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So let's talk about virus..Not a biological but a binary virus..

So, all we know is virus are not good for our Computer systems..

But there are many types of virus depending upon their behavior..

In this thread, it is expected that someone who have vast knowledge about this things will classify them in detail for us.

Thank you!

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So let's talk about virus..Not a biological but a binary virus..

So, all we know is virus are not good for our Computer systems..

But there are many types of virus depending upon their behavior..

In this thread, it is expected that someone who have vast knowledge about this things will classify them in detail for us.

Thank you!

Nasty virus! :sorry:

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Well, i guess wikipedia describes it very well:


So, we have:

Trojan Horse:

A trojan horse program has the appearance of having a useful and desired function. While it may advertise its activity after launching, this information is not apparent to the user beforehand. Secretly the program performs other, undesired functions. A Trojan Horse neither replicates nor copies itself, but causes damage or compromises the security of the computer. A Trojan Horse must be sent by someone or carried by another program and may arrive in the form of a joke program or software of some sort. The malicious functionality of a Trojan Horse may be anything undesirable for a computer user, including data destruction or compromising a system by providing a means for another computer to gain access, thus bypassing normal access controls.


A worm is a program that makes and facilitates the distribution of copies of itself; for example, from one disk drive to another, or by copying itself using email or another transport mechanism. The worm may do damage and compromise the security of the computer. It may arrive via exploitation of a system vulnerability or by clicking on an infected e-mail.

Bootsector Virus:

A virus which attaches itself to the first part of the hard disk that is read by the computer upon bootup. These are normally spread by floppy disks.

Macro Virus:

Macro viruses are viruses that use another application's macro programming language to distribute themselves. They infect documents such as MS Word or MS Excel and are typically spread to other similar documents.

Memory Resident Viruses:

Memory Resident Viruses reside in a computers volitale memory (RAM). They are initiated from a virus which runs on the computer and they stay in memory after it's initiating program closes.

Rootkit Virus:

A rootkit virus is an undetectable virus which attempts to allow someone to gain control of a computer system. The term rootkit comes from the linux administrator root user. These viruses are usually installed by trojans and are normally disguised as operating system files.

Polymorphic Viruses:

A polymorphic virus not only replicates itself by creating multiple files of itself, but it also changes it's digital signature every time it replicates. This makes it difficult for less sophisticated antivirus software to detect.

Logic Bombs/Time Bombs:

These are viruses which are programmed to initiate at a specific date or when a specific event occurs. Some examples are a virus which deletes your photos on Halloween, or a virus which deletes a database table if a certain employee gets fired.

(Maybe there are some missing.)

We also have other type of what i also think can be classified as malware, like Ad-ware, Jokes/Pranks apps, spyware, and so on.



Bomb your computer with ads

Jokes/Pranks Apps:

Annoy the hell out of you. If you run into one of these, you'll notice it can freeze your computer showing somekind of prank and you can lose some work you maybe doing in the proccess. (thats why i consider them to be malware).


As the name says, the app you use effective methods to 'spy' your computer usage, etc.

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A computer virus is a malicious software capable of infecting certain files and to reproduce hundreds of times in your computer. Viruses act at the software level, bite into the proper operations of the operating system; however, some of these viruses are able to disrupt the operation of the cooling fan and cause overheating to the various computer hardware with consequent damage. All viruses act in a surreptitious way is hidden, but almost always they are recognizable by users when you note an excessive use of the RAM memory or CPU. Very often they are called improperly viruses all those malware that are not properly of software, but are self-employed and do not require other files to reproduce: we are talking about worms, adware, spyware and dialers. Computer viruses can be classified depending on the effects that cause, to the characteristics of the algorithms or the physical area in which they act. - THE file viruses are viruses that are attached to the file and you can play whenever they are opened. In particular, they are impressed with the .exe files; - THE boot sector viruses have the ability to impair the normal computer startup. Usually propagate due to infected floppy; - Macro viruses are viruses very common written with a normal programming language such as C and C++; - viruses Polymorphs will attack the files and, whenever they are opened by the user, change shape; - THE Stealth viruses are of subtle virus that infect the DOS and escape the virus using the tricks; - THE Trojan virus, perhaps the most popular, are malicious software that have within them the lines of code that allow the activation of a virus in certain conditions. To defend against a virus the best way and certainly to keep activated a Antivirus. A few years ago, the virus is transmitted mainly through floppy, but now almost always through the internet.

List of some different types of viruses\malware Adware: adware is a software that installs on a computer and then bombs indiscriminately the user with advertisements (pop up, banners, text links highlighted). Sites that offer free software or pornography are common sources of adware. If you notice that your web browser, or the home page of Google Toolbar modified it in some way, shortly after a software download or if the navigation on the web becomes slower, might very well be a sign that a adware is installed on your PC. Backdoor: a backdoor is a program that enters the computer and creates a backdoor through which it is possible to control the affected system without the user knowing it. A popular tool with hackers! Dialer: a dialer is a program that calls telephone lines without the authorization or the warning of the users, often with the intent to gain access to pornographic material, a payment. Dropper: also known as a Trojan downloader, a dropper is a file created ad hoc for introducing a spyware, viruses, worms, or Trojans in a system. Exploit: An exploit is a file that takes advantage of design flaws (vulnerabilities) in software for a system hack. The enhancement can be used to perform a series of different actions, such as the download of worms, and Trojan horses, access to sensitive data or software corruption (Denial of Service) depending on the nature and severity of vulnerabilities. The best way to protect against Exploits and often run Windows Update to download all of the recent security updates. Hijacker: Can be divided into two categories, those which change the home page of your site to see another and those who instead redirigono customers who are doing research on affiliate websites in order to collect advertising revenue. Key Logger: A Key Logger is a program that records keystrokes from the user with the intention to acquire sensitive information such as login information and credit card. If you are using a service provided by online banking, these programs could be used to record the number of your account and password to access your bank account. Files are stored and sent via e-mail to the person that installed it. Malware: a term synonymous with 'spyware'. Spyware: spyware programs collect information about users "navigation activities", your preferences and interests. The collected data is sent to the creator and sold to a third party, often with the intent to create targeting for users with advertising. Spyware is often installed without your consent. Ransomware: Programs that is divided into two categories. Those that are blocking the files on your system and there is a payment request (redemption) to unlock them. And then there are those that are more common that use a Trojan horse to install malware on your computer. These malicious software programs become a real disorder (with alert messages that ask for the infection of the computer, computer system errors) and ask for a payment for the full version of the program, to have solved these problems. The most famous are: Pest Trap, Spyware Quake, Guard Spy, Malware Wipe and Spy Heal. These programs are normally installed without the consent of the users by means of Trojan Zlob. Trojans: a Trojan is a program that enters your computer and it seems to be a harmless program, you install and performs actions that affect the privacy of users. Viruses: viruses are programs that can enter your computer, or computer systems in various ways, causing effects that range from the simple to the destructive and irreparable problems. Are called viruses because they can infect other computers that are accessible from the infected machine. Worms: Worms are similar to viruses, but do not replicate and do not infect other computers.

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Polymorphic Viruses

i hate this type of virus especially when someone ask me to fix their computer without format the OS

example: sality

other virus that i've encounter seem easy to fix with the help from app like mbam,sas,kvrt,cureit

and also a really working solution from microsoft, safe mode

just make sure the safe mode entry exist in registry or you will face problem if you select to reboot in safe mode through msconfig

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when someone ask me to fix their computer without format the OS

When my Clients want me to fix their viruses without formatting, I ask them [politely] to go fuck themselves!!! :angry:

It's a bloody waste of time - easier to execute a system-wide-restore than to invite their godforsaken gremlins to bed.

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Its really not that difficult. These days you can find just about everything online.

You just need to start programming in anything and soon you'll be able to do some nice things.

I've played way to much with these virtual 'toys' and still do sometimes, but just for fun, to prove i'm still in the business. :)

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