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I think madeinheaven left cause the topic about the Windows 8 Activation was deleted.. not cause of you morteza...

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whats going on here in this HEALTHY FORUM..

frens pls lets be frens..lets have fun here.WE ALL BELONG TO NSANE FAMILY

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doesnt he leave and come back a lot? as long as his/her topics are not close. i enjoy them

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It's called crybaby rage-quit syndrome. I see it happen quite alot on the internet, when people don't get everything their way they throw tantrums and rage-quit. When you intend to help someone you should do it selflessly for the benefit of others not so that they owe you something in return. If you share some knowledge you do not go back and hold it hostage from the same people you helped in the first place and the fact is that this is what happens and when you guys endorse the crybabies they repeat their actions all the time each time screwing over who? not me, not nsane staff, not these websites but you the members. How can someone pretend to be your friend one day then take back all the gifts they ever gave you and run away?

Everyone should come to terms with the fact that we have to be very careful of our content in order to stay alive on the internet. I won't tell you guys how to act but the way I live my life I never accept help from someone who has proven to me that they will throw it back in my face in future or hold it over me. If you can't help someone selflessly then don't bother helping them at all because they would be better off in the long run.

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I don't know,how refer to me?!!

I only apologized from a friend for my statements. :huh:

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doesnt he leave and come back a lot? as long as his/her topics are not close. i enjoy them

The topics aren't closed, but the posts are gone.
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I don't know,how refer to me?!!

I only apologized from a friend for my statements. :huh:

No, he isn't referring to you. :)

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thank you MIH... i hope we can solve this issue.. maybe MIH knows Microsoft can do to the website of insane. to all members thank you.. and sorry for the words that shouldn't spoken. I, We hope we can still open another forum.

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Take esay, guys.

Dear madeinheaven maybe just need some own time, we're accustomed to his dog avatar, which means loyalty & enthusiasm.

i noticed he changed his avatar from dog to girl, that's very unusual. Everybody has some bad time, we felt sensitive & fragile, helplessness, need recharge, need refresh our attitude to life.

im sure dear madeinheaven will come back at some good time. :)

But now, he was exhausted, needs fresh air, needs take his time freely.

We should bless our friend, that's all.

May God be with us, all of us. Amen.


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Why was the Win8 thread deleted? :wtf: What the hell happened last night? :o

EDIT: Legal notice or too much pressure on the servers? Guessing it must be one or the other :dunno:

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Why was the Win8 thread deleted? :wtf: What the hell happened last night? :o

EDIT: Legal notice or too much pressure on the servers? Guessing it must be one or the other :dunno:

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As per the request of .... who? That's what I am asking.

Who else? Of course a company that's directly related to the thread's subject.

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Who else? Of course a company that's directly related to the thread's subject.

Better safe than sorry, I get it, but does that mean we cannot even do research for educational purposes? And what 'bout MDL, etc.? Daz/Hazer/Cody/Timesurfer etc. have been maintaining their threads for years now. Will those be removed too? :angry2:

Actually, now the rest of the devs will take the hint & start making those requests too :(

Un-freaking-believable :rant:

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As per the request of .... who? That's what I am asking.

Who else? Of course a company that's directly related to the thread's subject.

Thanks for being candid - hope we can have that thread in the private forums. Saying this despite the fact that that particular topic did not enthuse me at all.
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Thanks for being candid - hope we can have that thread in the private forums. Saying this despite the fact that that particular topic did not enthuse me at all.

Exactly, terrible thread qualitatively, but that's beyond the point. I barely posted 3 or 4 times on that thread, but :wtf: Private companies are now allowed to dictate what programs we can run on our PC's? :angry:

EDIT: Somebody seriously needs to bring back MIH though. He has brought in a lot of traffic to this site & not only with that one thread. I seriously hope the admins remember that. Placate him and get him back :yes:

/my 2 cents ;)

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thats what i was referring to earlier - such things as kms activation or anything else regarding medicine etc. shouldn't be discussed in shoutbox. the shoutbox is visible/viewable to even non-logged on users i.e., people who aren't even registered users of our forums. it attracts unnecessary and unwelcome attention to our forums.

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