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Internet Download Manager 5.15 Build 3


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IDM.pngInternet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds by up to 5 times, resume and schedule downloads. Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use.Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance.

Thanks to Bizarre™ for the update.


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I downloaded the IDM installer from its main site and installed it then I used Alpha Phatcher's patch that is provided here but after patching when I run IDM it tells that it is registered with a fake serial number and is exiting. What should I do ?

Im using alpha patcher for a long time an i did not have any problem with the previous versions of the patch !!


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hmm, then I'm also gonna add BRD's patch

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For this particular build, BRD have released a keygen instead of the usual patch along with the following instructions:-

add in host (Firewall - before installation and use keygen after installation) tonec.com ( www.tonec.com ( registeridm.com ( www.registeridm.com ( secure.registeridm.com ( internetdownloadmanager.com ( www.internetdownloadmanager.com ( secure.internetdownloadmanager.com ( mirror.internetdownloadmanager.com ( mirror2.internetdownloadmanager.com ( mirror3.internetdownloadmanager.com (

use keygen



ps The IP's in red have been included by me for the sake of convenience to Users.

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Actually I don't think BRD had this included in their latest patch/keygen release. But more like - hey folks we don't need to patch this program if we have the proper sites blocked editing our host file.

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Matter-of-fact, BRD did release the text to be included in the 'host' file and just like I've already mentioned above; the characters in red have been appended by me for the convenience of those who would prefer to firewall the sites (like me) instead of blocking them through the host file (which can be dangerous.)

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Matter-of-fact, BRD did release the text to be included in the 'host' file and just like I've already mentioned above; the characters in red have been appended by me for the convenience of those who would prefer to firewall the sites (like me) instead of blocking them through the host file (which can be dangerous.)

No big deal this for sure, but could you give the name of the BRD release that you are refering to then?

The latest I've seen is this:








Cool noddy (just spotted your added posting)


File received kindly shared by Noddy. I do stand correct on this. BRD released a generic patch + a keygen for version 5.15.2. For version 5.15.3 some clever persons found out that they could use the keygen only from that release + some editing of host file (or as Noddy states - use of a firewall) to get it to work proper.


Nice to see you beeing promoted to a VIP Noddy ^_^

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I'm uploading it - shall PM you the link (in a couple of minutes.)


Couldn't manage to upload it - but was lucky to locate the origins from where I sourced it and have PMed you the complete download. Look forward to your views (they're truly appreciated.)

2nd Edit:-

Cool man - hope this helps guys on the forum (I, too prefer keygens/serials to patches.) Do feel free to post the same (I'm sure 'BRD' won't mind - he seems pissed off with 'WRATH.') ^_^

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Congratz on your ViP Noddy ;) I know you're worth it ^_^ You know why I know :huh: Yes, you do :P

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Hey shought, you noticed that - thanks so much!!!!

It's my privilege to be here amongst such cool guys - it's a pleasure, thanks again.

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Hey shought, you noticed that - thanks so much!!!!

Don't act like you didn't suspect me to notice it ^_^ Nothing goes unseen here :huh:

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Nothing goes unseen here ^_^

said the Spell Checker

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Nothing goes unseen here :huh:

said the Spell Checker

You go search the difference between than and then ^_^

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You go search the difference between than and then ^_^


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Soda posted yet another update (shit I'll refrain from uploading it to the proxy this time)




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haha I was asking myself weather I should update it, or if you already updated it

I'll do it then ^_^

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. . . . . . . . those who would prefer to firewall the sites (like me) instead of blocking them through the host file (which can be dangerous.)

I prefer the firewall to the hosts file due to an additional reason - the hosts file blocks all communication to the blocked sites, whereas a good firewall can be configured to block just IDM phoning home.

Since I'm running the previous build (Internet Download Manager 5.15 Build 2) duly patched by BRD can you confirm whether your firewalled config. allows you to access their homepage for a manual update via download?

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Since I'm running the previous build (Internet Download Manager 5.15 Build 2) duly patched by BRD can you confirm whether your firewalled config. allows you to access their homepage for a manual update via download?

Yeah, I confirm that my firewalled configuration permits me to access the Tonec (IDM) homepage:-

Tonec (IDM)


Nice to see you beeing promoted to a VIP Noddy :rolleyes:

Thanks jalaffa - it's an honor!!!! <_<

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