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Microsoft has secretly damaged the OS


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I have made a list of features removed, missing or absent options in Windows 8 compared to Windows 7:

1. Start Menu.

2. Built-in (Microsoft provided) DVD playback in Windows Media Player will not be available on the Windows 8 platform, even with addition of the Media Center Pack.

3. Device Manager no longer shows Non-Plug and Play Drivers or hidden devices. The "Devmgr_Show_NonPresent_Devices=1' environment variable has no effect

4. Applications can no longer programmatically configure, change or query file associations or set themselves during installation as the default for a file type or protocol!

5. Many commands are missing on the Ribbon which were there on Explorer command bar like Compatibility Files, View Remote Printers etc and others for special folders and namespace extensions. They just forgot to add these to these commands!

6. The "Compatibility" tab for an application's properties no longer includes Windows 2000 and Windows NT 4.0 modes. You will be forced to use Application Compatibility Toolkit to set these OS modes.

7. The menu bar and command bar (toolbar) in Windows Explorer have been removed and replaced with the Ribbon interface. Keyboard usability IMHO of the Ribbon is poor because in a menu, the first letter of any menu command or Alt+keyboard combination key is easier to read sequentially as it is placed in a row either horizontally or vertically. Mouse usability of the Ribbon and discoverability of commands is also poor, because unlike in a menu, where you can switch from one menu to another without clicking again, the Ribbon tabs do not activate unless you click again. The File menu also showed context menu commands but the File button on the Ribbon does not show these. Commands in the menu can be static (always available) irrespective of the location you are at in Explorer or they can be dynamic like the File menu. In contrast, commands on the Ribbon are all contextual meaning you have to navigate to a certain location to use that Ribbon command. The Ribbon is not customizable, only the Quick Access Toolbar is customizable but its usability is poor because it uses tiny 16 x 16 icons! (So much for a touch-friendly OS).

8. The ability to boot directly to the desktop and not load the Metro components in memory is not there. Items in various startup locations (Registry, startup folder etc) are all loaded with a delay of few seconds with no way to load them instantly.

9. The Lock screen is the place where you can now display custom background instead of the Logon screen, but unlike the Logon screen, there seems to be no way to programmatically change or cycle through a group of images for the Lock screen background. It must be set manually by the user from PC settings on the Start screen.

10. Running Internet Explorer purely in 64-bit mode is not possible unless Enhanced Protected Mode is enabled which disables all addons not compatible with EPM. Otherwise, 64-bit IE10 opens 32-bit tabs.

11. Search option to use natural language search has been removed.

12. File operations like Rename, Delete can no longer be undone for UAC-protected locations

13. Security Essentials settings for configuring default actions or real-time protection have been removed. (Security Essentials is now built-in as Windows Defender)

14. In a dual boot scenario, the ability to directly boot into another OS besides Windows 8 is slowed down because the new Windows 8 boot shell/loader reboots to load the other operating system.

15. Windows Update settings for showing notifications and allowing all users to install updates have been removed. Windows Update no longer notifies with a balloon notification that there are new updates available.

16. Sound events for Exit Windows, Windows Logon and Windows Logoff are removed

17. People Near Me P2P API is removed

18. WinHelp has been completely discontinued. No download will be available.

19. MSConfig's Startup tab has been killed and replaced by the Task Manager's Startup tab that doesn't have the Location column which was useful for example to know if the process started from HKCU or HKLM.

20. Previous Versions for Shadow Copies is removed. The half-baked replacement is the File History feature which is only for certain file types (documents, music, videos and pictures) in Libraries, desktop and browser favorites. Previous Versions worked for any generic file type in any folder. File History does not even support EFS-encrypted files! File History is supposed to replace both "Previous Versions for Shadow Copies" as well as "Windows Backup and Restore" and it doesn't do 100% of either of the features it replaces!

21. Advanced Appearance settings which let you adjust colors, sizes and fonts are removed

22. Explorer status bar removes the ability to show important details. It is now a private undocumented control (DirectUI) so it also doesn't allow Explorer addons like Classic Shell to show information like free disk space, total size of items without selection, computer zone, infotip information as it could on a standard status bar control.

23. Explorer: Ability to enable both Details pane and Preview pane simultaneously in Explorer for display of file metadata as well as preview, or, Details pane to be always shown and only the Preview pane toggled is gone

24. Flip 3D is gone

25. Chkdsk when run at startup does not display any information about file system repairs besides % complete. This screen with scanning and correction details is gone when Chkdsk runs at startup and replaced by just a % complete.

26. Pen, Ink and Touch Input Desktop features, including the The Tablet Input Panel (TIP) are no longer included. Some buttons ('num', 'sym' and 'web') are removed from the Handwriting input panel and UI changes to it require more clicks for example to switch from handwriting to keyboard, or access the editing commands (join, split, delete). It is now touch-friendly but no longer stylus-friendly. Desktop tablet features are replaced by a "simplified" touch keyboard.

27. Network Map feature and some network profile management UI (setting a network as Private, Public, customizing the network name and icon etc) from Network and Sharing Center is missing

28. Memory addresses and other technical information has been removed from the Windows 8 bug check screen (BSOD)

29. The new Task Manager is missing many features of the old one: http://social.techne...c8-c39833aff90e

30. View Available Networks (VAN) UI has been crippled with access to the most important dialog: the Network's Status window removed. The VAN UI now covers the notification area icons unnecessarily and the Metro look is out of place on the Aero desktop.

31. The AutoPlay dialog removes the option to always open a particular program based on the file type

32. The Open With dialog breaks the NoInternetOpenWith and NoFileAssociate Group Policies and browsing for a program with the redesigned Open With dialog requires three clicks instead of just one.

33. The Windows Error Reporting dialog for reporting/debugging crashes does not save the state of "View details"

34. Windows CardSpace is not installed even after installing .NET 3.0/3.5

35. The keyboard shortcut for Windows Mobility Center has been removed. Previously, Win+X brought it up, now it brings up the power user context menu.

36. Some remoting apps that use mirror drivers or some features of mirror drivers for remoting scenarios, accessibility, or desktop duplication may no longer be supported due to the changes required to be made to Desktop Window Manager.

37. Some Audio Compression Manager (ACM) components are broken resulting in Sound Recorder being unable to do format conversion.

38. Subsystem for UNIX-based applications is completely removed

If you notice more features missing, removed or broken, you are welcome to notify me. Haven't discovered all the ways in which Microsoft has secretly damaged the OS yet.

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that's a pretty big list :blink:

as expected of vista's sister...the damn thing has more flaws than improvements, and i'm pretty sure the list won't stop here :tooth:

windows 8 just might turn out to be microsoft's greatest disaster...bigger than the vista incident :smoke:

but what am i talking about, there are 10 trillion windows 8 licenses sold every second...the universe itself choose this os to enlighten us in the way of transcending life....we'll fap like gods in no time :uhoh:

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Source link? ;)

there's no source, prob because if you looks closely, it's anuseems own article, so this will be moved to soft chat

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What I don't get is why didn't they just make "Windows 8 (x64) Lite" for people who just want metro on a touch device with a minimal install size and boot time, and are not interesting in all the features on the desktop version, and a full "Windows 8 (x64) Desktop/Laptop" version with all the compatibility and server features of previous operating systems with an optional metro install.

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Are half of these even problems?

You cannot tell me that you miss even HALF of these "features"

Also: 18. WinHelp has been completely discontinued. No download will be available.

This was removed in VISTA.

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Well everyone has different preferences. :) and that is why it is so important and Windows remain configurable, customizable and tweakable, so everyone can work the way he wants.

I hope Microsoft learns something from this failure. Maybe it's time for two distinct lines of Windows again: Professional version with zero dumbing down and full backward compatibility of previous features and Dumb/gimmicky version for dumb users.

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Still the solution for the following is required immediately :

1. No non plug and play drivers are displayed in device manager ( despite of all known tweaks ). Its required because of drivers intensive apps install / uninstall .

2. Customizing title bar text color for dark themes.

Regarding source

I ve obtained the info from a few sites ( one is run by classic shell developer who wanted not to be linked ), collaborated and generalised.

Hope geeks reading the probs above can shed some light on annoyances.

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What I don't get is why didn't they just make "Windows 8 (x64) Lite" for people who just want metro on a touch device with a minimal install size and boot time, and are not interesting in all the features on the desktop version, and a full "Windows 8 (x64) Desktop/Laptop" version with all the compatibility and server features of previous operating systems with an optional metro install.

They did made "Windows 8 (x64) Lite" but it's called just plain "Windows 8 (x64)" for the all versions of x64 OS.

And "Windows 8 (x32) Lite" but names it only as "Windows 8 (x32)" for all versions of x32 OS.

There is no full "Windows 8 (x32/x64) Desktop/Laptop" version with all the compatibility and server features of previous operating systems,

all the features removed was the reason they couldn't make it full version.

The one who conceptualize "Windows 8 Dumbing Down" is not a technology geek nor a power user.

He/She has no idea what these tools are all about and how to use them so he/she had them removed.

The word "UPGRADE" is meant to add more features and optimize the efficiency, flexibility, usability and adaptability of the product. But microsuck didn't offer us an "UPGRADE" but a "DOWNGRADE" while using the word "UPGRADE". :lmao:

This microsuck company is still drunk with the notion of resetting the users to go back to the mainframe old style of computing.

(terminal workstation). Wherein you only have a tv and keyboard at hand, all the data, applications and processing is done in the server of microsuck.

Maybe this "RESET" or "DUMBING DOWN" is their first step. :think:

What microsuck will learn from this "mistake" is that another OS will replace them.

The "great sales" microsuck has been false reporting pisses off the manufacturers and resellers of computing devices.

I will be expecting in the span of two years several manufacturers will start packaging linux( or another OS) as the primary default OS with hardcore business computing applications and high-res gaming applications in it. :P

Linux only needs one graphics card manufacturer to support them, and that's AMD; Other graphics card manufacturer will soon follows. When the drivers are readily available this will be the start of the end of microsuck dominance. :D

The comparison between Windows 7/8 has already been settled and cleared. Check my previous post.


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First, they massacred small time developers/freelancers.

Second, they drove off normal pc users/desktop, laptop and tablet users/ DIY fanatics/power users/hardcore gamers/techonology geeks away from their sinking flagship product (Windows 8.)

Third, they pissed off manufacturers and re-sellers of computing devices by giving false sales reporting to the public and insisting its success on the market while the manufacturers/re-sellers carry the loss.

Fourth, soon, they will pissed off their own investors when their investors realize they didn't make any money on that sinking flagshit product.

Fifth, no manufacturer and re-seller will want to install and sell their flagshit product anymore without microsuck'ing their decks. :hehe:

Sixth, Android OS will be adopted at warp speeds on so many devices followed by soon to dominate linux. hehe! ;)

7th, Microsuck will opensource its OS hoping a few newbie developer will try to develop something in their platform. :o :omg: :ermm: :fist: :eekout: :tooth: :tease:

Ammm, I'm just trolling hehe! No hard feelings. :stereo:

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Are half of these even problems?

You cannot tell me that you miss even HALF of these "features"

Also: 18. WinHelp has been completely discontinued. No download will be available.

This was removed in VISTA.

For me - these ARE issues which make the system less usable than Windows 7.

Also a correction to your post - WinHelp was NOT discontinued after VISTA. In fact it is available as an add-on for both Vista and Win7 x86/x64 editions.

I can open .hlp files without any issues on my rig, and yes - I know this is a possible vulnerability - that's why it was removed from main rls and moved to separate pkg.

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What I can't wrap my head around are these things:

1. Why things that are already working well have to be utterly removed, especially when there's already an option for disabling them. The logical change would be to make the option "off" by default.

2. Why people can't think outside the small sphere of their own experience and understand that there are legitimate reasons people will miss every piece of removed functionality. There were valid reasons they put that functionality in in the first place, and for everything that's there, someone's using it!

3. Why Microsoft can't imagine that while a huge number of people may not be computer geeks and don't use the "fancy" or "advanced" features (per telemetry feedback), there is still a significant number of people who really need computers (not data consumption devices) to do their work. Not only that, but many serious users deconfigure the "big brother watching" features, either to reduce traffic inside their networks or because they can't tolerate anyone watching what they're doing.

The only answer I can begin to imagine is that Microsoft is being ruthless in removing complexity from under the covers, in order to try to turn Windows back into something that doesn't require 10,000+ engineers to make changes and maintain, and they figure that the lion's share of the non-technical customer base will still want their OS for their tablets and whatnot. I'm concerned that they're not realizing that if the business community moves on to use another OS that people are going to want their portable devices to work seamlessly in THAT environment. Could it be that Microsoft is really expecting everyone to just continue to adopt Windows 7 for serious use, and are expecting Windows 8 to be purely frivolous?

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Most Features Removed ?People Can't Saying About New Feature's ?Only What The Hell Is Missed In Old One In New One ?

New Features More Than 100 If You Wish The Videos Go To This Link.:


1.Added Antivirus And AntiSpyWare And AntiMalware With Interner Security

"Microsoft Essential Secuirty With WIndows Defender"

2.Added FileSecurity Is Very Advance

3.Automatic Maintainance

4.InBuild Iso Image Mounter

5.Advance Faulty Tolerance If Bosd Happen

Nothing Will affect Harddisk and Os

6.Super Gaming Support

By How By Utilizing Hard Disk Efficiently...

7.Best MultiThreaded Programimg Utilize icore 5 as icore5 processor this advance feature is not well in Windows 7

8.Firewall Is Better Than Windows you can utilize your maximum internet access in wifi hotspot ...

9.New way Of password Protection "Picture Password"

10.Does Not Need More Time To Boot

11.Facebook Synchronizing is Excellent

You Will Never Miss To Send BirthDay Wishes To Your friend

12.Mail Apps Is Nice I Added All My Email Account

Fast Synchronizing

13.WIndows Store Is More Fun

If i Start I Can Say More?Stop This Rumour How Many Year You Want the same ugly Start Screen

see The Metro Start Screen App Are Dancing My Mind Blowing While i seeing the Live Title

My Friend Uploading Metro Apps Iam Downloading It...............

Fore More Go There


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I must say: :lol: :lol: :lol:. Half of those are not features. You call "Super Gaming Support" a feature? Or "MultiThreaded Programimg Utilize icore 5". That's not a feature, it's just an optimization. Or "WIndows Store Is More Fun"??? Feature is having more fun? You call Facebook syncronization a feature? :wtf: :rofl: Yeah, that's a big progress, we would be doomed without it.There is absolutely nothing useful in your list. Their antivirus is pathetic. Built-in iso support? I don't know should I laugh or cry how basic it is. You obviously don't use your computer for anything useful, just for having fun.

Cheers ;)

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@Praba - I'll just reply to the points that I've LOL'ed too hard to not reply ;)

1 Was already in place as a separate package with MORE functionality and configurability (Ever heard of Security Essentials ??)... It's sh...t anyway....

3. Uh oh... there is nothing like this in Win7... Vista.... There is no such thing as scheduled defrag... oh...wait... there is.

5. Yadda yadda... Already seen those 'new' BSODs...

6. LOL... I don't see any pain points in my HDD utilization too (on Win7) and it was proven in many game - benchmarks that the performance remains on the same level. Anyway ... Either joking... or I don't see where the 'feature' is....

7 How's this a 'feature' ? After installing a few kb's on win7 we get also those 'optimisations'. And how do you differentiate 'good' from 'best' ? Any benchmarks ? Any articles to support your 'best theory' ?

8 Built-in firewall is the first thing I disable - THAT bad it is. If you use a AV+Firewall combo it is thousand times better. I'm not naming one particular product - cause all of them are better ;-)

9 New security holes... Already proven in a few articles that this does NOT improve security.

10 Fact. It does actually require less time to boot that e.g. Win7. On the other hand - I reboot my rig once per 1-2 weeks or even per month ;)

11 You really really have troubles to find actual 'features' do you ?

12 Outlook express is also nice. Winmail is also nice. how do you bench the 'fast synchronisation' ? Mine does that too you know ;)

13 Google play store is more fun. Amazon store is more fun. Walmart is more fun... wait... I've gone too far ;-)

My mind is blown when I boot up my Win7 rig, see the beauty of Start Menu not covering the %^^@% full part of my screen...

I see the fireworks of the GUI / Aero ... If my rig can handle that then Why the f..k not enable it ?

I like how I can customize a lot of things and not use pre-selected 'looks'

I like my side gadgets, like the clock, weather, cpu usage etc. Doesn't add much value but I LIKE IT.

For more fun go to ebay or any retailer and buy a box version of Windows 7 ;-)

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11 You really really have troubles to find actual 'features' do you ?


My mind is blown when I boot up my Win7 rig, see the beauty of Start Menu not covering the %^^@% full part of my screen...

I see the fireworks of the GUI / Aero ... If my rig can handle that then Why the f..k not enable it ?

I like how I can customize a lot of things and not use pre-selected 'looks'

I like my side gadgets, like the clock, weather, cpu usage etc. Doesn't add much value but I LIKE IT.

:lol: :thumbsup:

For more fun go to ebay or any retailer and buy a box version of Windows 7 ;-)

:rofl: :clap:

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Oh my Lord... :rolleyes: Now I see why Microsoft ruined Windows. They might as well have replaced it with a box of Legos. :P I'm thrilled sticking with my W7U x64, thank you very much!

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