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@ majithia - Firstly, technically, we're not stealing anything. You're sounding like the copyright trolls. Stealing is when the legal owner stops having possession of his product. Me using Windows 7 or watching "A game of Thrones" does not cost MS or HBO anything. They know pretty damn well that if we actually had to pay $100 for a DVD, there was no way in hell most of us would ever dream of using anything other than Linux on our PC's :yes:

It would be stealing, if nsane hosted pre-cracked software or copyrighted movies/music on their servers knowingly without valid authorization. And the patches, trial resets etc. are actually the private properties of the coders who write those codes. As long as they are not used to carry malicious attacks on others, it's between the coder and the downloader who chooses to run that on his PC. It's not technically illegal ;)

I do understand that your rant is well meaning but a tad off the mark, if you ask me :P

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Since he's deleted all his own posts that he possibly can, I don't believe he's planning on a comeback. :(

There's no way he went through and deleted all of his posts.
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Since he's deleted all his own posts that he possibly can, I don't believe he's planning on a comeback. :(

Since he's deleted all his own posts that he possibly can, I don't believe he's planning on a comeback. :(

If he just left us, i should really worry about that.

Deleted all his own posts just cos some feeling cannot abandon.

i guess dear madeinheaven nervously smoking at the side.


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Ok just I got this.

So it is confirmed that some MS spy is here (not a thing to surprise). Good, let him be here and may God bless him.

As per request by MS, the posts are deleted and that's good for nsane, and we all want the good for nsane.

Opening the thread in a private forum won't be helpful because here some member exists who is blessed by God.

And about the 'world war' between morteza and MIH,

  • If the reason is morteza's comment, MIH is gonna comeback soon because nsane is a kind of addiction.
  • If the reason is MS's entry, then MIH may be deleting his posts to avoid further conflicts (may be legal) [He may think like that]
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@ majithia

I tend to go with calguyhunk on this - that was IMO a bit harsh on madeinheaven. This is just an opinion (hope none of us are gonna fight over it.) ;)

@ jason

I get the drift of what you're trying to express and I feel for him, myself. :(

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Let him alone and think WISELY.

He has the right to delete his posts /contributions

Learn from what has been done by SHAJT. He was angry at someone here and decided to delete his posts then leave this forum....

I remember Shajt drop by here once and told to someone here about stealing then leave again...til now. I forgot where that thread

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  • If the reason is MS's entry, then MIH may be deleting his posts to avoid further conflicts (may be legal) [He may think like that]
You got most of it right - as far as I know madeinheaven, he's not scared of Microsoft. He's deleted his posts only because he got pissed off.
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He will come back, maybe he takes some time to let there grow some grass. And besides that he can smooth his mind on that

(not only that it was just that what happened, i also would think that it has to do with the copycat thing in the last time, too) but

this was something like the straw to break the camel's back. :)

Some weeks ago i decided to do something similar, too. Now i feel dumb about it, it was a mistake. And please, don't judge about

his (re-)actions if he don't explain it himself! ;)

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  • If the reason is MS's entry, then MIH may be deleting his posts to avoid further conflicts (may be legal) [He may think like that]
You got most of it right - as far as I know madeinheaven, he's not scared of Microsoft. He's deleted his posts only because he got pissed off.
Just pointed towards a possible cause, that's all.
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He will come back, maybe he takes some time to let there grow some grass. And besides that he can smooth his mind on that

(not only that it was just that what happened, i also would think that it has to do with the copycat thing in the last time, too) but

this was something like the straw to break the camel's back. :)

Some weeks ago i decided to do something similar, too. Now i feel dumb about it, it was a mistake. And please, don't judge about

his (re-)actions if he don't explain it himself! ;)

I remember you being pissed off like this for someone is posting from the site that you use to post from :P
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Lately I've been noticing that people are less likely to forgive nowadays. I don't know if there's something in the air or what, but I don't see any hope for this situation. I hope I'm wrong, but I've left a forum because the people there sucked. I just didn't have any personal connection with the individuals in the computer so I didn't feel badly about leaving. This is like the shajt incident.

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i very well understand what you mean to say buddy and i even understand what i said .

by quoting "stealing" i dont mean literally stealing like thieves , but its just a metaphorically expressed remark .

or in other words , in the court of law , the Applicant who so ever files a case against any portal like nsane , the charges pressed against will be many , with the prime one being --- " Illegally activating the Software , OS copies via illegal , hacked , unapproved ways and not going for the genuine ways , which are actually meant to activate such products , the real way . That is ,My Lord , the accused parties did not 'pay' or 'buy' to validate their proprietor control over the said product , but are using it as a full product free of cost and by activating it via unapproved and illegal ways . Which my honor is simply stealing from my client and not giving him / her his deserved monetary dues . "

( i dont know what actually will be said , but i have a Geek Lawyer friend of mine and he says it will be something like this ! :P )

So yes he will prove we are nothing but stealing .

We know what we do ( and of course its not stealing ) , but will we be able to defend ourselves !

You are right in your "technically" comment , but will we be able to make it sound worth !

If any admin of a site like nsane does gets under the screws of FBI or the like , it will be under the influence or pressure of a powerful organization / corp like the MSoft or such and they will make it a point to see , that the accused is pronounced guilty and served the max sentence .

So that it becomes a lesson for others also ! -_-

Even Kim Dotcom , a multi millionaire is finding his foot in mouth , after what the whole world knows what he actually did . ( ignore some real cases of theft against him , but see the bigger picture . )

He has money , can hire the best lawyers , but still even he cannot prove it against the will of these mighty corp's who in the real sense control and run the governments and bloody fcking everything .!

So its prudent without the slightest of the doubts to tread your path very carefully after duly foreseeing and testing that will the ground ahead hold you above !

..... until there comes some messiah or savior , we my friend will be tagged as illegal , unethical , thieves and rogues !

or in other words , i remember this tag line from an advertisement of Durex Condoms -- " Play safe ! " :)

I have my respect for MIH for all the work he did in the nsane community , spending his time and sharing his knowledge .

And of course it makes sense if he comes back and continue doing what he is good at -- Helping others ,

but reacting in such a harsh unprecedented and unwanted way , is not a healthy etiquette .

And what about deleting all your posts ? damn .. man , you want to leave , please do so . but what is this ??

its like -- a publisher dint pay you your remaining dues . and now you dont want to get your book published from him anymore ( which is perfectly justified ) , but now you also go and burn and get rid , erase away every single copy of your book that has already been sold ( pretty lame ! )

I m sorry if i sound harsh , but thats my opinion ... please , no offense to any body .... -_-

To bloody hell with one stupid activation of a OS , if the time is right , the people ready , resources at hand , with lessons learnt from past , collaborative application of many minds in the community , and everything in place , we can restart from where we left or write our own OS or bloody distribute the next Windows to every damn PC out there - FREE OF COST !

But everything has a time friend , and now is the time to be a little over cautious .

When we all know how things are presently at that fine precipice of survival and doomness in this digital world , and more so when we all are very familiar of the true grounds we stand on at this very moment , he should have seen the larger picture and that is -- Keeping the nsane alive and kicking . The COMMUNITY AS WHOLE my friend .

You cannot satisfy your personal gains out of something which in the first place is not at all personal . We are a Community trying to find our 15 minutes of solace , fame , togetherness , and sharing in this vast universe of "1" and "0" .

And i pray it remains so .

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In all my years on this board people have come and gone but the board has continued to grow and will continue to grow with or without MIH or any other poster for that matter,i personally never had a problem with MIH but if he wants to move on to pastures new then so be it,it's a shame but that's how life works.

Oh and any MS drones who happen to be reading this "Your New OS Sucks Monkey Balls".

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Oh and any MS drones who happen to be reading this "Your New OS Sucks Monkey Balls".

That it does! Unbelievable how such a crappy product led to all this!
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To bloody hell with one stupid activation of a OS , if the time is right , the people ready , resources at hand , with lessons learnt from past , collaborative application of many minds in the community , and everything in place , we can restart from where we left or write our own OS or bloody distribute the next Windows to every damn PC out there - FREE OF COST !

But everything has a time friend , and now is the time to be a little over cautious .

I 'liked' your post overall, but you went a little OTT there with your emotions :P I mean write our own OS'es? :hehe:

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Man, long posts like majithia23's sure made me miss HX1 (heath28m). :D

Like what they said in the movie "Hot Fuzz" - "For the greater good!"

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yeah it sounds a bit too much ... but what the hell . understand the emotions ! :P ( bhaawnaon ko samjho yaar ! :D )

@ck kent

LOL... :D

i usually dont make long posts that often , just that i purged everything out this time , without any mental editing ! :P

Of course the master of graphics and long posts - HX1 . i remember once PMing him for some help during my starting days here in the forum , and i was shocked to see the reply i received .! it was nothing less than a short novel ! :mellow:

I never expected that !

But regardless , the content of the reply made it worth the time spent in reading in it !

Informative .

HX1 was a good active member here . He's taken a time off for some personal reasons . Might be some day he comes back .

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yeah it sounds a bit too much ... but what the hell . understand the emotions ! :P ( bhaawnaon ko samjho yaar ! :D )

:hehe: majithia "bhawnaao ke samundar me dub gaya" : LOL! :lmao:

Translation: majithia has drowned in the sea of emotions :lol:

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yeah it sounds a bit too much ... but what the hell . understand the emotions ! :P ( bhaawnaon ko samjho yaar ! :D )

:hehe: majithia "bhawnaao ke samundar me dub gaya" : LOL! :lmao:

Translation: majithia has drowned in the sea of emotions :lol:

Fcuking LOL :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
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