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may be we can have like this and not with key ?


you mean your username.... can do....in dk12 server, vlocity and dk15 and even undelete 10 server

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Sledge101, I tried the patch on windows 10 professional 64 bits, followed the instructions just like the video. When I ran the patch, the PC crashed, then I forced a shutdown and ran the patch again. No good, it gives me an error, telling that the file already exists.

Any idea on what might have hapened?

Thanks in advance

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Sledge101, just tried it again, on a fresh windows install. It goes ok until the end, but when I open DK12 it says it has to be activated within 29 days.

I think that the activation process failed

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Sledge101, just tried it again, on a fresh windows install. It goes ok until the end, but when I open DK12 it says it has to be activated within 29 days.

I think that the activation process failed

I had the same problem last night; DK12 not activated

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@darkslayer and skunk .. thank you for testing it,,, much appreciated for the feedback. will fix the activation dialog soon.

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ok for dk12 server.... please re- apply this patch again in admin mode... no need to uninstall dk12 server again

@skunk and darkslayer:

1. ive already fix code for the file permission error( ive adapted the vlocity file access override). Please run patch in administrator mode. UAC off

2. after re patching, please restart PC

3. after pc restart, allow to load all your programs , in windows 10 it loads the desktop easily so allow 10-20 seconds or check if the harddisk light is still active continuously, allow it to settle down.

4. open dk12server in desktop, during first open if you encounter an activation dialog, click cancel ( do not worry about the activation dialog that is usually expected in some PC during the first run, if you have loaded the license.dal before in video, you will only have the activation dialog but the program is not trailware anymore, the activation dialog naggin is another checkpoint there to activate automatic defrag function for more than 30 days.) , so after clicking cancel a main dialog will open. Close Dk12 server.

5. Re - open dk12server from the desktop again .. if no activation dialog will open , then your ok now. if not let me know.

6. after the successful no activation dialog, to check if functions are ok, click analyze button, optimize and reclaim space, if it runs then your ok now. You can now close and leave as it is. Dk will do the work now.

here is the fix -- just re apply it


Note : pass 101, before i forget the i added the product key to be hidden and based on username as knowledge requested. so you have the option to use the key or your username. @ hamno kaito, ive already figured out how to lock the registry for the trial vlocity endpoint to istrialware to 0 and the miscstatus key counter,,, will post it for you to try it out.!!!!

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Sledge101, I have applied the new patch and it has not shown any error messages. I chose not to display the serial, so it displays my user account name, very nice.

I have restarted the PC several times, and, so far, no activation message at all.

It is hard to believe that afer so many time (and so many tries) someone actually managed to give Diskeeper 12 a medicine. Congratulations man, I think you made it!!! :D

I will keep running and monitoring Diskeeper 12 here, since I already felt a huge difference on boot time and file access time (windows 10 64 bits).

If anything strange happens, I will let you know! B)

Sorry for my english, I live in Brazil :rolleyes:

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@darkslayer and skunk sorry for the inconvinience -- file permission error and thanks for letting me know about it.... i forgot that after restart all files are locked for modification .

@knowledge , hamano..ill test more days for full trial setup v-locity endpoint.... especially the trial naggin after 48H. i already solved the mscstatus countdown timer in the registry, no need TR reset and can extend trial for 365 days so far.....

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Some updates: I have already finished testing VLO for the latest patch, currently testing DK15 PRO 30d trial. Just some heads up we cannot used anymore the old licence dal for DK12 Server to be used for DK15 pro( When you load it , it says it is not supported, reverts back to trial, ill see what i can do here). So it will take some days though.... once finished , i will post all patches for condusiv products -- Undelete 10 server, dk12 vl server, vlocity endpoint and hopefully dk15 pro.

Some nice improvements for vlocity endpoint:

1. no more task event loading

2. loads only TR batch if date is forcefully move for > 30 days, if running in real-time TR batch does not load anymore , as intellimemory data resets back to trial mode. however, disk operation management ( defragmentation, disk io will not be affected.).

3. fixes rewriting of misc status counter key....in short no more misc status key creation.

Till then mates....

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Congrats Sledge. When you finish the condusiv patches are you going to post here or a different thread? JW.

Thanks bud :)

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Sledge101, so far, so good. I have not seen any pop up messages about activation or trialware days left. :D

Just reporting. B)

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@darkslayer .. nice to know... btw, just dont touch anymore the diskeeper 12 registry if it has been working good... (I've learned my lesson well) ...

@sam yes... i will post it in a different thread coz it is acutally confusing.... when searching.... lots of stuffz already been going on.... so im gonna organize it after... easy for us.

The sure thing will be:

1. Undelete Server 10

2. Diskeeper 12 Server

3. V-locity Endpoint (This one i love)

the last diskeeper 15 professional currently testing and running. so far of test , i just fix the misc status counter not to re create... so can extend functionality in operation for more than 30 days ( Real time tested was November 2016 - 365 days, and working), despite istirialware is 1 when running directly diskeeper.exe that is without the loader and the dkuserctrl.dll so the reported is 0 days however, manual operaton is functional, autodefragmentation is ok , however it resets data back to 0 whch you need to manually defrag again to record back data.and shows a different data based on 2016. However if with loader patch , after manual defrag it retrieves back the data of last recorded one....anyway more test will do...for dk15 pro.

PS: i really would love to try out dk15 server but i cannot install it as it needs different / upgraded license.dal... for trial vlo loader, i set up TR batch to load if focefully modified for 1 year. otherwise, no TR anymore just registry mods and no need windows task events after patching... btw, i will not post it as im still testing dk15 in fact you can upgrade your dk12 pro to dk12 server or vice versa. Till then...

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