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How To Measure And Speed Up Windows Startup


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In this article, we will learn how to measure the boot time of Windows so that we can actually sense the speedup in Windows boot time. I will be using Windows 8 for all the tests. Although there are several software to test PC boot time like Soluto, I like to use BootRacer because of its simplicity and efficiency. The latest version of BootRacer adds support for Windows 8. You can also use it on previous versions of Windows as well.

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Devils advocate, as usual i hear you say, but are people really that anal about startup times in this day and age? With the calibre of HDD's, average installed memory and CPU speeds....

I know i have better things to do than try and get 4 seconds off a boot time.....

Theres forums where people who have nothign better to do than do this , and then to top off the ridiculousness spend 43 pages posting their boot times....

Heres my speed up process, and it starts when you install windows:

1) Install windows

2) Install latest hardware drivers

3) Install windows updates

4) Install your favourite defrag program

5) Turn off page file

6) Turn off hibernate (i think its powercfg -h off from cmd)

7) Reboot once into windows without pagefile on to clear it from harddrive

8 ) Delete contents of prefetch folder

9) Reboot into safe mode

10 ) Run defrag program

11) Reboot into normal windows

12) Turn pagefile back on if necessary on your system (depending on your RAM and personal and often misguided beliefs form internet forums, you should have one even if you have 16Gb or RAM)

13) Optionally turn hibernate back on (Desktop not so much use, laptop most likely yes if you use hibernate function otherwise its a waste of disk space equal to your amount of RAM)

14) Install the rest of software

15) Reboot and defrag in normal windows

16) Set boot time defrag in defrag program

17) Reboot and do boot defrag

18 ) Use computer and stop reading how to speed up your boot time articles. A computer is there to use not to measure unimportant minutae of its performance.

If youre really anal about boot times buy an SSD.

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