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Security: Mailaccount hacked...


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I am sick of this. Shortly i noticed that my mailaccount i use everyday has been hacked. I had to call a hotline for web.de (my Freemail provider) because my account was disabled by them.

I called them twice, till i noticed that i am able to login. Now resetted all my login data for Amazon, Ebay, Paypal, Facebook... Even resetted password here on nsane.

That was really time consuming thing.

How can i avoid being hacked again? Any tips?

PS: Just wanna share what happend to me.

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Your never 100% protected.

Here's a few tips that i do.

Lastpass (auto login) -> I think without typing anything you bypass key loggers (also with lastpass encryption).

This way you don't have to use the same password for every site. the program has a brain to remember those for you.

Options can be set so they don't have access to stored passwords.

Firefox - private browsing -> don't store any history/cookies (only allow site prefs)

Chrome - private browsing -> don't store any history/cookies (only allow site prefs)

Noscript - In some way stop unsafe websites from hijacking. (whitelist trusted sites)

flashblock - In some way stop unsafe websites from hijacking. (whitelist trusted sites)

adblockplus - In some way stop unsafe websites from hijacking. (whitelist trusted sites)

use 2 Active email accounts

1-: personal info - banks/shopping/credit cards so on... (add some random numbers/letters when creating the email) make it hard for some 1 to guess to add your email into a spam bot.

2-: bogus info - anything that requires "registering" - social networking / forums / pron / chat sites / torrent / blogs

there's a program somewhere on nsane that encrypts key strokes (cant member the name) to stop key loggers.

I won't go into Anti Virus / Firewall security (no need to start a flame war over which is best in this thread) :D

last option would be common sense - download from trusted sites (bookmarks).

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you forgot about flashblock Sonar :p

also, stop using failbook....i see thousands of failbook accounts hacked every day on another forum

it's the #1 place where people go mail fishing

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I use Failbook actually to cover my freaking anime needs. I resetted not only password, but mailadress as well there.

Besides, i have "https browsing" enabled there.

And my Galaxy S2 is connected too...

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you forgot about flashblock Sonar :P also, stop using failbook....i see thousands of failbook accounts hacked every day on another forum it's the #1 place where people go mail fishing


new there was something :cheers:

I also have flashblock installed (trusted sites white listed)

Facebook accounts only get hacked if your adding allowing untrusted apps.


quotes seem to be messed up it doesn't show in the reply box who you are quoting, just the text is there.

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yes, it's because of this new IPB update

Shought is quite stressed because of it.

Expect the board to return to normal by sunday....hopefully

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  • Try to use free VPN's service like "Spotflux ". ( I recommand paied ones like Hotspot Shield Elite )
  • Use an IDS/IPS to prevent intrusion .
  • Use anti keylogger.
  • Clean your browser cache and history each day.
  • Try to be away from porn sites .
  • Use WOT or a similar to preven yourself from malware websites.
  • Don"t download cracks that are from non trusted or usual websites.
  • Config your firewall to use just ports that u need .
  • Be sure that u use a trusted P2P file or magnetic links and use a software that can protect your P2P seeds and receiving.
  • Use HTTPSeverywhere add ons for firefox to make sure that if a SSL service is enabled in a website will be used instead of HTTP .
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myanimelist should be used for anime not failbook :cheers:

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  • Administrator

Moving to Security and Privacy Center.

1. Your computer could be infected.

2. Galaxy S2 can be a reason, any out of market apps?

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1. I scanned my PC. No problems found. With different scanners.

2. I use Facebook on Galaxy S2 only temporary, i always log out.

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  • Administrator

Any Facebook apps (no, not Android apps, those apps on Facebook)?

Otherwise, can only think of the password leaking from somewhere, or some vulnerability in the email account host.

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Telephone's Samsumg are problems with great holes of security. B)

PD: Don't recommend to navigate in Facebook, Twitter or other in your movil and recommend update your Galaxy S2 to latest Android system it's possible.

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I do not use any fb apps.

However i have Android 2.3.6, i have some reasons to stick with it.

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I guess your issue was email leaked in some where on the net i mean in a forum or sites hacked by spammers or hijackers ...

Or maybe an ARP poisnning or DNS spoofing , maybe u use the same password on every website and as i said some leaked info had make your emails and accounts been breached change passwords and store them in an encrypted text file and use 2048 Bit encryption i'm sure it will be ur last time you be hacked .


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