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So after 3 full years do we get a working solution?! This is only for server or professional included?

Of course it's time to get up buddy Dk Pro/Svr Will Come True By Sledge!

so with this we can help Sledge to get a Permanent Job at Condusiv'Tech. lol!

Just Kidding Okay! Peace Mates! Go Bless Him.

you are so funny yuman.... no i dont wanna work in condusiv or any other in fact this is only a hobby of mine... i'm not even a computer specialist btw, lol i have a different field .. just love challenges:) anyway gotta go.... family time!

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So after 3 full years do we get a working solution?! This is only for server or professional included?

@viggen , for dk12 server i just fix the activation and currently testing the activation patch as some have not activated the program before due to limited seats ...well except for some few who have activated it succesfully. This is to activate it anytime you want!.

Do you think you're solution will work on Windows 7 and 8.1 aswell? Or do you need anyone to test on those OS's?

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@skunk... it would be nice if someone who have the windows 7 can test it....i believe you have? Much appreciated. i know jofre is in windows 7.. i hope he gets this message.

I'm only testing this patch for now for windows 10 X64 at the moment , i believe windows 8.1 X64 will have to test it in my other machine tomorrow. It will require windows framework 4 which is necessary for diskeeper also.

I will keep you updated skunk as its nice if you do have windows 7.

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@skunk... it would be nice if someone who have the windows 7 can test it....i believe you have? Much appreciated. i know jofre is in windows 7.. i hope he gets this message.

I'm only testing this patch for now for windows 10 X64 at the moment , i believe windows 8.1 X64 will have to test it in my other machine tomorrow. It will require windows framework 4 which is necessary for diskeeper also.

I will keep you updated skunk as its nice if you do have windows 7.

just let me know when you're done because I'm happy to test it for you on Windows 7 both in VM and live OS

I can test on x86 and x64 machines

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@yuman.. if you have not formatted or change any hardware settings , you will always be activated in your pc. I only had time now and trying to see the activation issues/nag screen of dk12 server. so i fix it, i had to do some few adjustments in the configuration telemetry.xml. and the computer id as well .... will post it later the patch for test as i just had to finish some few things. So far seems to work even the autoboot defrag in windows 10 enterprise X64.

Anyhow, this is only for users who wish to try it out.... they have the prerogrative of what to use as there preference. off topic , i usually used PD13 now 14 and VLO. I like much better DK12 server for the detailed GUI as well as raxco, mind you. :) and dont like the dk15 GUI ... IMHO.

I love only Dk Svr 12 is much better and more reliable with all OSs and Machines, you Know i even Changed some Parts and my Motherboard i Formatted my PC a Dozen times i tried it on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 Still Working like a Charm!

Please Don't Make Down it or Report this Good and ad News for the Owner (TM​) Okay otherwise gonna Hate you! lol!!!

​>> You asked me about Dk15 MUI if i liked or reverse! it's not the question if i hate or i like Dk15, the only thing i hate on it is Memory Catching (The Telemetry Option) it Catches more than 400MB of Space don't know Why? guess to facilitate the loading Programs May Boost the System to operate much faster this is it?

For me I prefer DkSvr12,

It Works, I Play! Full Stop! hhhhhhhh

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@skunk thank you. Will post it as soon as i finished testing it on Windows 8.1 on my other machine. Currently running here in Windows 10 Enterprise X64 .

@yuman...oh the memory caching...ic.... will have to look into that one but hopefully next time...

if i have to use dk15 i prefer vlocity... i believe selena777 has the latest patch for that v1.3f... its really fast in my system and optimizes my memory quite nicely if you have bigger ram.. it matters a lot. well i dont know for others to each has its own point of view btw....

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@yuman...oh the memory caching...ic.... will have to look into that one but hopefully next time...

if i have to use dk15 i prefer vlocity... i believe selena777 has the latest patch for that v1.3f... its really fast in my system and optimizes my memory quite nicely if you have bigger ram.. it matters a lot. well i dont know for others to each has its own point of view btw....

unfortunately got only 2MB RAM! to run V-locity on my Machine, but gonna give it a try, if i remember it worked for me a few moths ago! i can give it another go! just MEDICINES MISSING AS YOU MENTIONED IT , BTW, you Told "i believe selena777 has the latest patch for that v1.3f." So, can you point me the Latest V-Lo Patch!?

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Guys, I have a FX-8350 CPU, two 1tb hdds running as raid0 and 16gb of ram. What would you recommend? V-Locity, to optimize ram or diskeeper 12, because it has ifaast and optimal file placement?

What is more benefical anyway? To also optimize the ram (i guess 16gb is quite a lot) or to have an optimal file placement, so that the disk can seek the files faster?

I contacted Condusiv and they said that diskeeper 12 is the last version that has ifaast, that they have given up on file placement strategies. Diskeeper 15 and V-locity Endpoint do not have ifaast. Is this good or bad? Because, at least in my experience, I can tell that ifaast helps a lot

Thanks in advance

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Sorry, was really busy with family celebration . Anyway... here's the patch for dk12 server edition only for testing to those who wish to try out. I made this for those people who have not fully activated the program. To those who have, you will always be activated all you have to do is to keep the license file and the retail setup copy of dk12 server.

Here is it: pass : 101


size: Total 59+MB

Required: Windows Framework 4.0 ( no 3.5, server needs 4.0 and above)

NOTE: The movie instrctions please do not post in anywhere. Make sure your UAC is off and runnig in admin mode ( otherwise you will have a big fight with dkservice.exe, permission authorization issues)

Whats included?

Retail setups (X86/x64) -39MB

Patch-Loader +License - 462KB

Movie Instrction(compressed) -23MB ( WATCH THIS!)

Please provide feedback if this is working inn your system or not.

Tested in windows 8.1(other machine)/10 X64 ( movie on win10) working.

Virustotal info for patch:

SHA256: ea544f6825fe577c9465ef3e714aeec0b5526d242424c1a920d17618fc8a414c File name: DK12S-Patch.exe Detection ratio: 1 / 54 Analysis date: 2015-11-14 17:03:39 UTC ( 1 minute ago )

Link: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/ea544f6825fe577c9465ef3e714aeec0b5526d242424c1a920d17618fc8a414c/analysis/1447520619/

MD5 6ca0da920fd012c92c061c96cabe4374
SHA1 25789c86a3b0571b808df4d14c315f75e6e1f1e4
SHA256 ea544f6825fe577c9465ef3e714aeec0b5526d242424c1a920d17618fc8a414c
@yuman... 2mb better stick with pdr13/14 or diskeeper. vlocity needs at least 4mb or more.
All credits are intact!
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Sorry, was really busy with family celebration . Anyway... here's the patch for dk12 server edition only for testing to those who wish to try out. I made this for those people who have not fully activated the program. To those who have, you will always be activated all you have to do is to keep the license file and the retail setup copy of dk12 server.

Here is it: pass : 101


size: Total 59+MB

Required: Windows Framework 4.0 ( no 3.5, server needs 4.0 and above)

NOTE: The movie instrctions please do not post in anywhere. Make sure your UAC is off and runnig in admin mode ( otherwise you will have a big fight with dkservice.exe, permission authorization issues)

Whats included?

Retail setups (X86/x64) -39MB

Patch-Loader +License - 462KB

Movie Instrction(compressed) -23MB ( WATCH THIS!)

Please provide feedback if this is working inn your system or not.

Tested in windows 8.1(other machine)/10 X64 ( movie on win10) working.

Virustotal info for patch:

SHA256: ea544f6825fe577c9465ef3e714aeec0b5526d242424c1a920d17618fc8a414c File name: DK12S-Patch.exe Detection ratio: 1 / 54 Analysis date: 2015-11-14 17:03:39 UTC ( 1 minute ago )

Link: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/ea544f6825fe577c9465ef3e714aeec0b5526d242424c1a920d17618fc8a414c/analysis/1447520619/

MD5 6ca0da920fd012c92c061c96cabe4374

SHA1 25789c86a3b0571b808df4d14c315f75e6e1f1e4

SHA256 ea544f6825fe577c9465ef3e714aeec0b5526d242424c1a920d17618fc8a414c

@yuman... 2mb better stick with pdr13/14 or diskeeper. vlocity needs at least 4mb or more.
All credits are intact!

Okay Chief Mesage received!

By the Way, Can i Try Ur new Ver. DKSvr12 or Stick On The Former Ver. i used & actvated One! fear to lose the Legit License Activation Accorded to me by using ur Method!

>> Last Question? Between PD13/14 & DKSvr which one you Advice me to use! I'm already much familiar with both Defrag Tools than my Self! lol, Which one is much Reliable & more Efficient! for my 2GO of Ram.

  • Sorry 4 my English!
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i suggest you can try the patch in a different pc that which has not been activated yet... to be safe.

IMHO, both are reliable.... there's not much a vast difference between the two in terms of disk optiumization once they finished optimizing it

However, i usually used Vlocity Endpoint for my RAM optimization ( 4GB or more ----> i have 16gb and really something ) or DK12 Server for the IFAST....mcuh better and faster optimization time spent for Condusiv products compared to RAxco based on my setup here... . Nevertheless it all boils down to the users preference, which of which they are comfortable with.

if you have 2GB only... Vlocity Endpoint sucks! lol sorry but thaths how i see it....no difference at all in performance better used dk12 .... for raxco 13/14 ,, can with 2gb -- fair enough.

I hope i did answer your question. till then....

Ohh before i forget yuman, if you have a 2gb in windows, when windows load... take note of the 10-20 sec boot time after logged on e .... otherwise , when you run the dk12 program, you will have user session not able to connect, dkservice not loaded yet or busy etc etc etc....let the dkservice.exe load first and the necessary service components before running the program in the desktop.

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i suggest you can try the patch in a different pc that which has not been activated yet... to be safe.

IMHO, both are reliable.... there's not much a vast difference between the two in terms of disk optiumization once they finished optimizing it

However, i usually used Vlocity Endpoint for my RAM optimization ( 4GB or more ----> i have 16gb and really something ) or DK12 Server for the IFAST....mcuh better and faster optimization time spent for Condusiv products compared to RAxco based on my setup here... . Nevertheless it all boils down to the users preference, which of which they are comfortable with.

if you have 2GB only... Vlocity Endpoint sucks! lol sorry but thaths how i see it....no difference at all in performance better used dk12 .... for raxco 13/14 ,, can with 2gb -- fair enough.

I hope i did answer your question. till then....

Ohh before i forget yuman, if you have a 2gb in windows, when windows load... take note of the 10-20 sec boot time after logged on e .... otherwise , when you run the dk12 program, you will have user session not able to connect, dkservice not loaded yet or busy etc etc etc....let the dkservice.exe load first and the necessary service components before running the program in the desktop.

For Windows load, you mean i l should let my System Loads All its components slowly to permit a launch Dkservice, i notice that among all Programs that i already use on my PC the ONLY program that Loads with (Delayed Start Process) guess is genuinely Designed.

Thanks for your Good and Clear Explanation Sledge!

if i experience something Unclear gonna phone you! ;) :D :lol: Peace thank you again!

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yes diskeeper is delayed starting be wary... :)

You fix key MiscStatus. Pemissions for everyone can't access to it.

So, Dkservice can't create data for this key. <_< and you can use it after 30 days .

Do you can't make Pemissions key MiscStatus for v-locity :D ??

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@hamano...sorry mate i think i did not send you the last vlo patch for the trial setup? I have the video for iti provided a copy to selena for vlo + the video... if you like , can send you for test in your machine.

YES, it is now specific for the adminsitrator account catered in your DOMAIN NAME\USER NAME not for everyones account anymore after install in DK12 and the Trial Vlo.

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@hamano...sorry mate i think i did not send you the last vlo patch for the trial setup? I have the video for iti provided a copy to selena for vlo + the video... if you like , can send you for test in your machine.

YES, it is now specific for the adminsitrator account catered in your DOMAIN NAME\USER NAME not for everyones account anymore after install in DK12 and the Trial Vlo.

Yup ! :wub:

I just test diskeeper 2012 on vmware windows 7 32b

And it working good. I just run "Trialreset Your Make" trialreset once after i run file diskeeper.exe to check the time trial

"and I also have to change the time on my computer"

I think you Permissions key MiscStartus makes Diskeeper can not create new data key "inside key data containing the trial period"

Do you can make file .bat or .cmd for Permissions for MiscStartus of V-locity ? Not trialreset

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@hamano...sorry mate i think i did not send you the last vlo patch for the trial setup? I have the video for iti provided a copy to selena for vlo + the video... if you like , can send you for test in your machine.

YES, it is now specific for the adminsitrator account catered in your DOMAIN NAME\USER NAME not for everyones account anymore after install in DK12 and the Trial Vlo.

Yup ! :wub:

I just test diskeeper 2012 on vmware windows 7 32b

And it working good. I just run "Trialreset Your Make" trialreset once after i run file diskeeper.exe to check the time trial

"and I also have to change the time on my computer"

I think you Permissions key MiscStartus makes Diskeeper can not create new data key "inside key data containing the trial period"

Do you can make file .bat or .cmd for Permissions for MiscStartus of V-locity ? Not trialreset

thanks mate.. there is a slight difference in dk12 as the setup is retail + license.dal is also retail. thus miscstatus does not really matters. however in Vlo it is a trial setup. If i can find a retail setup for that... that solves it. or either find a license.vll full file. Anyhow, for the last vlo trial patch, TR is one essential component in Vlo... I'll see what i can do for Vlo 1.3 and SURE I WILL SEND YOU :) sorry i forgot to send it to you and other users and only to selena as he/she keeps me updated so i just tested form time to time with him/her based on feedback and test on his machine. and i already simplified the process....

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no problem,

@hamano...sorry mate i think i did not send you the last vlo patch for the trial setup? I have the video for iti provided a copy to selena for vlo + the video... if you like , can send you for test in your machine.

YES, it is now specific for the adminsitrator account catered in your DOMAIN NAME\USER NAME not for everyones account anymore after install in DK12 and the Trial Vlo.

Yup ! :wub:

I just test diskeeper 2012 on vmware windows 7 32b

And it working good. I just run "Trialreset Your Make" trialreset once after i run file diskeeper.exe to check the time trial

"and I also have to change the time on my computer"

I think you Permissions key MiscStartus makes Diskeeper can not create new data key "inside key data containing the trial period"

Do you can make file .bat or .cmd for Permissions for MiscStartus of V-locity ? Not trialreset

thanks mate.. there is a slight difference in dk12 as the setup is retail + license.dal is also retail. thus miscstatus does not really matters. however in Vlo it is a trial setup. If i can find a retail setup for that... that solves it. or either find a license.vll full file. Anyhow, for the last vlo trial patch, TR is one essential component in Vlo... I'll see what i can do for Vlo 1.3 and SURE I WILL SEND YOU :) sorry i forgot to send it to you and other users and only to selena as he/she keeps me updated so i just tested form time to time with him/her based on feedback and test on his machine. and i already simplified the process....

no problem, i will wait for you send :D

If don't have to setup is retail after block key miscstartus you can't run defrag or use other functions. "you think!?"

P/s: I will test your trial on diskeeper 12 don't have to retail.

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no problem,

@hamano...sorry mate i think i did not send you the last vlo patch for the trial setup? I have the video for iti provided a copy to selena for vlo + the video... if you like , can send you for test in your machine.

YES, it is now specific for the adminsitrator account catered in your DOMAIN NAME\USER NAME not for everyones account anymore after install in DK12 and the Trial Vlo.

Yup ! :wub:

I just test diskeeper 2012 on vmware windows 7 32b

And it working good. I just run "Trialreset Your Make" trialreset once after i run file diskeeper.exe to check the time trial

"and I also have to change the time on my computer"

I think you Permissions key MiscStartus makes Diskeeper can not create new data key "inside key data containing the trial period"

Do you can make file .bat or .cmd for Permissions for MiscStartus of V-locity ? Not trialreset

thanks mate.. there is a slight difference in dk12 as the setup is retail + license.dal is also retail. thus miscstatus does not really matters. however in Vlo it is a trial setup. If i can find a retail setup for that... that solves it. or either find a license.vll full file. Anyhow, for the last vlo trial patch, TR is one essential component in Vlo... I'll see what i can do for Vlo 1.3 and SURE I WILL SEND YOU :) sorry i forgot to send it to you and other users and only to selena as he/she keeps me updated so i just tested form time to time with him/her based on feedback and test on his machine. and i already simplified the process....

no problem, i will wait for you send :D

If don't have to setup is retail after block key miscstartus you can't run defrag or use other functions. "you think!?"

P/s: I will test your trial on diskeeper 12 don't have to retail.

sure and let me know..... mate... that would be nice.... :)

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no problem,

@hamano...sorry mate i think i did not send you the last vlo patch for the trial setup? I have the video for iti provided a copy to selena for vlo + the video... if you like , can send you for test in your machine.

YES, it is now specific for the adminsitrator account catered in your DOMAIN NAME\USER NAME not for everyones account anymore after install in DK12 and the Trial Vlo.

Yup ! :wub:

I just test diskeeper 2012 on vmware windows 7 32b

And it working good. I just run "Trialreset Your Make" trialreset once after i run file diskeeper.exe to check the time trial

"and I also have to change the time on my computer"

I think you Permissions key MiscStartus makes Diskeeper can not create new data key "inside key data containing the trial period"

Do you can make file .bat or .cmd for Permissions for MiscStartus of V-locity ? Not trialreset

thanks mate.. there is a slight difference in dk12 as the setup is retail + license.dal is also retail. thus miscstatus does not really matters. however in Vlo it is a trial setup. If i can find a retail setup for that... that solves it. or either find a license.vll full file. Anyhow, for the last vlo trial patch, TR is one essential component in Vlo... I'll see what i can do for Vlo 1.3 and SURE I WILL SEND YOU :) sorry i forgot to send it to you and other users and only to selena as he/she keeps me updated so i just tested form time to time with him/her based on feedback and test on his machine. and i already simplified the process....

no problem, i will wait for you send :D

If don't have to setup is retail after block key miscstartus you can't run defrag or use other functions. "you think!?"

P/s: I will test your trial on diskeeper 12 don't have to retail.

sure and let me know..... mate... that would be nice.... :)

I test diskeeper 12, don't have to retail and it working good :o

just copy 2 file patch in original installation directory of diskeeper and run it.

After i run your trialreset, Next, I just run the file diskeeper.exe and I always have 30 days to use :ph34r:

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Did you load the DK12 Server license.dal? i assumed you didn't???? Try to load it if it can convert your trial dk12 to full and you will only left with activation check diaglog then load the 2 patch files .

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@hamano, knowledge, selena, etc.. now..i get it.... hmmm i think i stop the misc status to rewrite itself in vlocity endpoint trial.... without loading any windows task events anymore... and hopefully it can also be done i guess in latest diskeeper 15 ...will send you a copy this week for test till then....

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@hamano, knowledge, selena, etc.. now..i get it.... hmmm i think i stop the misc status to rewrite itself in vlocity endpoint trial.... without loading any windows task events anymore... and hopefully it can also be done i guess in latest diskeeper 15 ...will send you a copy this week for test till then....

good news my friend

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@hamano, knowledge, selena, etc.. now..i get it.... hmmm i think i stop the misc status to rewrite itself in vlocity endpoint trial.... without loading any windows task events anymore... and hopefully it can also be done i guess in latest diskeeper 15 ...will send you a copy this week for test till then....

good news my friend

yes knowledge, but what i did during test in vlocity endpoint is install in a clean slate removed all registry lefovers.. seems the key is the first install , set it all up, patch it up and after first restart, the system locks itself up using your custom settings.... will neeed further test to check if it can be change after lock up. Restarted several times and check regscanner for miscstatus quite a lot and no miscstatus

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