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HitmanPro 3.7.0 Build 185


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we want just help you! nothing else :)

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Leave the topic open, people need to see this guy for what he really is, a ripper, a phony and a rude person overall.

I'll clean the topic of his nonsense posts and ban him as he started posting porn not too long ago

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Funny thing is, crackflasher11 said he was able to crack but I notice he doesn't know how to use bbcode for his sig pic!

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How things have come to this level..?! :s

And I thinking that he more would be one of the great programmers/decoders we have here at the Nsane... that bad joke.

Just ban this mothersucker`s arse outta here - only a few clicks away from oblivion.

Yeah, that would be a start, but I find it really very difficult to solve, since he can create another fake account.

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you don't need to worry about that, if he does, sooner or later we'll know

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Holy cr*p! I turn my back for a couple of hours, and all Hell breaks loose! :o :wtf:

To be back on topic, is it possible to make a patcher instead of separate cracks for every little build they publish? If memory serves, there was such a thing not too long ago. It would satisfy both the people hungry for the latest builds, and those interested in major updates, as everyone could use it at their own discretion.

As far as the person who got banned is concerned, it's very sad when things like this happen. We can only pity him now, since he chose not to be a part of what Nsane is all about. His loss.

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you don't need to worry about that, if he does, sooner or later we'll know

I am more calm now knowing that it will happen. After all, he can hide your IP, change your nick ... but not your character. =)

don't be worry! i tell you when crack flash is back :D

I think you was the first to expose him. and we count on you again (and also with PurplebeanZ) :showoff:

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Oh Man, Such hell broke loose in no time, as if it were a mass slaughter going on.

Regarding what the discussion is about,

Lying at a community like Nsane is Sad, and Infuriating, at the same time.

All of us here, try our best to help the community out, in our own respective ways.

So, trying to snatch away the other member's Hardwork, as well as benefaction to the community, is disgusting.

So one must be careful to not Bite Off More than One Can Chew.

@shajt :welcome: brother.

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