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@ maidenheaven (if you're reading this)

If you left because of your spat with morteza - he has made a public apology with a new topic (that needs guts, humility and he does sound contrite.)

If you left because your thread was quarantined - I'm pissed off, myself that we succumbed to Microsoft pressure (on hindsight, I'd point you to the positive side - you can always confer with the mods and maybe open a new one in the private forums.) The blokes inhabiting and tweeting at your (late) thread were almost successful in converting a great conversation into a full-blown shout-box.

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thats what i was referring to earlier - such things as kms activation or anything else regarding medicine etc. shouldn't be discussed in shoutbox. the shoutbox is visible/viewable to even non-logged on users i.e., people who aren't even registered users of our forums. it attracts unnecessary and unwelcome attention to our forums.

How about Status Updates can unregister user see them?
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How about Status Updates can unregister user see them?

yes! which is why i humbly request all contributors, please discuss medicine related stuff within threads/posts only and restrict shoutbox/status updates to idle / benign chitchat. we need to keep ourselves clear of any and all uninvited attention from software companies
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what happen to our topic? is already deleted?

no more forum regarding the windows 8 KMS 180 days?

Thou dear Sir, art the perfect example of the twit that finds mention in my previous post.

As an example thou art a sample of the gentleman who attendeth the funeral with mixed emotions - knowing not whether to sing or to dance.

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I believe it won't happen if thread title changed to not make huge attentions from M$.

its too late now

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I believe it won't happen if thread title changed to not make huge attentions from M$.

They're here - reading what you just typed and what I just responded. Nobody can be trusted from this point - not you, not me either.
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I know this forum should be remain and exist despite having to sacrifice quality members

its dilemma

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We have spider-bot crawling all over the places @_@

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do we have spy here?

Everything here could be searched very easy,very........


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Everybody who's ever been on the net knows knows where to find what ;)

You don't need spiders/bots, or geniuses to know that. The new/vernacular forums maybe but not the older English Language ones. And in any case, nsane is fairly well-known for software 'medicines' for people in the know :P

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i apologize from madeinheaven if he is angry until now plz forgive me :wub:

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I think we have need to put some post in privilege area( like coders corner ) that users with 500 posts could access that.Be honest , we need talk about this bcaz Windows is base of any computer :) .

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If you are going cause nsane deleted the Windows 8 topic you started then they had no other option to do so, M$ has enough power and money to do such things, maybe you can start on another forum somewhere else but it's just a matter of time till M$ TELL THOSE admins to delete it...

I think you make a mistake if you leave, there are plenty of other topics that you started and you are a BIG + for this site mate!!

Think it over please.. sleep and think of it... don't be angry at Morteza, you know there are always guys who start talking shit.. even me somettimes, we're all human dude!

Please think of it pal... :)

Hope you'll stay, you're a good guy!

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Since he's deleted all his own posts that he possibly can, I don't believe he's planning on a comeback. :(

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@psyko666: That may be so, but he is entitled to it, being one of nsane's most popular members.

Nsane should learn from this, and make possible to somehow protect the most popular topics from prying eyes.

@RocketMan: Since I followed mainly his threads, I've seen it too, it almost seems as the end of an era. Strange.

MIH, you will be missed.

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I apologize from madeinheaven.Excuse me.i was angry. :(

It's confirmed - he didn't leave because of you (check the reason at the following post - his own):-

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this is so absurd a behavior by MIH !

Immature , childish and so irresponsible .

Dude you are / were here to help yourself and us all on what we all know is not legal .

We are a crack community . A community for reverse engineers . A geek community . A community where each and every one like to share stuff . not just some software updates and medicines on getting them to work but jokes , music , movies , general chit chat and etc etc .....

i wouldnt say nsane = a Warez site . I have seen Warez sites and nsane is a HELL LOT BETTER than even the best warez portal out there .

But in the end what we do is not approved off and we shall remain that thorn in the eye of those from whom we are stealing .

And this time this stealing doesnt concern from the hands of some johnny out in the street but from the mouths of a big shark out in the ocean , where we are nothing more than a tiny little turtle just swimming across and trying to have some fun .

the turtle was lucky before , but this time it got noticed and is almost on the brink of getting devoured and eaten away .

So what's the plan now ?

Obviously you leave away what you stole , ask politely for the shark to let go off and swim away to safer waters .

Its common sense !

Lets face it , would you take the responsibility if some watchdog , watch agency , forced nsane to shut down ?

imagine you open nsane one day and find yourself greeted with the message -- This portal has been seized by FBI .

would you take the responsibility ?

Would you take responsibility , if one day some big guys wearing black tux's , with black glares and big guns come barging through the doors of nsane site admins , holding them guilty of stealing millions of dollars worth of intellectual property via nsane and throwing them in some dark cell where they then wait for their trials ?

would you take the responsibility ?

Oh fcuk it . !

Even if you do take responsibility , what good would it be ?

everything will be over then !

You are/were a good member , but this behavior is just not acceptable .

If this is the way you want to satisfy your personal qualms and egos , then i am sorry to say , Please dont mind coming back .

If you do , then please think of nsane as a community where no matter how small or less resources , we all can have fun .

In todays internet , even the mighty portals crumble down within no days , and for something like nsane its too damn difficult . i some times wonder , how the hell are we still online .

Compromises have to be made for the bigger and greater and a better end result .

(a sinking ship is offloaded by throwing away some heavy stuff and still keeping it afloat . you dont cry over in the process as to why was your donut also thrown away ! )

So you should be thankful , that everything which could jeopardize this communities very existence has been taken care off and we have been given another chance to introspect and restart from where we left .

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Toys thrown out of pram and take it out on ALL members by deleting all your posts?

Nice. Shows how much you really care :s

I like MIH and like his posts as do most members, so what did we do to be punished by these actions?

It's done, over with, time to move on as normal.

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And this time this stealing doesnt concern from the hands of some johnny out in the street but from the mouths of a big shark out in the ocean , where we are nothing more than a tiny little turtle just swimming across and trying to have some fun .


and for something like nsane its too damn difficult . i some times wonder , how the hell are we still online .

Excellent speech! Make this worst day have something to worth.


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There're an old proverbs in China:

"Thieves have their code of honour. "

Actually we are NOT Robin Hood, just some gentleman in thieves. WTF? :)

Why so serious?

Have one more cup of tea, show the British chivalry, come back with smile.

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