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KIS 2013 Firewall leaks at PC start.


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Hi all Nsane members!

I'd like to talk about the new KIS , I've done some testing and I find something , wich is probably already knew , but it's probably better to share the information with you guys.

The problem is that KIS firewall does not protect you at windows start up.

This morning , I've found that like always KIS was very long to start , actually it starts after all my others application , so I wanted to do an easy test to check if it was working as soon as my computer starts.

To do so , I've just restarted my PC , and as soon as my desktop appeared I've lunched Total Uninstall , wich is known for its licence protection.

And guess what? Bingo , I got a message saying that TU was not registered , wich means it could call home , while I forgave its access to Internet in KIS setting.

Maybe a bit hard to understand , so please try this easy test :

1 : Change you welcome page in Chrome for , for exemple "http://www.nsaneforu...privacy-center/"

2 : In the programs launched at windows start up uou add a shortcut to Chrome , or whatever you use

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Normally , when you start Windows , Chrome should open automatically on our forum page.

BUT, to show you the problem , we will block Chrome to access the Internet , like this :

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Normally , when doing this it should deny Chrome to access the Internet , right?

Well , restart your computer and see what happens....yes you are on Nsane , with Chrome.

That means that Kaspersky sleeps well when you start your computer.... :s

Thanks for thos who read this until here!

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I remember AV-Comparatives guys mentioning something like this for the AV modules.

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