm on Windows 8 -- using it for about ten days now, which has been my first and only experience with it. I have to say, based on all the rants and criticisms I've heard and read about it I was expecting much worse than it seems to be. It's really not so bad, and there's definitely some improvements in the OS that are clear and obvious. Yeh, the initial tile menu you boot into is a bit weird, but it takes 2 seconds to set it up so that you just tap "enter" and it brings you to the desktop most of us are used to. I basically just ignore the rest.

It's interesting though -- for roughly ten years I've been using software called "True Launch Bar", which made the "Start" button and menu irrelevant. That may be why I'm not more disturbed by this -- I already had a replacement for the Start menu so I'm not missing anything. If you've never tried True Launch Bar I highly recommend it! There's a version working for Win 8, and once you get used to it you'll never want to use a standard start menu again, anyway.

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The guy who made this video is a DUMBASS!!!! If he taught himself slackware, Win 8 should have been a cake walk for him.

The interface for Win 8 is not as bad as he is making it out to be. Want to close a metro app, click the top of the screen and drag it down to the bottom (easy)

The charms bar is very useful and actuall contextual for the app that is being used.... Say you are using the Adobe reader. You want to email a friend the adobe file from the metro app. go to the charms bar and click on share. It will bring up a screen that wil show you everything you can share that to. IE. email a friend, print it to a printer, store it on your sky drive.

Say you want to search fro something within the said pdf document... Once again, click on the charms bar and click search. type in the word you want to search and viola it will highlight all the instances of the search.

Take 5 to 10 minutes to RTFI (read the flippin instructions) and Win 8 is just as easy and user friendly as win 7 is with more benefits.

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The guy who made this video is a DUMBASS!!!! If he taught himself slackware, Win 8 should have been a cake walk for him.

The interface for Win 8 is not as bad as he is making it out to be. Want to close a metro app, click the top of the screen and drag it down to the bottom (easy)

The charms bar is very useful and actuall contextual for the app that is being used.... Say you are using the Adobe reader. You want to email a friend the adobe file from the metro app. go to the charms bar and click on share. It will bring up a screen that wil show you everything you can share that to. IE. email a friend, print it to a printer, store it on your sky drive.

Say you want to search fro something within the said pdf document... Once again, click on the charms bar and click search. type in the word you want to search and viola it will highlight all the instances of the search.

Take 5 to 10 minutes to RTFI (read the flippin instructions) and Win 8 is just as easy and user friendly as win 7 is with more benefits.

Ha.... Ha... Ha... I think you are most addicted to Win8. Read below for answers to your dumb comments about Win8.

  • If you think, single-click is tuff than draging to the bottom of screen, then you r the most foolish.
  • The charms bar is not useful at most times. If you'd see the full video, you won't talk gud about it.
  • Never. You can't compare a bit of Win7 with Win8 (excl fast bootup and response). The security of OS was in our hands till Win7, but in Win8, you can't even protect your email address and its apps, OS etc as you'd use it as your login itself. One hack/identity tracking does it all. And moreover Win8 has more n mooooore.... loopholes to fix.

Totally you are being a victim of Win8 addiction.... We, including most of nsane users, admins, VIP's, feel Sorry 4 U!

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First all this "Windows 8 is spy ware" without actually saying why is kind of annoying.

Apparently this is all about Smartscreen. which seems very much like Comodo cloud analysis (where is uploads file to be scanned and is on by default) and Eset Live Grid and many more apps that do the same stuff.


I think it is just dumb scare mongering and general mis information. This is nothing new and many other apps have been doing the same thing for a lot longer.

To summarise this concept for your further reading. Your PC among other things is designed to have enough info about your activities so that if you ever become a person of interest there is enough info to fuel a smear campaign against you and your image creating doubt ( potentially a Jury ) and dis trust while you are retrospectively criminalised all within the the framework of the legal system. This is what the whole system of surveillance is geared up for. You are all criminals in some way for some reason. And the proof is just sitting somewhere if they ever need it. I'd be more worried about your mobile devices to be honest.

The concern related to Microsoft is the size and consolidation of such large amounts of data globally make it a target for Government and Legal requests for information, as with Google.

Anyways...about windows 8.

That video is total crap. If anyone paid for that "journalism" they should get their money back.

It does not make sense to people until you think of it in terms of touch then it makes a lot more sense that windows 7 ever will. It is a change of direction that is well suited for where the market is leading, the domination of handheld devices. When i look at my windows 8 and i think if my monitor was a touch screen i could very easily and quickly navigate it.

You can use a local login and only use an email for apps.

I don't use metro that much but it can be useful for full screen weather apps and stuff.

The explorer ribbon is much better than windows 7. Charm owns. Using a touch enable device (monitor or pad) makes navigation intuitive.

Dual monitors taskbar on each natively. So damn useful.

Much much better driver support. I plug in my xbox 360 wired controller. it just works, not driver software needed.

People are just insisting they should be able to push a triangle through a square hole. Take away a couple of features (and maybe add one or two) and windows 8 is pretty much windows 7 v2 anyway.

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That video is total crap. If anyone paid for that "journalism" they should get their money back.

It does not make sense to people until you think of it in terms of touch then it makes a lot more sense that windows 7 ever will. It is a change of direction that is well suited for where the market is leading, the domination of handheld devices. When i look at my windows 8 and i think if my monitor was a touch screen i could very easily and quickly navigate it.

You can use a local login and only use an email for apps.

I don't use metro that much but it can be useful for full screen weather apps and stuff.

The explorer ribbon is much better than windows 7. Charm owns. Using a touch enable device (monitor or pad) makes navigation intuitive.

Dual monitors taskbar on each natively. So damn useful.

Much much better driver support. I plug in my xbox 360 wired controller. it just works, not driver software needed.

People are just insisting they should be able to push a triangle through a square hole. Take away a couple of features (and maybe add one or two) and windows 8 is pretty much windows 7 v2 anyway.

You just can't say that its a crap vid. Mainly your last words are really making us laugh. "Take away a couple of features" - Win 8 itself is lacking more features than earlier versions of Windows. Adding one or two is gud, but those who got legit license can't just use many tools to make changes to OS, if they do, then they'll face more problems with current and future activations. And using Refresh PC/restoring PC using system restore/image bkp will make new problems. And reinstalling OS will be a huge work-load everytime. And Corporate companies just can't use any tools to change UI of OS.

I think you aren't a professional hacker. If you r a pro hacker, you won't say these. All core-techies know that Win8 is a crap!

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Well, where to begin? That video is total crap.

Windows 7 has the same activation requirements as windows 8 for changes to hardware.


Professional or Pro Hacker? i almost died. Your mini rant is befitting of the title Script Kiddy and not hacker.

Hacking in relation to windows 8 would mean extending the functionality of the platform in ways that were not intended by the developers. In a way a hacker would have more fun restoring lost features to windows 8 than already having them in windows 7.

Restoring Aero to windows 8 would be a hack. Adding charms to windows 7 would be a hack. One who actually understood the meaning of the word in relation to the subject matter would know that. Changing you desktop with Aero in windows 7 is not hacking or a required skill of a "core techy".

All "core techies" woulds know how to cater to their customers (or their own) needs and recommend (choose) accordingly. A totally irrelevant assertion on top of an already mis informed and pointless argument.

That video is nothing more than a self promotional tool that uses a popular subject matter. It is rhetoric designed to show his ability to influence people's opinions through his work so he can sell projects or gain employment, read the youtube comments, there is nothing factual or informative about it.

And am i windowss 8 fanboy? no, i just had no major ties to windows 7 in terms of software and did my research. I have not regretted my upgrade at all and think a lot of the windows 8 hate is unfair and confusing for those looking for genuine comparisions.

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Fantastic video. Only a funboy would disagree. Everything said in this video is so true.

Cheers ;)

impressive response. What i really liked what the structure of the argument. Really made me ponder the intrinsic value of windows 7 features and design vs the style direction....oh wait.

cheers, i guess that makes me a "funboy" *coughs*, should i buy a Mac now?

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I did watch the video in its full length (and smiled some). My experience with Windows 8 is running it for like 10 minutes in a Virtual Machine and not understanding the concept of it. The "pro" Windows 8 responses in this thread actually made me tempted to have a new look at it though...

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Fantastic video. Only a funboy would disagree. Everything said in this video is so true.

Cheers ;)

impressive response. What i really liked what the structure of the argument. Really made me ponder the intrinsic value of windows 7 features and design vs the style direction....oh wait.

cheers, i guess that makes me a "funboy" *coughs*, should i buy a Mac now?

I don't care what you'll buy or use. And what argument do you want? Every argument is said in video. I don't see a need to repeat those arugments. But if you wish, here's arugment for you, just look at a big list of removed features from Windows 8 compared to Windows 7:


Cheers ;)

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Windows 8 is not windows 7 cosmetically. People should accept it get over it. People should stop crying and whining about features they didn't even realize existed. Most of "removed" features are cosmetic and debatable. I would say such an article might be a good resource at first glance, but it seems there is a lot of pointless comparisons burying the important ones.

- The Ribbon requires a click to activate each tab unlike a menu which activates by 1 click and then you can move through all menus by hover. Thus, the mouse usability of the Ribbon is slower.

So this means..wait for it...a tabbed interface. He just pointed out that Ribbon is a tabbed interface which is pointless and confusing. The interface has been simplified and this is no big secret. I personally find it more productive for my needs.

If you press the ALT key in windows 8 explorer you see all keyboard shortcuts and can then visually proceed using just the keyboard. I never saw this in windows 7

For accuracy: some of these cosmetic changes could well impede a user based on their needs and previous experience. Depends on what they do on the platform really and they should be able to figure this out.

He says the new task manager is not an improvement while i think it is, except not being able to shutdown. i did miss that but i love the right click restart explorer.

Use Windows Hot-keys

To be honest. No one really needs to upgrade to windows 8. People including myself, if i hadn't already tried it, could easily remain on windows 7 and not really be missing out.

But at the end of all this what matters is people are saying windows 8 is bad because they don't like. Just how a noob computer guy would force his idea of support on a person rather than cater to their needs.

Windows 8 is not as bad as people are making it out to be. And no one is forcing you to upgrade. A persons needs are what matters and when someone says "should i upgrade" you should ask them how they plan on using their device and in some cases Windows 8 is a good move.

So again the video is proof of nothing other than market forces showing the way things are heading.

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Fantastic video. Only a funboy would disagree. Everything said in this video is so true.

Cheers ;)

impressive response. What i really liked what the structure of the argument. Really made me ponder the intrinsic value of windows 7 features and design vs the style direction....oh wait.

cheers, i guess that makes me a "funboy" *coughs*, should i buy a Mac now?

I don't care what you'll buy or use. And what argument do you want? Every argument is said in video. I don't see a need to repeat those arugments. But if you wish, here's arugment for you, just look at a big list of removed features from Windows 8 compared to Windows 7:


Cheers ;)

Very Gud reply to fortheloveof***. And he/she still proves that he/she is a stubborn and dumb. Now the person is telling people to cope-up with Win8 and forget Win7. MS with Ballmer is taking the curent generation to a wrong path and he/she still doesn't understand that We r struggling to STOP this Action.

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I am debating the the accuracy and intentions of the video you posted. I can make this about you if you want.

You say i said - Now the person is telling people to cope-up with Win8 and forget Win7

What i actually said - To be honest. No one really needs to upgrade to windows 8. People including myself, if i hadn't already tried it, could easily remain on windows 7 and not really be missing out.

You said We r struggling to STOP this Action.

I say - Who is we? You started this thread and what? just assumed everyone would agree and you get hostile to those that don't.

My first post in this thread was about windows 8, privacy concerns and the video. For some reason the responses are aimed at my character.

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Calm down guys. We should put things more calmly and less aggressively. In the end, if not possible, then should agree to disagree. ;)

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this seem to reflect well what mara linked but without the silly comaprisions. How many of these are critical to you is something to think about i guess.


windows 8 did get some new things


it seems like windows 7 is around for a while


I like to think of windows 8 as a different direction for windows 7. Not an upgrade so to speak. Like an optimised version that suits my needs.

I doubt it has any enterpise value.

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You said We r struggling to STOP this Action.

I say - Who is we? You started this thread and what? just assumed everyone would agree and you get hostile to those that don't.

My first post in this thread was about windows 8, privacy concerns and the video. For some reason the responses are aimed at my character.

We means the people(incl coders, developers, users..................and almost everyone) who are disappointed and doesn't like Win8 n Win Blue too.

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Just because those features are not critical to you, it doesn't meant they are not critical to everybody else. And even if they are not critical to most of the people, why remove it? Why those features are in the way? Let the people have the choice. And like or not, there are so many true things said in the video. I myself would like to use Windows 8, but I was really annoyed as much as that guy on the video, but not just because of thing he pointed, it's because so many features removed and leaving people without choice. And you're commenting on the Ribbon, come on, you took the thing that's the least important and that's the new thing, and we're talking about removed features and crippled interface. Why do I need 3 clicks now to do something I needed only one?

Cheers ;)

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well i don't know why they chose to remove what they did. It would seem that the majority do not use these features ( plus some legacy stuff ) and we are in fact the minority (an over-simplification i guess). But a lot of the stuff is subjective. You say three clicks to do one thing, but now i can click on the ribbon and show hidden files/known extensions in 2 clicks, this is less than in windows 7, again in task manager i can restart explorer faster that in windows 7 but now i can't shutdown (that i saw). I also mentioned the ALT shortcuts which are very good. I took well to windows 8 and have not really found anything dramatic that upset me and i would generally consider myself fairly proficient with various operating systems.

But put simply i do not say windows 8 is better than 7. i just do not think things like that video are good or fair reviews of the situation and an argument can be made for using windows 8.

I will admit though there are many things that i was accustomed to that got lost and i am not sure why, but like i said, it seems to be very subjective and not definitive proof of being "bad".

If i really wanted the best i would be using Directory Opus anyway. I use teracopy (file transfers issues) and xplorer2 ( more file transfers, previews, details and more) also. A lot of the removed features are actually features most advanced users were using other apps to do anyway.

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