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Desktop Tool for VirusTotal Scanner Online


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As some of you may know, and quite possibly share the same frustration, I have a problem with just about every anti-virus program/solution/suite that I have ever tried.

System take over. Oh at first all seems well during the "intro and feel good" phase, but soon after that the programs start chewing up more and more system time/cpu power. Frankly, I am sick of it. I refuse to buy ANY product that simply ignores potential customer wants in order to satisfy some inner geek need to create some all encompassing monster program, and then try and pass it off as having a "lite system footprint". Bullsh*t.

So, with out any fancy pictures, I am simply going to share a link that I found while once again researching my problem. I am not endorsing anything yet, but I do have this set up, (A TINY set up I might add), and I have given it a test drive. On my end, it worked just as it says it does.

Now everyone here probably already knows what "VirusTotal" Online scanner is, and you are probably equally familiar with it. Now here is a gui for you to try to quickly access it with any file you want checked. For those that surf with at least a minimum of brain power, this may appeal to you a great deal.

Please, let me know what you think, and I will continue on my end as well giving it a spin.


I had no troubles with the page, clean on my end, the first download link will lead you to the actual download, and a tool bar from this website. The toolbar need not be downloaded.

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I believe you are unhappy about real time AVs, and the VirusTotal Scanner Online looks like just a scanner.

I guess this offers more AV options, but for scanners, HitmanPro is good too.

I've heard others recommending Webroot for being lite, not sure though.

EDIT: Totally forgot, Virustotal themselves have a software too. Virus total uploader. :)

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It sounds like you need Sandboxie if your going without realtime AV.

Surf in it, download in it, run programs in it. All in safety. Light as a feather :) Im using it now and it's at 2.6mb

The tool had been posted before. If it suits you go for it.

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It sounds like you need Sandboxie if your going without realtime AV.

Surf in it, download in it, run programs in it. All in safety. Light as a feather :) Im using it now and it's at 2.6mb

The tool had been posted before. If it suits you go for it.

Ok, so I took your advice and grabbed sandbox. I will let you know :)

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Cool. Be sure to follow the instructions on the site to setup email and web if needed. Once it's done it is well worth the effort. I'm sure you will come to see how you can't live without it after a while ;)

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Sanboxie is working well. I read the web site and everything set up well.

I am wondering, if you are not sure of a program to be installed, can it be installed inside of sandboxie?

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i think a program can be installed in the sandbox, but not sure if it will run after the restart of the PC.defensewall and bufferzone let you install software vitualised and let you run them after a restart..

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Yes you can install in a sandbox. I'm no expert but I think if it needs to install a driver it won't work. Don't hold me to that though, there's loads it can do I don't use or know about ;)

Their forum is pretty usefull to learn what works and what doesn't.

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