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How to download from MIRC......


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Well,I heard that you can download a lot of good things from MIRC(I know its shocking I didn't know about this before I just don't do a lot of chatting),I was hopeing that someone could help me out a bit I already have Mirc 6.16 installed.

*************************Thnx in advance***************************

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yes it's true, they usually use XDCC commands for file requests and bots to serve them. i haven't used it in forever so i wouldn't be much help :lol:

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Guest oxygenuk


search for your download

connect to channel

download xdcc browser from my website below

type the commands the request you to.

you have your file

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Thnx.......Very good site...

Whenever I download it says connection fails :) :D :) :frusty: :frusty: :frusty:

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Guest turkeysalad

Theres really no need to use the XDCC browser or whatever its called. Just go to ircspy.com and search for what you want. Try to find one with a green symbol, one thats online. It also helps to look for one with a fast connection, one with no queue, and usually files that have been downloaded by more people means its more likely to be the real thing, but defenitly not all the time. After you do that click on the number and mirc should ask you if you want to open up a certain channel. Accept and hit ctrl-v to paste the request command into the window and just hit enter. The bot will then send it to you and your on your way.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest oxygenuk
Where were you man?


in simplified translated speech he says: go to ircspy.com, search for what you want, then click what you want from the search results and mirc should open up auto and away you go.

its simple, for me anyway :ph34r:

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  • 2 years later...

the command is "/msg E-D|VietBot xdcc send #x" with the "x" representing the "nr" the file is assigned to....you can find more details about those names if you type "!list" or something along those lines

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the command is "/msg E-D|VietBot xdcc send #x" with the "x" representing the "nr" the file is assigned to....you can find more details about those names if you type "!list" or something along those lines
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the command is "/msg E-D|VietBot xdcc send #x" with the "x" representing the "nr" the file is assigned to....you can find more details about those names if you type "!list" or something along those lines

:P ;) lol

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the command is "/msg E-D|VietBot xdcc send #x" with the "x" representing the "nr" the file is assigned to....you can find more details about those names if you type "!list" or something along those lines

Hi again

Finally figured out what u meant with that command!!

also there is an mIRC script called XDCC Browser which works a treat!!

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Some B0ts, like ours, there is no need for any

special XDCC etc... You can simply use any IRC client

that cann accept DCC. Our commands are....

!help - will DCC you a help file if the b0ts have one.

!msg - gives a list of bots- and their triggers.

!search <appnamehere> - will search for the app named.

!serial <appnamehere> - will search for serials for the app named.

@find <appnamehere> - also searches for the named app.

!get <appnamehere> - will alert the b0t to DCC you the file you named.

A tip -

Be sure you set in your options to accept DCC, be sure

'ignore' is turned off and also uncheck the setting to turn back on

in 3 minutes which is default in mIRC.

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Hi rb2tfm

you say

Some B0ts, like ours, there is no need for any.....

what irc channel do u mean or have I miss understood u

I will try out the other commands that u listed


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