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SRS Audio Sandbox and Firefox problems


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Hi guys,

I was a little hesitant on posting my problem. I noticed this after I installed it although it did not happen right away.

For me, it happens in different situations, I'll describe them all.

1. When I'm listening to music, sometimes the song would loop the last second or so. And this is really annoying - i.e. hearing the same word/sound over and over again!

2. While watching streams, this would also happen, although more rare. However, what actually happens, more often, is that the stream would go in fast-forward mode with no sound while watching. This would also happen when I press the play button after waiting for the stream to finish downloading (slow internet).

3. Upon waking up from sleep, this would also sometimes happen. Music wouldn't play and streaming would result in fast-forward mode.

There's nothing I can do to fix it. I tried changing the default playback device back to my sound card but that does not solve the problem. I'd have to do a reboot which solves it.

Anyone else have this problem? Just recently I decided to delete it. I don't really mind not having it but I'm curious if there is a simple fix. Should I reinstall?

System: Q6600, 2 gigs, Realtek onboard sound card, 8800 GTS

I initially was just going to post my problem with SRS Audio Sandbox but I'd thought I should hit two birds with one stone. Sometimes when I leave Firefox window(s) up and the computer sleeps, I find that I have to end the firefox.exe through task manager in order for me to continue with web-browsing after I wake up the computer. Web-pages just won't load. Closing the browser and opening another one would result in a pop-up message saying that firefox is still running in the background. Or, leaving the initial window open and opening another firefox window results in web-pages not loading. :rolleyes:

Thanks a bunch,


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I have no idea as to how to solve the SRS problem, at the moment, my best guess its that it's either codecs conflicting with the SRS Driver or some other software on your PC conflicting with it.

I'm not sure about Firefox, but you could try this: Go into the BIOS, find where the sleep-mode settings are and then you'll find that there are different settings, make sure that PCI(e) is still turned ON in sleep-mode(or something like that, it's called differently in every BIOS), don't hesitate to screw anything up in the sleep-mode settings, because they won't fuck up your boot process if fucked up, so just play around a little with the settings :rolleyes: So you can always restore whatever done wrong.

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Have you tried:

  1. Uninstall your sound driver
  2. Uninstall SRS Audio Sandbox
  3. Run a registry cleaner
  4. Reinstall your sound driver and SRS Audio Sandbox

Once you finished, post back the results :rolleyes:

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Hmm, interesting. I'll take a look. I'm curious though, can you explain why having PCI on would help?

The Firefox problem doesn't always happen but it does more often than not.


No I haven't tried that. I'd have to get the drivers for my sound card and the last time I checked (which was recent), the site was down. Maybe I should when I have the time. It's just I'd have to wait for the problem to pop up - who knows when.

Thanks to you both!

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No, it's PCI inside the sleep-mode settings. The problem you're experiencing could be due to the fact that your computer disables your network card whilst hibernating(which is normal, but is known to cause problems sometimes). I had a similar problem with my laptop :rolleyes:

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I know, I understood. Sorry I didn't type everything. I'm not exactly sure where sleep-mode was. But this is what I did but didn't change anything yet:

1 Went into BIOS settings

2 Main page > Power management setup

3 Here were the options I found with PCI(e):

- Wake up by Wake# of PCI(e), disabled

- Wake up by PME# of PCI(e), disabled

Or am I in the wrong settings?

Oh, I forgot to mention that the Firefox thing, I think, happened since version 3.

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I know, I understood. Sorry I didn't type everything. I'm not exactly sure where sleep-mode was. But this is what I did but didn't change anything yet:

1 Went into BIOS settings

2 Main page > Power management setup

3 Here were the options I found with PCI(e):

- Wake up by Wake# of PCI(e), disabled

- Wake up by PME# of PCI(e), disabled

Or am I in the wrong settings?

Were these set to enabled before? Or did you find them disabled? If so it won't hurt enabling them to check it out :rolleyes:

ps you're in the right direction with Power management, but there's nothing closer to Hibernation or Sleep mode I guess?

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I found them disabled. I haven't actually been in these settings before. Did I find what you asking of? There were other options too that were disabled. If I can remember from a few minutes ago, something along the lines of wake up by onboard LAN, alarm, etc.

LOL. Oops nevermind. I didn't read everything. I'll go turn them on then. Geez I hate doing these reboots :rolleyes: . And I guess not (to your P.S.), I didn't find any option that explicitly stated Hibernation or Sleep-mode. *shrugs

If this also helps, my motherboard is Abit IP35-Pro.


Ok, back.

I only enabled the option - Wake up by Wake# of PCI(e).

I typo'd the other option, it did not have an (e) at the end of PCI - Wake up by PME# of PCI - so I just left that alone.

I noticed that my network icon doesn't show anymore in the Notification area, as well I can't enable the icon because it's been greyed out. I don't really like that though.


I tried putting the computer to sleep while having a Firefox window open. Went back into Windows and found the internet not working although the network icon came back (weird). After a couple of reboots, a reboot of the modem and router, and disabling Wake up by Wake# of PCI(e), the internet worked again. I went over to DSLReports to see if there was a problem with my ISP and coincidently there were people who had their internet down at 5.22am. It's always funny how when I try to fix certain things on the computer, the internet ends up not working after a reboot. Then, I'd blame whatever I was doing and subsequently finding that it was the ISP and others in the same situation at roughly the same time. Maybe I'll try enabling the option again later as I'll be busy this week.

It seems we haven't gotten anywhere, thanks though. I'll post again when I have the time to do some enabling and reboots.

As for the SRS problem, I'll live without it for now and try a new version whenever it comes out. I don't feel uninstalling the sound drivers and installing it and SRS back would help. Although, it possibly can. I'm stubborn and lazy, hehe. Thanks Bizarre for the suggestion - I'll get to it whenever I can.

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