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Mineral oil submerged computer


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Maybe some of you have already heard of things like this, I certainly haven't, but this looks sick!

We felt that by building a computer in an aquarium using clear mineral oil, that we would be able to accomplish a much more attractive result, with less work. We were happy with the results!

Original 'article'

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i think i found my senior project i heard about them doing something like this like 3 years ago but it floped with system being unstable and not being able to sumberge all the componets

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i think i found my senior project i heard about them doing something like this like 3 years ago but it floped with system being unstable and not being able to sumberge all the componets

Yeah, when some guy told me I was like: Wtf, that isn't possible, is it? I mean if the oil would get between to components, connection points or something... But as you see these guys managed ;)

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i got a problem with it. mineral oil would slow down all the fans. fans not running a certain rpm will give error codes. all you would be doing is hitting the oil in around the chips and fans. then you have bacteria and crud that may grow in and around the stuff. what about reading/writing cdr and dvds? i know harddrives are suppose to be sealed very well. but you may still get oil in there.

it looks like they where using mother board chip for graphics.

no upgrading cards onces its submerge

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The HD isn't supposed to be submerged, it is said that they can't take it, same goes for CD/DVD drives.

When using Mineral oil bacteria are no problem, when using Vegetable oil they are.

You should be able to remove the fans when you do this, because Mineral oil works extremely cooling. You should however refresh it(using a pump).

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Did anyone actually read the story? Or did you just look at the picture/video and say BS. ;)

a: mineral oil is 100% non-conductive. How do you think they cool power station transformers?

b: the video shows the whole computer save the HD/DVD submerged in mineral oil. The ambient temperature of the oil will get as hot as the hottest component on the computer 9 times out of 10 the CPU.

c: the cooling fans as someone stated are not necessary for the reason above. there will be not hotspots to try too cool because the properties of mineral oil will disburse the heat all over the fluid. There is little radiation cooling around the outside of the tank from cooler air against the glass. Typically that is minimal. The fans will work because the viscosity of the oil is high enough that there would be very little drag but once again not necessary because of the thermal properties of the mineral oil. At one time they put a radiator on the system to cool the oil down and it did work, but they removed it because it was not aesthetically pleasing. The had an aerator installed but that was more for aesthetics.

d: this project is actually over 1 year old and this really is old news. The system has been running all this time with no problems after they fixed the wicking problems from the oil traveling the cable and making messes. The did one fluid change because the oil became cloudy from no filtration.

If you are going to make comments about the story at least read it first before opening up your keyboards and sharing something you have little knowledge about. <_<

Just in case, here is the website for the aquarium pc. http://www.pugetsystems.com/submerged.php

Quote from them " In a more recent project, it has allowed us to run an extremely high end system at under 50C with virtually no noise. It has also allowed an overclock of a QX9770 from a stock frequency of 3.2GHz, to an overclocked frequency of 4.6GHz!'

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i got a problem with it. mineral oil would slow down all the fans. fans not running a certain rpm will give error codes. all you would be doing is hitting the oil in around the chips and fans. then you have bacteria and crud that may grow in and around the stuff. what about reading/writing cdr and dvds? i know harddrives are suppose to be sealed very well. but you may still get oil in there.

it looks like they where using mother board chip for graphics.

no upgrading cards onces its submerge

lol you didn't read the article they had alot of people question fan oepration ever worries of them failing they ran just fiine in the oil and things growing? its mineral oil in an air tight containor also nothing was sadi about submerging a optical drive or spidle HDD the submerged a solid state drive and for optical if you read the article again you see that they uesed an external.

i did some reserch on it on it looks promising i'm looking doing it for a senior project, and again it is nonconductive the only thing is is upgrading its gonna be messy, very messy but i see no reason why you can't upgrade they only specify to hook everything be submerging to make sure all your hardware is good cause replacing ram after it being submerged would suck and i highly delt the warranty would be honored lol

Note: didn't relize someone already brought this up lol oh well

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Did anyone actually read the story? Or did you just look at the picture/video and say BS. ;)


And you think I didn't know that...? Thanks for pointing it out for the others that might not know, but your tone is a bit aggressive.

I don't care if the news is old, I also mentioned that in my first posts about this.

Maybe some of you have already heard of things like this, I certainly haven't, but this looks sick!

I just happened to came across it and never saw anything like this, so I thought I'd share.

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a story really doesnt mean anything. to esy to hype and make it look good. its the video that counts. pictures and videos say more and are more believable. in the video there is no graphics card in pci, agp or expci slot. that would be a better test of the product if they did it. you still have dust and other stuff in the air that will get into the oil and with it bacteria on the stuff. heating oil will change and discolor the oil after a while. that is why they need a filter system too. putting drives on top to just air cool is about as good as having a desktop side off and let the air in that way. ususally when a fan doesnt do its set rpms it sends error codes out. plus the final product is heavy and hard to move around. i remember you can change out your cars antifreeze and put coke cola in it and it will run just fine. doesnt mean you really want too.

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Liquid Nitrogen submerged computer would be awsome

That wouldn't be a great idea :rofl: Frozen components won't improve lifespan nor performance :D

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Liquid Nitrogen submerged computer would be awsome

That wouldn't be a great idea :rofl: Frozen components won't improve lifespan nor performance :sneaky:


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Technically the liquid nitrogen inmerged computer wont work.

You askin why?

Because the CPU must have a temperature higher than 0°C (not exact temperature, just an example) to boot up properly. Also called Cold Boot Bug!

And the second is that the liquid nitrogen evaporates, so you should fill the case with it every... lets say... 2 minutes?

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Did anyone actually read the story? Or did you just look at the picture/video and say BS. :dance2:


And you think I didn't know that...? Thanks for pointing it out for the others that might not know, but your tone is a bit aggressive.

I noticed his tone, too - but then, perhaps he's the chap whom you can see in the background of the video that you posted. :dance2:

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  • 4 weeks later...

sorry guys. a little over excited about my first posting. I'll tone them down :ph34r:

anywho, there latest updates on the website is a complete case system minus the mineral oil for 500 dollars plus change. If i'm going to spend that kind of money, i would put it in the hardware vs. the case myself. Thats a top of the line AMD quad core right there :P

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  • 1 month later...

I can clearly see a Graphics card and nice looking one at that, in the correct location towards the end of the video. There have been many Oil submerged PC's shown on the net over the years,. this one by far is the cleanest looking one I have seen, and it has inspired me to start a new project.

I have yet to ever over clock a PC, I take that back, I overclocked a 286-12 Mhz back in 89-90 and it was hella fast but the 3.5 floppy would not read, so I had to back it off to originals setting.

I have been wanting to learn modern overclocking techniques, and this seems more affordable to me that to $1000.00 plus Freezer/air-conditioner PC case I saw a few years ago.

The thermal dynamics of the Mineral oil and the low price of it make it a perfect medium. I really can't wait to get started on my own version.

I will get a filtering a system and thoroughly go over these guys instructions, and make sure I end up with a nice fast SLICK system of my own, I might even add a few plastic Fish to it for flavor. and of course a sunken treasure chest :w00t:


Now playing: Robbie Rivera - Back To Zero (Miami Vocal Radio Mix) (181.FM - Energy 98 - Dance Hits)

via FoxyTunest.

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