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hello guys... just slipped thru with the laptop... To those who failed athe activation...yes it does fail as they have already blocked / limit the server license....to those who have successfully activated it previously... you will always be activated as long as you dont format or change hardware your pc....they are tied inside the registry hardware, system time, windows registry... you can do some systracer to find it out.

nevertheless, i still dont have time to look into this further in those who failed activation as im still having my family time.

PS: To knowledge, hamanokaito: Vlocity endpoint R3 will send it to you after i get back , no need to launch the launcher at startup...will always be istrialware=0, improved coding in vservice.xml ( VB.net so not flagged as virus -- previously using batch file conversion, some reported as virus, so av eat it, taking into account AVs installed from different system ) Still language in english, sorry but needs different language translation which i dont know...

Till then...

I'm thinking, I have found a new way .

P/s: I still use my custom registry

Picture 1:

18328677018_7923185e02_o.pngCapture2 by Chan Kaito, on Flickr

Picture 2:

18518371731_4c1609dbfe_o.pngCapture3 by Chan Kaito, on Flickr

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@hamanokaito...... nice!... send me your input about the reg mod hack permission feedback after i finish with vacation... just slipping thru from time to time so cannot stay longer... i believe its still the uses adminsitrator group not the system group as owner.

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@hamanokaito...... nice!... send me your input about the reg mod hack permission feedback after i finish with vacation... just slipping thru from time to time so cannot stay longer... i believe its still the uses adminsitrator group not the system group as owner.

Yes ! i still use adminsitrator group !

But i still testing, i need more time find change registry ! :rolleyes:

P/s: My pc error bios ! So that I could not continue to be tested ! :(

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9.6.2015 19:55:36 :: Added License With SerialNumber:
9.6.2015 19:55:36 :: 11662A79F546A71734
10.6.2015 10:16:51 :: ActivateLicense - called for SerialNumber:
10.6.2015 10:16:51 :: 11662A79F546A71734
10.6.2015 10:16:51 :: ActivateLicense - Failed with LAC less than 20 Bytes for SerialNumber:
10.6.2015 10:16:51 :: 11662A79F546A71734

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@dig... just passing thru and saw ur post.. yes it will fail activation already in diskeeper12 server as activation no. of times already exhausted or full thus server limits this one thus you may not be activate it already. i still havent look into this as im out....to those who have previously activated it to their pc as long as you did not reformat pc or change pc hardware.. will always be activated if you reinstall it.

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I don't know why you waste your precious time on this crap software, which is getting obsolete every minute

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I'm Tranquil cause Everything goes Ok.

No Nag Screen nor Trial Popup, it seems that i'm lucky Chicka! lol

Special thanks to the Boss, The One! Sledge One o One

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Hi everyone, Y do not understand why not use Diskeeper version 2015, with trial reset every logon and only modify the interface with ``Dkuset.ctrl`` and reg key is the same as the full version, no nag screen, nothing.... so much torment and for what ??? Kisses :P

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Hey Girl What˿What's up? missed you here Lu! the reason i used to use Old things it s amazing & in same time exciting

Don't like the Caching Memory Option in the Condusiv' Brand new Versions it takes a much more space in my HDD & SSD T质̸This why i've preferences for the old softs and not really completed!

Lu give it a try you're not gonna disappointed.


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Hey Girl What˿What's up? missed you here Lu! the reason i used to use Old things it s amazing & in same time exciting

Don't like the Caching Memory Option in the Condusiv' Brand new Versions it takes a much more space in my HDD & SSD T质̸This why i've preferences for the old softs and not really completed!

Lu give it a try you're not gonna disappointed.


Hy Yuman, any solution to activate now Diskeeper Server 12??Y test on the laptop and don`t working enymore...Sledge is a genius....``but the smart guys`` , who activated online destroyed this method, even if the instructions bye Sledge they where ``Never activate``.... :wtf:

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Hey Girl What˿What's up? missed you here Lu! the reason i used to use Old things it s amazing & in same time exciting

Don't like the Caching Memory Option in the Condusiv' Brand new Versions it takes a much more space in my HDD & SSD T质̸This why i've preferences for the old softs and not really completed!

Lu give it a try you're not gonna disappointed.


Hy Yuman, any solution to activate now Diskeeper Server 12??Y test on the laptop and don`t working enymore...Sledge is a genius....``but the smart guys`` , who activated online destroyed this method, even if the instructions bye Sledge they where ``Never activate``.... :wtf:

Yeah Right, the best is not to try anymore to activate it Online, is a Suicide! i already did the Job Offline! Works Fine

Since June 7th

here is an evidence lol

6/7/2015 17:26:52 :: Added License With SerialNumber:

6/7/2015 17:26:52 :: 071A709EA2E1252C4C
6/7/2015 17:26:52 :: Added License With SerialNumber:
6/7/2015 17:26:52 :: 11662A79F546A71734
07-Jun-15 17:26:53 :: ActivateLicense - called for SerialNumber:
07-Jun-15 17:26:53 :: 11662A79F546A71734
6/7/2015 17:27:00 :: ActivateLicense - Succeeded for SerialNumber:
6/7/2015 17:27:00 :: 11662A79F546A71734




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Hey Girl What˿What's up? missed you here Lu! the reason i used to use Old things it s amazing & in same time exciting

Don't like the Caching Memory Option in the Condusiv' Brand new Versions it takes a much more space in my HDD & SSD T质̸This why i've preferences for the old softs and not really completed!

Lu give it a try you're not gonna disappointed.


Hy Yuman, any solution to activate now Diskeeper Server 12??Y test on the laptop and don`t working enymore...Sledge is a genius....``but the smart guys`` , who activated online destroyed this method, even if the instructions bye Sledge they where ``Never activate``.... :wtf:

Yeah Right, the best is not to try anymore to activate it Online, is a Suicide! i already did the Job Offline! Works Fine

Since June 7th

here is an evidence lol

6/7/2015 17:26:52 :: Added License With SerialNumber:

6/7/2015 17:26:52 :: 071A709EA2E1252C4C
6/7/2015 17:26:52 :: Added License With SerialNumber:
6/7/2015 17:26:52 :: 11662A79F546A71734
07-Jun-15 17:26:53 :: ActivateLicense - called for SerialNumber:
07-Jun-15 17:26:53 :: 11662A79F546A71734
6/7/2015 17:27:00 :: ActivateLicense - Succeeded for SerialNumber:
6/7/2015 17:27:00 :: 11662A79F546A71734




Yumy, i understand, but this method is not working enymore, on your pc is working because is bound on the first instal, on your pc will work forever, even you unistal and reinstal...because is server edition like windows 8 bound....

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Please users with Windows 10 test Diskeeper 2011 Server al functions and bot defrag, to check the compability :rolleyes: Many thanks :wub:

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  • 1 month later...

Please users with Windows 10 test Diskeeper 2011 Server al functions and bot defrag, to check the compability :rolleyes: Many thanks :wub:

Automatic and manual defrag still works, boot defrag doesn't.

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I have to agree with Doubleagent with the boot defrag not working. IDK about Diskeeper 12/15 but 2011 does not. It will show something but then basically skip the boot defrag and continue. Also if you select the "CHKDSK" option in Diskeeper 2011 your PC will run the chkdsk every boot lol. The way I fixed that was to manually run chkdsk from within windows and it reset the boot flag for it to run. Just a tidbit lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, other than Boot time defrag, any other issue?

Guess I am going back to DK 2011 Enterprise Server...

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  • 2 months later...

Hi guys. just had time to look into the activation issue of diskeeper 12 Server as some have not been able to activate it ( Activation nag , etc..) due to limited activation seats .Anyway. I will post the fix activation patch for this one later. Attached are some images during my test in windows 10 X64.

Added: Ok Just tested Autoboot time defrag and chkdsk is doing well... other settings seems to work fine. Will post the fix patch btw for those who wish to test it.



Sorry guys, will post the fix activation patch later... just finishing mbam.... :)

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Yeah Sir Sledge good Job, I woke up your curiosity don't you? Make it possible for more than a Million and Thousand People of this Community! They're waiting only you. Go ahead go we're here to Support you buddy, don't give up!

>> Thank you Smart Sledge.

>> Tell me did my Activation still Valid if you Checked out my previous Post on PerfectDisk forum.

>> Answer me please, Peace ✌ ?

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@yuman.. if you have not formatted or change any hardware settings , you will always be activated in your pc. I only had time now and trying to see the activation issues/nag screen of dk12 server. so i fix it, i had to do some few adjustments in the configuration telemetry.xml. and the computer id as well .... will post it later the patch for test as i just had to finish some few things. So far seems to work even the autoboot defrag in windows 10 enterprise X64.

Anyhow, this is only for users who wish to try it out.... they have the prerogrative of what to use as there preference. off topic , i usually used PD13 now 14 and VLO. I like much better DK12 server for the detailed GUI as well as raxco, mind you. :) and dont like the dk15 GUI ... IMHO.

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So after 3 full years do we get a working solution?! This is only for server or professional included?

Of course it's time to get up buddy Dk Pro/Svr Will Come True By Sledge!

so with this we can help Sledge to get a Permanent Job at Condusiv'Tech. lol!

Just Kidding Okay! Peace Mates! Go Bless Him.

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So after 3 full years do we get a working solution?! This is only for server or professional included?

@viggen , for dk12 server i just fix the activation and currently testing the activation patch as some have not activated the program before due to limited seats ...well except for some few who have activated it succesfully. This is to activate it anytime you want!.

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