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[Needs In Windows 8]Install .netframework 3.5,3.0,3.0 Without Downloading


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install .net framework 3.5(Include 3.0 and 2.0) In Windows 8 X64,x32 Without Downloading.....

1.Open The Windows 8 x32 0r x64 Disk Iso Image Directly....It is Build In Feature In Windows 8

2.Note The Driver Letter ...eg.DVD Drive( F: ) HRM_CENA_X64FREE_EN-US_DV5

3.In Place Of "F:" ?Notify in Which Drive letter Windows 8 Disk Image Is Mounted...

4.Here For Eg....I Used "F" as Drive Letter Then

5.Run The Command As Administrator ..

6. Replace The DriveLetter "f" As Your Mounted Disk Image DriveLetter . Copy And Paste This Command .

Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source:f:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess

7.Wait a Minute and Restart

8.FInished Installing .netframework 3.5,3.0,2.0

9.especially More Important to run All the software's and games

.net Framework is very very important

Directx 11 For Windows 8 For Playing All The Supprot Games For Windows 7,Vista,Xp In Windows 8 More Important..

Download Link.: 95.62 MB


Don't Blame Windows 8 Without Installing Directx 11, .net Framework 3.5,3.0,2.0

It's Support All Software Of Windows 7,Vista,Xp......

Only Driver It Won't Supported Need To Download or Upgrade It In "DriverManager" Easiest Way....

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What are these steps?!!!! :huh:

For .net framework only do this:

1- Mount Windows 8 Image file in virtual drive.

2- Run CMD in admin mode.

dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /Source:h:\sources\sxs

h is windows 8 drive. :)

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What are these steps?!!!! :huh:

For .net framework only do this:

1- Mount Windows 8 Image file in virtual drive.

2- Run CMD in admin mode.

dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /Source:h:\sources\sxs

h is windows 8 drive. :)

Dude Windows 8 will open iso image directly bcoz it is new feature of 8

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If you are a newbie:

Press Windows key+X

Select Programs and features

On the left click turn windows features on or off

Click on .Net framework 3.5

Oh and thx for the post! I did not install that directx b4!

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thx for share this trick.

btw, i can't add WMC on win 8 pro x86 .

Please help ! :(

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simpy open my computer

on the tab menu click uninstall program

turn windows feature on and off

check the net framework there!

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Don't Blame Windows 8 Without Installing Directx 11, .net Framework 3.5,3.0,2.0

DirectX and .NET Framework are not the stumbling blocks for Windows 8 - they've got nothing to do with the reason for members like me taking glee in shafting Windows 8.

The biggest failing, ATM - is Aero (or the lack of it.)


Install your DirectX and .NET Framework and yet get ready to be brick-batted by us. :naughty:

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I pity the poor Internet Radio Station operator that tries to install their legal copy of SAM Broadcaster in Windows 8 spacial Audio has already said that the older versions of SAM will not work in Windows 8 and yep that's right you'll have to shell out some huge bucks to obtain a copy of SAM for Windows 8. If you run an Internet Radio station STAY AWAY from Windows 8. You'll either have to buy a costom built computer, get someone to build you one or head to Ebay for a refurbished computer with Windows 7 (I recommend one with 8 GB of RAM). Lots of real users of utilities will hate Windows 8 when they realize their precious software they spend hard money on will no longer work.

And they say software Piracy is wrong? now to me its a necessity!!!!!

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I pity the poor Internet Radio Station operator that tries to install their legal copy of SAM Broadcaster in Windows 8 spacial Audio has already said that the older versions of SAM will not work in Windows 8 and yep that's right you'll have to shell out some huge bucks to obtain a copy of SAM for Windows 8. If you run an Internet Radio station STAY AWAY from Windows 8. You'll either have to buy a costom built computer, get someone to build you one or head to Ebay for a refurbished computer with Windows 7 (I recommend one with 8 GB of RAM). Lots of real users of utilities will hate Windows 8 when they realize their precious software they spend hard money on will no longer work.

And they say software Piracy is wrong? now to me its a necessity!!!!!

Dude The problem IS due to Driver only.....Dont blame windows 8 they are developed an os for user that it .they won't responsible for this issue..it depend on apllication manufacture ....call to sam broadcaster software manufacture and say i got this issue i want my same software should to work on windows 8.......

Windows is Not Responsible for this issue it depend on apllication developer........there is not more different to modify application only just some modification application developer have to do via Visual Studio or their IDE.....8 developed with same as 7 kernal(system call ---bulk of programs which interconnect hardware and software via C,C++ only form 1990's to now also-c&c++ is powerful language) ----------So Some Slight Difference only application developer have to do it....

dude don't say simply about """"Windows 8 """Million Of Developer Had Worked Hard and Developed ...............For Past 3 years.........

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